[center][sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Za4GQui94]SOUNDTRACK[/url] [color=af4052]《》[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqoxXV1hGCo]AMBIENCE[/url][/sub][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/a6dYw7R.png[/img][/center][hr][center][sub][color=cecece]DAY 1[/color] [color=af4052]《》[/color] [color=cecece]STEELWATER [RD-PRS][/color] [color=af4052]《》[/color] [color=cecece]After Noon[/color] [color=af4052]《》[/color] [@DeadDrop][@Exit][/sub][/center][hr][table][row][/row][row][cell][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5383406][img]https://i.imgur.com/x8kVFJA.png[/img][/url][color=2e2c2c]▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇[/color][/cell][cell][quote] [color=dimgray] The Research Division Portable Research Station (RD-PRS) was a lot more sophisticated than one would expect looking at the dome from the outside. The dome itself was but a protective layer of advanced plastic material for whatever purposes that Emilia could never think of. Inside, the station was what could only be described as large shipping containers stacked upon each other, because it was possible to descend two levels below ground. Emilia was rather baffled as to how they had put this thing in place so fast. It eventually hit her that the station had likely already been there for a long time before the attack this morning. The equipment inside the station was state-of-the-art. Emilia had not spent much time inside anything even remotely related to the Research Division, so all of the fancy tech was impressive to her. The tiny bleeps and sounds from all the machines and instruments mixed well with the faint smattering of rain outside. The soundscape was soothing, which was a much needed change of pace compared to the hectic entrance they had experienced roughly fifteen minutes ago. On the other hand, the moaning from injured soldiers and occasional bickering among the ResDiv personnel balanced things out in the atmosphere of the station. Isolde Featherswallow was hard at work, doing what she did best and managing the odd rebel here and there when needed. The ground-level interior of the PRS was the trauma unit. This is where all things medical of the Research Division were kept and conducted. The second level, one below ground, had all manner of convenience for personnel—cafeteria, beds, showers, and so on. It was all a bit cramped and compact, but it was functional. The third and last level below ground was the Research Wing. Not even [i]Guardian Corps[/i] were allowed in there without a myriad of bizarre security clearances only known to the Research Division. Emilia left the girl she had carried to the professionals. The nice looking guy who appeared to have found her in the woods would surely close any remaining question marks concerning the girl's health. He was clearly [i]Guardian Corps[/i], she thought, but out here alone? Aeon always had a team with them. Emilia would have to speak with him in a moment to see if he was what she suspected him to be, as well as the [i]BlackRock[/i] operator. For now, her attention was on the rest of the team that had taken down the Stigma monstrosity. Emilia did not have to be a detective to know that Robert had caused that flashing sun on the ground. Aaron and Scylla likely had more than one hand in the thing's demise. These individuals were all extremely capable and high-threat Aeon. If they ever decided to go rogue, the UDF would certainly have a serious problem. [color=6598c4]"You are going to kill yourself one day if you keep doing that."[/color] Emilia said and handed Robert a bottle of water she had haphazardly found and snatched inside the station. [color=6598c4]"We probably have long ways to go still, so try not to burn yourself out right away... that goes for everyone."[/color] She glanced at Scylla and Aaron, who were close by, regardless of whether they actually heard Emilia or not. [color=6598c4]"I'm sorry I left you guys like that, but I noticed those two in the woods close by."[/color] Emilia nodded at Christina and Peter further down the interior space. [color=6598c4]"I had to make sure that we were not about to get ambushed or something. We just want to get the job done and go home, right? Back to the [i]goode olde[/i] farm."[/color] A light chuckle escaped her modest smile. Emilia had no problem with explaining herself to people, but this one was a bit different. She felt obligated to do it, not only to Robert but to Scylla and Aaron as well. These were the individuals Emilia knew on and off before SWARG. Perhaps she was a bit sentimental about it. [color=2c2e2e]▇[/color] [center][sub][color=af4052]》》》[/color] [color=cecece]LATER[/color] [color=af4052]《《《[/color][/sub][/center] [color=2c2e2e]▇[/color] [color=3c5f7d][i]I should probably check on the other two, soon, and Eun-Ji perhaps... she is probably distracted by Isolde or some ResDiv things, though.[/i][/color] Emilia thought to herself. After speaking with the combat team for a while, Emilia found herself wherever Peter and Christina were held up. Despite having endured fairly daring adventures already, they had not even had proper introductions yet or spoken more than a couple of words. However, a distracting thought kept lingering in Emilia's head. They would need all the manpower that they could get if they were about to do what she feared that they [i]would have to[/i] do with Benjamin. Every ounce of her mind and body tried to resist that scenario from playing out in her imagination. Nonetheless, it was a possibility and so far the Group had already been stripped of several members. UDF High Command either did not appreciate the severity of the situation or simply did not care, as with most things. So, the question was whether or not they should ask the BlackRock operator to assist. [color=6598c4]"So, what happened? Why are you here?"[/color] Emilia asked Christina and sat down on a stool nearby. It was not a hostile tone, but neither was it friendly. Emilia caught a glimpse of Errikos just as she began her 'interrogation'. They had not even said a word to each other yet, which only affirmed what a chaotic morning it had been. Emilia would have to speak with him as soon as she was done with Christina and Peter, unless he would approach them himself. [/color][/quote][/cell][/row][/table] [color=99945e][b]Summary[/b][/color][hr][color=99945e]Everyone gathers at the Research Division PRS. Emilia leaves the injured girl she carried for Peter in the trauma unit, but checks up on the combat team right away to explain herself. She takes several mental notes of what she should do and who to speak to. She eventually gets around to asking the BlackRock operator, Christina, some questions.[/color] [color=7e557c][b]Quest Steps[/b][hr]This scene is meant for character interaction, so posts might and may be shorter than usual. You can also collaborate with someone if you want a more in-depth conversation. Other things to do with your character include freshening up, tending to wounded soldiers, checking on gear or personal injuries, and speaking to NPCs that [@Aeolian] created. [@Aeolian] has GM 'powers' over those NPCs, so I won't speak for them at all. I'd say that the 'Chapter 2' image at the top is of the Research Wing of the PRS. However, the other two levels would have the same aesthetic. For dimensions, each level is about 3 meters high, 3 meters wide, and 15 meters deep (length)—give or take, just for some manner of reference. That being said, our characters can move about at ground level and sub-level 1. Sub-level 2, the Research Wing, is accessible to Isolde [@Aeolian] and Eun-Ji [@Salsa Verde] only. However, I'd say that they can grant temporary permission to others of Guardian Corps. Note the time change from 'late morning' to 'after noon'. I also added a clear indication of weather. [/color]