[center][h1][color=E77298]Anastasia[/color], [color=93a477]Zarai[/color] & [color=85aabd]Wystan[/color][/h1] [color=E77298]Location:[/color] Anastasia’s Bedroom → Shooting Range [color=93a477]Time:[/color] 9:30am [color=85aabd]Mention:[/color]: [@Tae] Thea [hr][/center] As Anastasia had been sitting in contemplation, there had been a knock on the door. She immediately perked up. [color=E77298] “Come in!”[/color] She had called immediately and rose from her bed. The bedroom doors swung open finally. Anastasia’s expression lit up initially when she recognized Zarai as the one before her. But then everything else registered. [color=E77298]” Oh Zarai… “[/color] She ran over to her friend and wheeled her chair inside. Quickly, she moved in front of her. The poor thing was so bruised. [color=E77298]“What happened to you? Did someone hurt you?”[/color] Zarai returned the princess's initial enthusiasm, feeling herself relax seeing Anastasia. [color=93a477]"I can't remember what happened, but I think I fought someone. It'll heal eventually."[/color] She dismissed her injuries with a wave of her hand, clearly unbothered by the injuries. After all, it had not been the first time she had a tussle at a bar, nor would it be the last. Still, she could not shake the feeling that she had lost; if she ever found out the poor bastard who had fought her, she would demand a rematch. [color=E77298] “How dare they do this to you….”[/color] Anastasia told her with a frown. Who on earth would ever beat up Zarai? Considering the poor girl was put in a chair, she had to wonder if a man had done this to her. And if that had been the case, he was a complete lowlife. She had known the girl since a young age, and she had always been a wonderful person… and a tiny one at that! Anastasia hoped that the scumbag felt worse. Zarai reached out and offered her hand to Anastasia to take, [color=93a477]"How are [I]you[/i]? Have they fed you?"[/color] The worry in her voice was apparent, but a smile slowly crept to her lips. [color=93a477]"What you did back there—"[/color] she tried to laugh, but it only came out like a wheeze, [color=93a477]"it was amazing!"[/color] With a small smile, she took her hand in hers when offered, letting her animosity slip away for the moment. [color=E77298]“I’m… I’m okay!”[/color] Her smile threatened to fall as Zarai began to comment on the morning events. She assumed she was about to say something negative, only to hear quite the opposite. [color=E77298] “Oh... Really? ”[/color] Anastasia was surprised by her words. [color=E77298]“I just didn’t want to see Darryn die when he did nothing wrong. …Ugh, then even Leo was trying to blame poor Kazumin… “[/color] She paused to exhale, [color=E77298] “It was really a mess, and it was one I kinda started. ”[/color] Zarai rolled her eyes at the mention of Leo Smithwood. That man had always rubbed Zarai the wrong way, especially how he treated those in lower classes than himself. His sister, though? She was hot. [color=93a477]"Smithwood is probably just trying to suck up to your father; besides, Kazumin would never hurt anyone. I think, I've only just met him, but he seemed like an okay dude, right?"[/color] She shook her head, reaching up to tuck some hair strands behind the princess's ear. [color=93a477]"You did the right thing in speaking out; no man should be sentenced to death without an investigation and a trial."[/color] [color=E77298]“Kazumin would never. He’s a bestie for sure.”[/color] Anastasia agreed and smiled. The gesture to tuck her hair back was welcomed affection. She returned it with a comforting hand squeeze. [color=E77298] “I know I was right to do that; it’s almost like my parents are in a rush to execute people sometimes…I just feel guilty for getting everyone in this mess in the first place. I should know better but… “[/color] She was silent in her thoughts before taking both hands in hers. [color=E77298] “How can I make you feel better? We can hang out here… or go somewhere else?”[/color] Anastasia figured she was perhaps supposed to remain castle-bound or maybe even room-bound at this time, but she couldn’t find it in her to care. As if it had been on cue, previously audible footsteps had paused right by the princess’ bedroom. It was almost as though Anastasia’s proposal had caused whoever had been walking to halt to a stop. In time, a deep knock sounds from the door. [color=93a477]"It wasn't your fault; you didn't force us to go. Besides, I've already been invited before you even mentioned it, and I am sure I wasn't the only one. It was all just some big mess that turned into an even bigger mess by people who wanted to sweep it under the rug."