“A dramatic, but vague answer.” Brasikha replied. He was not intent on letting them change the subject before they had come to some agreement, one way or another. “How, precisely, do you anticipate that you will lose your independence? Do you fear invasion? Economic isolation? [i]Alone[/i], these concerns perhaps could be valid. But I do not think you realize what it is the Rahn’Saki are proposing. These concerns, petty divisions, will only serve to weaken us at a time when we must be united. It is time, we believe, for the Rahn’Saki to pursue closer ties between all of our species. What we are proposing is to sign a defensive pact between all nations of this accord. If you want security for your people’s future, then there is no better path.” What the Rahn’Saki were proposing was no symbolic gesture nor minor appeasement to their concerns. To agree to a defensive pact would be a greater commitment of military force than the galaxy had ever seen from the Rothians. They had been famously reluctant to commit to any military promises in the past, but for a defensive pact, all signatories would be required to defend any member nation should they be attacked. To declare war on Outremer would be to declare war on Rothia, and of course, every other nation would also receive the same benefit. Having the most advanced fleet in the galaxy willing to come to their defense would be a tempting reason to sign. If two major military superpowers, Rothia and Outremer, were already agreeing to forming this alliance, then any nation that did not join would be placing themselves at a severe political disadvantage.