[@Guy0fV4lor] “Hehe, don’t mind her too much. She’s more like a big cuddly bear and over protective big sister to all of us.” Achel said to Finnegan, pulling him along through the hallways, only stopping her incessant guidance when he asked his question. “Hm?” Achel paused her shoving. They hadn’t quite made it to the main sermon hall where everyone typically gathered. A small hallway that at its end led to it, and was flanked on either side by two separate rooms, both filled with those sick from frostbite and other maladies that could not be so easily healed. “Really? You want to? Hmm…well, alright! I’m sure Akala wouldn’t mind someone making her work easier, hehe!” Opening one of the doors to the room, Fin would be allowed to see the frostbitten and those that were at least, by Akala standards completely unhealable by her magic and waiting medical treatment by someone else. “Do be a bit quiet, though.” Achel said, as she’d walk into the room behind him. “Some in a few rooms over…well, we don’t want to disturb them…” Achel shook her head, frowning though it didn’t last. “If you want, I’ll go get Enli and bring him here. Behave though! You never know when a little spider might be watching!~” This…would just leave Finnegan in the room by himself and just the eight or so patients that had been made comfortable enough in what appeared to have once been a small storage room. The main culprit seemed to be frostbite, severe, enough that some of the patients arms were nothing but blackened, blistered lumps of flesh that certainly would need amputating. It was clear that they had spared no small expense in trying normal and more conventional methods of preventing this, judging from the countless alchemy implements laying about, bandages, half used herbs… It seemed someone had set a small statuette of the death goddess at some point in the far corner of the room, along with a small lamp burning with a blue flame. The only other curiosity was a door in the back of the room, cracked and half open where he could hear gentle splashing and ripples of water. [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The Goddess yawns, stretching and seems bored with this situation[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] So many people with frostbite. Poor things. [*] I wonder whats behind that door. [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@ERode] [hr] The arm would be somewhat difficult to move, lacking the fine motor control her previous appendage had, but this would suffice for more basic movements, surely. Perhaps, there was a question as to why Achel had something like this on her so readily available, but that would also be a question for another time. After leaving the crypts, finding Maira would be easy enough. She’d be waiting by her cabin, having seemingly taken time to straighten the place a bit while she was waiting. She’d meet Maira outside of her hut. “Atzi,” She’d faintly smile as she’d see the larger woman, glancing at the odd prosthesis she now had, though she didn’t seem too surprised. “You’re here. Alright. Lets not waste time. This is going to take awhile.” Assuming there was nothing Atzi wished to speak about here, Maira would start walking towards the forest. “I hid the orb pretty far deep inside the forest. It was the place that’d be the easiest to hide from them since its…dangerous and also easy to get lost if you don’t know where you’re going. Near the Sages Lake.” Walking and talking to their destination was easy to say, but getting their was another matter entirely. Sages Lake was deep in the forest, where a bunch of nasty critters liked to live. Like fully grown versions of the chameleon monster that attacked Nylah and the that traveling trader the other day. As they walked through the forest, they would eventually reach it. A place where the forest and trees almost started to feel like they were twisted in on themselves, creating a cold, shadowy canopy that obscured light from the forest floor as the light from the distant sun did not reach here. "Have you ever been to the lake before, Atzi?" Maira asked her friend. Most people didn't go so far into the forest. [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The goddess adds more pictures to the screen for Atzi. She gets the feeling the goddess is pitying her.