[/color] Just add a bit of a war threatening to break out if the Queen and King kept being sneaky about the whole thing. Seriously, if everyone was honest and truthful about the whole ordeal, things would have been running smoothly. At least now, there would be a proper investigation because of Anastasia. One more reason added to the already growing list of [I]Why Monarchy Sucks and Should be Thrown in the Trash[/i]. It was a comfort to hear Zarai’s words. Anastasia could always count on her to tell her what she wanted to hear. But maybe she was right, and she was over-guilting herself. It had been a habit that was hard to break after all. [color=93a477]"I already feel better seeing you, my friend,"[/color] She looked around; the walls of Anastasia's room served more as a prison than her chambers at the moment. She knew all too well that staring at the same four walls throughout the whole day could be torture, so a distraction was warranted for the princess. [color=93a477]"We can go somewhere else, wherever you would like, I shall follow. What else can they do to us? I am already beaten, and you are already in as much trouble as you can get—"[/color] The knock at the door made Zarai jump; she glanced at the door and then back to Anastasia. [color=93a477]"Breakfast, maybe?"[/color] Zarai’s words made Anastasia smile genuinely. [color=E77298]“Aww, always so sweet, my ‘rai of sunshine.”[/color] She grinned even wider at the notion of [i]getting the hell out of here[/i]. S If she focused on the moment here and now, she decided she might actually be able to be in a good mood. [color=E77298]” Wherever we go, I shall protect you! Nobody’s gonna beat you up while I’m-.”[/color] She began to assure her with a silly flex of her nonexistent muscle. However, she broke off at the end of her sentence as she was interrupted by a loud knock. Her gaze snapped to the door, and her smile faded as she muttered, [color=E77298]“Ugh. Please not my mother.”[/color] With reluctance, she pulled herself up and moved to open the door. [color=85aabd]“Your Royal Highness…” [/color]At the door, the princess is presented with the Danrose’ royal bodyguard standing at full attention. With perfectly straight posture and hands readied at his side, Wystan greeted Anastasia with a deep bow - this time lower than usual. The default stern look on his face changed slightly as he rose, noticing Zarai and raising an eyebrow at her. Perhaps even deeming her unassuming for now, despite her evident bruises. He redirected his gaze back to the princess’ face and spared a longer moment than usual to simply make sure her skin was of a more normal shade and her lips less blue. A heat pricked at his cheeks a little too suddenly after making sure she was just alright. [color=85aabd]“My apologies, Princess. I should have expected you to have visitors.” [/color] Anastasia’s shoulders relaxed at the sight of Wystan, who was a much more welcome sight than her mother. In reply to his formal greeting, she smiled and said, [color=E77298]“Hello! Good morning, Wystan.”[/color] She caught his gaze as it lingered on her, her expression loosening as a glimpse of a memory flashed before her. She was thoughtful for some time before she opened her arms and gave him a sudden hug. Though, she was careful not to make it too long to make him uncomfortable. Caught off-guard, Wystan had opened his mouth to speak just before Anastasia let go. If one had been paying careful attention, they would have seen his own arms lift in response to the embrace moments before, just ever so slightly. But he had caught himself in time - she let go, after all. He did not want to make her uncomfortable. The watchdog cleared his throat lightly, resuming his position at attention. [color=E77298] “I’m just hanging with my cute friend Rairai. You remember her, right? She used to visit here often-”[/color] She paused then scooched back on her heels and gestured him inside, [color=E77298] “You can come in and hang with us! We were thinking of going somewhere else soon, though.”[/color] Zarai used her feet to push herself and turn the door, looking at Wystan up and down. She'd seen him before, mostly by Auguste's side. He'd been there, too, during her lessons with Wulfric and his brothers but they had only exchanged greetings. Zarai waved at him, giving him a friendly smile. [color=85aabd]“Perhaps I would be intruding, Your Royal Highness.”[/color] The watchdog leaned his head inside the princess’ chambers, spotting Zarai and giving her a light nod in the process. [color=85aabd]“In light of the recent events, however… it is absolutely necessary that I would accompany you to wherever you choose to go.”