[color=silver][center][h2][color=#595555]πΉπ‘’π“π“π“Œπ’Ύπ“ƒπ‘”[/color][/h2] __________________________________________________[/center] Garrock didn't seem impressed by Shieldwing's suggestion - on the contrary, he got even more irritable than before. Well, she'd tried. Hopefully the red drake wouldn't take the elder dragon's dismissal too harshly. She had a feeling that no matter what they did, they weren't going to hear any praise from the old coot. Unless, perhaps, they actually managed to rescue the missing dragons. Then there was Skobeloff, who wanted to run off on his own. But while he seemed to have the means to come back if need be, Fellwing couldn't help but worry. She fiddled with her claws. Perhaps it was time to consult a higher power. A terrible, loathsome power. She closed her eyes and saw darkness. A moment later, Darkness saw her. Fellwing didn't know how long she was unaccounted for, lost in one scene after another, but when the last of them faded, she snapped back to reality with a gasp. She still wasn't used to the feeling her visions left behind; the feeling of being watched by the very darkness she had peered into, but the urgency of the situation left her little room to stay shaken for long. The dots were connecting, but even as she was still reeling, the details of what she saw begun to dissipate. And they had no time to waste besides. [color=#595555]"Stargaze,"[/color] she looked to the youngest of their clutch first, voice compassionate. [color=#595555]"Echo-- is well. I can see she's just as kind as you've told. She's tending to an injured dragon. One... that has been touched by whatever plagues this place. I'm sorry, Stragaze, I should have mentioned it sooner. Something is wrong. There is a curse, a sickness, a [i]something [/i]magical that spreads here. Dark veins, irrational behaviour, a coldness; these are the lot of the infected. The Capital should cure it, or so Echo hopes. I'm sure she can tell more about what has been happening. Be sure to ask about a stranger in the hollow, as well."[/color] She turned to Skobeloff, urgency written on her features.[color=#595555] "There are survivors left still at the stronghold, but they might be in danger as we speak. Or perhaps they already were, or they have yet to be. My visions are not always clear. Their elders led [i]them [/i]- the infected, I presume - deeper into the forest. Even so, you should not go alone. If Shieldwing goes with Stargaze, then I shall go with you. Pleexem and Tamba; they'll be who we look for." [/color] Finally, she turned to Shieldwing.[color=#595555] "You will accomplish great things here. When the time comes - when [i]they [/i]swarm us, you will fight back-to-back with him,"[/color] she looked briefly to the dragon with them, then nodded back at the red drake.[color=#595555] "And he will see your worth." [/color] [/color]