[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Mobile Fortress⋮:.[/Sub] [hider=Summary] (21) | (21) | (21) | (9) | (4) (Metal & Lightning & Gravity) | (Regen & Prime) (Bile) | (Tooth and Claw) | (Elemental) | (Enhanced Uniform) | (Imortality) (Monstrous Metamorph) | (Legacy) | (Enhanced Weapon) | (Dual Weapon) | (Gifted) (ManaFont) (Redirected magic) | (Second spec) | (Transport) (Broken reincarnation) | (Non standard limbs) | (Debt) [/hider] [/center] Penny wanted to grin, Penny wanted to let out a whoop of unbridled joy and she wanted to weep at the feeling of utter contentment that flowed through her once she had taken to the field. She knew it was wrong, or more accurately that it was utterly inhuman. The carnage and devastation that was abound was soothing to her in a way that she had not felt in so long. She was built for conflict, for destruction, and even though she no longer needed it, she reveled in it. Not that anyone would be able to tell with a glance at her. Her face had become a blank facade showing no emotion at all. A cold and efficient killing machine. But she didn’t care, she didn’t have to keep up her pretenses here. Still there were worries, not major ones, not yet at least. But the fact that Wonderland had firearms capable of actually punching through her outer layers was a notable point to keep in mind, even more so when one considered that Penny was augmented above her already formidable resilience. But that very same danger was something she was planning on taking advantage of. After all she could sense that the weapons of those she had already killed weren’t vanishing, which meant they were enchanted weapons, not innate magical ones. Perfect for the taking. Slowing down slightly Penny reached out with her senses and called to her the guns of each soldier she killed. Called to each piece of metal and technology they had. Because metal calls to metal and in that domain she is the undisputed ruler. As she did that she reconfigured her system layout. Her blades winked out, she didn’t need her offensive power here, not when her enemies were willing to give theirs to her cause after all, and in their place was a half dome of translucent energy affixed to her left arm. The guns that she called were quickly snatched by one of her extended limbs, one for each spider limb and one for her right hand. Any extras that came were racked up on her back and the lower struts of her spider limbs. Enchanted meant that she wouldn’t be able to use them infinitely and would need extras after all. Empty guns would be eaten and then replaced with a fresh one, spare clips would be used first as well before they too would be consumed when spent. Because in only a short instant Penny changed from a storm of blades to a roving hurricane of bullets. Her raised barrier would stem the worst of the incoming fire, and bullets that made it though would also be turned into more fuel as her body stabilized the bullets that penetrated. Never enough to refill the damage, but more cost efficient than relying on her own Regeneration for the moment. It would also help her coordinate with the various sound points she had access to to triangulate where she needed to return fire, that is if she couldn’t just see her targets herself. Not that there was a dearth of targets. That did little to halt Penny’s unflinching march towards the incoming forces, each dead soldier she came across gave her ammo to rain down towards the incoming forces, and the wrecked hulls of the far away tanks were calling to her just as she was to them. She almost missed the addition of the unexpected back up, the other dragon girl taking out a tank and making short work of the escort of soldiers. But Mayra was loud enough that Penny heard her even without the headset. [color=9e0039][u][b]”I wonder if I should be insulted or complimented that you wanted to save our fight for a more personally dramatic encounter or not.”[/b][/u][/color] Penny would say to Mayra he tone coming across as vaguely amused. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Pretty sure the pretty lady isn’t part of Wonderland so I’m not sure if she’s going to be willing to give her all to fight you just yet.”[/b][/u][/color] She would go on fully aware that most of what she was saying likely was going unheard by the manic fire dragon. [hr] [color=9e0039][u][i]’All units be advised we have a sighting of another magical joining this conflict, they are openly hostile towards Wonderland but no confirmation on if they are allies. Be on the lookout for more and be careful.’[/i][/u][/color] Penny’s voice came through all the headsets she had passed out, save Mayra’s, It was clinical and sounded focused. [hr] So caught up in the fight that Penny hardly recognized that her girlfriend was missing in action. Over looked that fact that she was quickly being drenched in the blood and viscera of her enemies, as she was not kind to the corpses that stubbornly tried to keep their tools away from her. Didn’t recognize the outer edge of her thoughts were slowly going quiet. Within her systems an alert that she had not worried about in a long time sent out an alert that was ignored by it’s progenitor, and went unheard over the din of battle. [color=00aeef][u][center][Yellow alert. D̷͞҉͏̡è̛͘҉̕s҉̶̛̛҉t́̀͘͢͜r̡ứ̧ć̸t̶̡̨͟į̛ơ̶͜͡͝n͏̡̛ ̴̵̛͞E͏̨ņ͏ģ́̕͠҉i̡͞͏̸͠n̴̢͠͝e͏̧̀ ̶̵̨̛ has reached 50%. Caution a̴͚̽d̷̍ͅv̷͓̀í̸̩s̸̟̈ḙ̶͛d̶̳͘] [/center][/u][/color] [color=4F8092]Penny[/color] was waking up, just as much as [color=C76689]Penny[/color] was fading away.