[CENTER][h2][color=00a99d]Cascade[/color][/h2][/CENTER] Cascade had been working so hard. As she worked, she easily felt Deep Sashelas' presence. She smiled happily as she worked rapidly and accurately, clearly inspired and overjoyed. If one were to look at Cascade as she worked, they would see her holy symbol radiating a blue light, along with her eyes. However, she hadn't expected an attack to come. Her project was finished, but before she could gift it to Rala, it happened. She watched as the attack occurred, and the others acted before her. As she watched she stashed the sheath away in her belongings so that it wouldn't break. Seeing Flicker, Jormund, and the wounded man out in the open, she knew what to do. She clasped her holy symbol and she chanted a prayer, "[color=teal][I]Deep Sashelas, I offer my prayers to thee! Grant me your swiftness so I may reach those who need your protection![/I][/color]" Her holy symbol shined. Water appeared from the holy symbol and swirled around her, down to her feet. Her body floats upward slightly, allowing the water to reach the soles of her shoes, and freeze themselves into a pair of icy blades, to allow her to skate instead of run. With a shield raised, she skates forward and as she does so, she chants another prayer, "[color=teal][I]Grant us your protection in our time of need! I ask for your veil, shroud us from those who would do us harm! Marine Layer![/I][/color]" This time a fog appears from the symbol, surrounding Cascade as she runs to reach the group. The fog follows her and seems to cloud everything within 20 feet of her, in every direction. When she reaches Flicker, Jormund, and Paxton, she tells Flicker (only the three of them are able to see her since they are close to her), "[color=teal]I've got you guys covered. Hurry, Flicker![/color]" [hider=OOC]Bonus: Cast Expeditious Retreat (which also allows me to move another 30 feet at the time of casting the spell) Action: Channel Divinity: Marine Layer Move: 30 Feet. Dexterity Save...[@rush99999] Do I get advantage from Marine Layer? :3[/hider]