[/color] Wystan looked between Anastasia and Zarai. [color=85aabd]“Perhaps we can execute this ‘hanging’ proposition. I believe this is a procedure I can escort you both in.” [/color] Anastasia wasn’t the hugest fan of being babysat; however, Wystan was much more preferable to anyone else. Plus, her family wouldn’t make a stink of her leaving if Wystan came. The list of guards that were allowed to accompany her one-on-one had gotten smaller and smaller until she was only allowed the most boring ones lately, except for Wystan, who she considered a friend. [color=E77298] “Sounds good. But! The question lies: where to…? Oh! I’ll get the paper. ”[/color] She moved swiftly over to her bedside, where the morning paper was located. A servant always left one there for her daily. After she scooped it up, she stepped back over to Zarai and came up behind her. Anastasia opened it in front of her as she leaned over, flipping to the events section [color=E77298] “Looks like the morning is a little boring…Mostly food stuff…”[/color] She mused with disappointment. Her gaze lowered down the list, and she gasped, [color=E77298] “Ooo, archery tournament. That could be fun to watch… “[/color] She always enjoyed the wooded area of that part of the kingdom. It was a wonderful escape from her life. She poked Zarai’s shoulders with rising excitement, [color=E77298] “Then after, maybe we could go to the lake and [i]swim[/i]! Though that’s kind of more fun at night.”[/color] She paused thoughtfully as she became self-aware of her own rambling. Anastasia set the paper down on Zarai’s lap, [color=E77298] “Do you like anything on here?”[/color] Relief washed over hearing Anastasia's excitement in her voice; Zarai grinned and nodded with her own enthusiasm. [color=93a477]"The archery tournament sounds like a great idea."[/color] Anything sounded like a great idea, as long as she was far from the palace, away from Edin's beckoning call and his nasty beady eyes. [color=93a477]"Who said we couldn't go out swimming at night? We can go anywhere, [I]mi princesita[/i]."[/color] She pointed at the festival that would take place at eleven, the same time she was supposed to be at the prince's court. She'd do anything possible to arrive late, or better yet, avoid it altogether. [color=93a477]"We can also go here afterward,"[/color] Zarai pointed at the announcement in the paper. [color=93a477]"If it's not fun, we can always go somewhere else."[/color] Anastasia had grinned at Zarai. Sometimes she forgot how lucky she felt when she got to be around her sweet friends from the Varian Kingdom. Zarai, Thea, and Sadie always made her feel loved. [color=E77298] “I’ll follow you anywhere, mi amor! Are you ready to go?”[/color] Zarai grinned and nodded eagerly. [color=85aabd]“Very well, then.”[/color] Wystan affirmed as he gave a bow to the princess and then a nod to Zarai. [color=85aabd]“I will prepare us a carriage. Perhaps a smaller one to not draw too much attention.”[/color] Anastasia had smiled gratefully. Before continuing, he looked at the princess with concern etched across his face. [color=85aabd]“But I feel the need to ask… Are you sure that you are feeling well enough to travel?” [/color] Was she feeling well enough? Anastasia had not often stopped to consider such a thing. Truthfully she was fatigued, and her head was pounding. There was a small part of her that felt like crying after what the morning had been like, but she had been easily ignoring it by riding the excitement of hanging out with Zarai and Wystan. It wasn’t anything that would hinder her from traveling, so she smiled and gave him two thumbs up. [color=E77298] “Yes! Thanks for the concern! Are you feeling well enough, Wystan? ”[/color] Zarai pretended to have seen something very interesting on the paper while trying not to stare at the two in front of her. The bodyguard slightly averted his eyes, disguising his minor surprise at the question in the form of a brief scan of the royal’s chambers. [color=85aabd]“I’m… quite well.”[/color] In fact, there had been dark circles hanging under his eyes after the events of last night. But still, he was indeed very well, especially in comparison to what he had heard Anastasia and Callum had been through last night. For a moment, he had felt like a fool. Perhaps it was a dull move to ask if the princess was okay after such events. However, there was only so much he could do to protect them without overstepping. Such thoughts nagged at him, but he decided to settle his gaze back on Anastasia to provide assurance. [color=85aabd]“For the most part, I’m glad you are alright. If ever you are feeling anything but, then please let me know. We will do something about whatever it is right away.” [/color] Wystan had noticed the bruises on Zarai. His face turned stern once more. [color=85aabd]“While we are out together, you both will be my responsibility. If ever anything were to happen, it is better to have a contingency plan in place. Thus, the driver for our carriage will be informed to ride you both back to the estate should our situation take a turn for the worse. Are we clear?”