[h3]Lissa[/h3] Lissa inclined her head towards the suddenly semi-amicable woman. [b]“My thoughts exactly. As far as most people in the region are concerned, I’m an uninvolved traveler, and I intend to leverage that status if the entire issue is more… political,”[/b] she explained, as she blew on the stew to cool it down, out of habit, if anything. She’d already taken a few bites of it now, but it was definitely to her liking. Shortly, she had a second bowl of the stuff. [b]“My understanding of the situation is that it’s more of a siege... Hopefully not as dire of a situation where she needs to ring the caravan wagons into a defensive circle in an open plain sort of thing, but I’m not going to charge in there blindly and lose any of you in some abortive rescue.”[/b] She shook her head at the dwarf, appreciating her boldness, but to her, discretion was far more important, even if it costed them extra time. When Nylah spoke up in approval of Eirhild’s take, Lissa shrugged. [b]“Hmm… Be that as it may, I don’t want to turn us into another party that needs to be rescued out of a dire situation.”[/b] She settled into her stew once more, letting her voice more of her thoughts, before she had to chuckle and raise an eyebrow at the Mothraki girl. [b]“Nylah, I thought we were on the same page? I [i]was[/i] the one forming an expedition and recruiting for it just moments ago, you know. My thoughts on this are obvious. The three of us would make for a good small scouting party. Perhaps a plus one from somebody else to round us out, but it’s not necessary,”[/b] she commented, thinking of who else in the village might be useful and willing to help. It was obvious that Sorcha was not going to leave her charge, nor would she have seriously thought of asking her. As far as things went now, though, they could do far worse with herself, Nylah, and Eirhild.