[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/892990868066295829/1015768618115551443/Copy_of_Gold_Icons_Template_10.png[/img] [sub]Interactions: [@princess], [@FunnyGuy], [@SausagePat], [@Conscripts][/sub][/center] [color=gray] He didn't linger at the estate long, he wasn't eager to sort through his thoughts. He waited just long enough for Delilah to retreat with his luggage and then a moment longer to take in the main entrance before he'd made his quick retreat. He tore down the stairs and past the fountain without sparing either a second glance, putting it behind him for the moment and letting himself pretend that this was just a short visit. Some things were easier when he [i]didn't[/i] put much thought into them, this was one of those things. He could still remember his way to the park, luckily, and he hoped that seeing Charlotte would at least distract him. It wouldn't be so bad to see Lorenzo either. In fact, as he walked, he grew more and more confident in where he was headed. He had [i]almost[/i] settled himself entirely by the time the park was in view, the sunshine casting a faint glimmer over everything. It, too, was as beautiful as he remembered it being. A warm, open place with lush, green grass and flowers that made the air smell sweet. He, admittedly, felt a touch out of place in mostly tones of gray and black but he didn't think it really mattered. He could see some familiar faces, some... [i]unfamiliar[/i] faces, and a-- [i]--what looked to be a small gathering where the waffles were being served?[/i] Something like anxiety washed through him when he recognized Charlotte and Lorenzo from where he stood, with some manner of reluctance, he quickly pressed his way over across the grass. By the time he was in earshot, he could only make out [i]yelling[/i]. Those who weren't yelling were arguing [i]quite loudly[/i]. He was stuck in place, watching in mild alarm as the good doctor pressed a knife to the throat of one of the patrons. He wondered, maybe not for the first time, if he could still leave. He didn't leave, although this whole debacle might have provided the perfect distraction for a retreat back to the house. He cleared his throat, spoke calmly and clearly. "[color=7685C9]Do I even want to [i]know[/i]?[/color]" Which was an astonishingly uncolorful statement from Devan, not littered in every obscenity that he felt was necessary to the situation. "[color=7685C9]Good God, I'm starting to think my parents set me up.[/color]" As polite a greeting as this was, it wasn't exactly "hello, Charlotte, I'll be staying at your house all summer". Although, he wasn't certain he was her primary concern or [i]anyone's[/i] primary concern, really. The entire gathering looked as if it had been doomed to fail from the beginning. Charlotte was standing defensively with a hand on the arm of a blonde girl that he didn't recognize and Lorenzo was facing off with a caned gentleman who seemed eager for a fight. Or something. He mostly just seemed eager. People who weren't entirely in touch with reality usually seemed a little overly eager. As an after-thought, maybe, he added, "[color=7685C9]Hello.[/color]" [/color]