[/color] [color=E77298] “Wystaaan, it’ll be fine. You worry too much! But yes, yes, we’re super clear.”[/color] [hr] It was a fifteen-minute carriage ride from the castle to the shooting range, which already had a growing crowd in the stands. The audience was already on the edge of the wooden benches, watching in awe as archers were practicing for the tournament. The benches would rise in height slightly as they went back to allow everyone a good view. There were also steps for people to climb up to the higher seats. Their gaze would follow each arrow released toward a line of targets far off near the backdrop of the thick luscious forest. The sun was shining, and the atmosphere was one of building excitement. Off to the side of the practice area was a line of competitors who were signing up to compete. Then most importantly, there was a concession stand selling snacks! Anastasia was more than thrilled as she stepped out of the carriage. She was dressed in some flats and the same [url=imgur.com/ngEDMGH]dress[/url] she had been wearing. The top half of her hair was pulled back in a twist to the back of her head and now donned with a pretty pearl headpiece. The lovely banjo music and happy atmosphere was such a welcomed juxtaposition to the cold and serious castle. She received a lot of head-turns and glances, of course, as a royal offspring casually stepping into a public event would. However, she was used to it and even enjoyed the attention, so she waved to them and blew kisses as she usually had. Turning back to Zarai and Wystan, she smiled, [color=E77298] “I think I see a good place to sit!”[/color] She gestured toward an empty place on one of the top benches. [color=93a477]"Perfect place to see some of these poor bastards miss their targets."[/color] Zarai laughed and pointed toward the seats Anastasia had pointed out, almost hitting Ser Barrios on the face. Somewhere along the short trip to the shooting range, she had decided to ditch her chair and ordered the knight to carry her around. [color=93a477]"Up the stairs, my knight!"[/color] Without protest, the knight nodded and began to climb the stairs until he reached their destination. There he carefully set down the lady, hesitating when he heard a hiss from her but stood down as Zarai waved him away. [color=93a477]"Could you get us some snacks, Ser Barrios? Wystan will be here, so no need to worry."[/color] She didn't give the man time to reply, [color=93a477][I]"Andale, no? Okay, adios!"[/i][/color] Wystan gave a light sigh at the scene and then handed Ser Barrios some coin. He stood up to place his order. [color=85aabd]“For the princess… a strawberry cupcake with extra cream, and a fruit tart with a generous dusting of sugar powder.”[/color] Before the knight would leave, the bodyguard would place a consolatory pat on his back as if to provide some encouragement and sympathy. Ser Barrios looked back at Wystan, accepting the coin and nodding at the pat before going back down to the food stand. Anastasia turned to Zarai as the boys had been briefly away. She gave her a big smile as she said to her, [color=E77298] “Zarai, this is fun! Thanks so much for this..”[/color] She would have been either sitting miserably in her room alone or trying to break out of the castle if it hadn’t been for her. She returned her glance towards those who had been practicing, her gaze finally locking on the blonde girl in the amazing dress. Zarai returned Anastasia's smile, [color=93a477]"What better way to relax than watch some hotties on the field?"[/color] [color=E77298] “Look! It’s Thea!”[/color] She pointed out Thea as she was signing up. Without hesitation, she stood up and yelled, [color=E77298] “THEA! Fuck 'em up, you bad bitch!”[/color] [color=93a477]"Go Thea! Go Thea!"[/color] Zarai cupped her hands around her mouth. [color=93a477]"SHOW THESE BASTARDS WHAT VARIANS ARE MADE OF! WOOOOOOOOO THEA!!!! I'LL HAVE YOUR BABIES!"[/color] Wystan stood not too far from them as the chaotic yelling ensued, his face as stern as ever. Even though he needed to nod a few onlookers along, the girls’ level of volume or even the cursing did nothing at all to bother him. Such a scene was normal for the man after spending a long number of years in the Danrose household. On the contrary, it actually made him feel a little at ease knowing that the princess could have her time to relax with a good friend he was sure he didn’t have to keep his guards up for. Perhaps this ‘hanging’ would go smoother than he thought.