Talia watched as The Finger went inside first and then she took the shield piece from Manny with a little hesitation. She greeted Jersey Devil at the window, instantly looking for him there with her quick eyesight and finding she was correct as to guessing his location. She tried to be friendly and welcoming to him and Manny, as she had to The Finger. Then she noticed a problem. As she watched The Finger and Jersey Devil place their shield on, she realized she had quite forgotten to think of how she would attach her own. She chided herself for a moment for forgetting to plan for such an important piece; she was not used to accommodating for anything extra than her own outfit and the sashes. She considered for a moment, wondering if it could be placed on her shoes, which were more like the typical, flat dance shoes (though with some extra ankle and foot support than those akin to ballet shoes) and decided against it. There was the possibility of tying an extra piece of sash material (she did like to keep those around just in case) around her waist and then hooking the shield piece to it that way... She decided to try that and as she opened her coat up to place the other piece of sash snugly about her waist and the shield pinned or buckled into it securely, she looked up to see if the others protested or looked uncertain about her choice. If they did, she'd sigh and ask them if they had any better suggestions. She rolled her eyes inwardly as she prepared and braced herself for their no doubt lewd comments if she had to do that.