[/i] Current location: Kyr Forest Time: Morning [hr] Current Objective: Retrieve the Orb before the cultists do (A small picture of a white crystalline sphere appears here) [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@Click This][@Crusader Lord] [hr] “Well, it seems you’ve made up your mind.” Sorcha said, finally finishing eating. “No need to worry about the house. We’ll take care of it since you so graciously offered us to stay here while you’re gone.” She’d smile heartily, apparently deciding that this home, was in fact, now hers in some fashion. Perhaps she was just eager that she’d not have to deal with prying eyes since it was clear despite the friendliness she still likely didn’t trust anyone here. It was unlikely Akando or Soyala would want to help and leave the village since they had so few hunters to spare as it was. Enli was far too old to do such things, and there weren’t really any other good candidates among the notable residents…so after collecting a few supplies and food from Akala and Calra, getting a bit more of a solid heading from Haruno, the trio of Dwarf, a totally normal Human, and Mothraki would set off from the village. The heading given? North east. She had told them there was a village of Yaga not too terribly far away from where they were defending. It would take a few days travel, across the snowfields, fending off a few Snow Wraiths, some sort of troll like creature that thought the Mothraki was apparently pretty, but otherwise the travel would be fairly uneventful. At least, until they neared the village in question. A camp, it looked like. Krysa had set up a camp with the help of the Yaga around the city. They could count the number of Krysa currently here on their hands, but if this was just a command center the main bulk of their forces were likely out there keeping an eye on Mie’s camp. That just left the question on how to approach the village. [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The goddess is playing fetch with a dog[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Current Objective: Gain access to the village Or perhaps you’d like to avoid it entirely and go straight to Mie? [hr] [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@crimson Paladin] [hr] It had been a hard few weeks for the caravan. Ambushed inside of a tight pass as they were coming up from the northern territories by Krysa archers and Yaga soldiers, it was a miracle they had managed to save most of their cargo and equipment. If it wasn’t for Mie’s planning and the tenacity and ferocity of the Oni, there had been no question - they’d all have been killed here. After fleeing the ambush and managing to evade the main bulk of the foes forces for awhile, Mie led the caravan to what she claimed to be was an old ‘safehouse’ of hearse that she had used in the early days of her mercantile endeavors for rest and respite in the region, for people hadn’t always been so accepting or welcoming of her. It wasn’t anything special. An old, ancient living house of the Krysa apparently where their ancestors lived that had long since been abandoned as the rat folk settled into their current place of living high on their city. Old ancient rusty pipes built into the side of a mountain that led into a series of tunnels of metal pipes and surprisingly cozy, albeit a bit small for the Oni living spaces. Mie and some of the Oni had managed to even get some of the old things here running, allowing steam to run through the ancient pipes again meaning they didn’t have to worry about heating so long as they had a steady supply of wood to burn when they needed it. Since they had to break down a number of their wagons in an effort to make defensive structures at the entrance of the cavern, they for now at least, had plenty. It was less of a secret now, but it had something they needed. Long term defensibility so long as they had supplies, and supplies, were starting to quickly run out. It also wasn’t terribly large, and much of the caravan had to be left outside in order to form a defensive line, enough room only for Mie, a handful of the Oni and supply storage that they didn’t want the Yaga or Krysa harming during their occasional raids. Food was being rationed and the cheapest of materials were being used to assist in making things comfortable, but unless they had someway to break the siege soon, things were going to get dire. And this is the reality, that Novak would awaken too after a somewhat odd dream. Or was it the feeling of fuzzy little paws pressing against his eyelids? Perhaps it was just that. As he’d stir to wakefulness, the familiar black muzzle of Ayumi, Mie’s resident vulpine pet was pressing her paws against his eyes and yipping lightly in an effort to rouse him. “That’s enough, fox. I think he’s awake.” [url=https://imgur.com/a/oz5uXzW]A voice, one familiar to Novak that he’d immediately be able to pin as Chohei, one of the rougher Oni in the caravan.[/url] “Novak, Lady Mie wants to see you…though there might be a time for a spar if you’re up for it. Need to keep the body sharp in case of a raid.” Despite the wear and tear the Oni faced, and his own bandaged arms he seemed no worse for wear or temperament. [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The moon goddess waves hello, a little dialogue box tells you good morning[/i] Current location: Caravan Encampment Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] Lady Mie wishes to speak with you [*] Could take Chohei up on his offer of a sparring, though, you’d probably be late for whatever Mie wants you for. [/list] [/hider]