[hr][@Leophael] [@myinneroblivion] [@ShadowsofNight] [hr] The unflattering looks made by those regular folk passing by and later by Link to the admittedly lame car went largely unnoticed by Manny who was too giddy that he was allowed to even use the ting again. While waiting for the three to come down, he sees Bob leap out the window and away into the night. "I dig the initiative. Guess we'll see him there." He didn't have to wait long for the two to come down and, after a little bit of theatrics on Link's end, the two entered the vehicle. Link would ask him something regarding the conspicuity of their 'chariot'. "Ah. Don't worry about it none. We're gonna park half a block away from the club proper. So you two can go in incognito while I have to figure out a way to enter the building without folk seeing me." Seemed easy enough said than put into practice when three of Manny's limbs had reflective metal on them. As they drove off into the night and deeper into downtown Hero City, he ran through the plan one more time just to get that nagging feeling of worry out of his system. "Hooo boy. Ok...so just going through one final rundown of the plan. You two would be infiltrating the club through the main entrance, because Link has a way in no issue. While I assume Bob would be going through the roof. Leaving me to get to the roof and hopefully use the way Bob used." Manny paused to take a signaled turn. Just because they were going headlong into danger doesn't mean they should ignore road safety. Yet. "While inside, you two find a way to the VIP area and Bob and I will hopefully be above that place when you guys arrive. We launch our attack, we find and beat Bucur and any of his cronies that want a fight, as well as find and secure the Diamond Dust they have." If the plan went off without any issues, the CHAMP would drastically rise in renown and ranking in Rent-a-Hero™ as well as get paid for the job and bonus of stopping the distribution of drugs in the area. God he hoped things would go smoothly. Just then the Jersey Devil would contact them. He'd made it to the nightclub in record time! "You're really friggin fast. Uhh...I guess stay out of sight as best you can until we get there. We're like five...maybe six minutes away from where we gonna park." Manny replied through the earpiece before turning to look at Link and Talia. "Seatbelts on and and hope that there are no cops patrolling the area cause road safety is about to get ignored. For the sake of Justice of course." He would demonstrate how his driving privileges were revoked. [hr]Location: Foxglove Avenue, 8:26 pm, [Half-block away from Nox nightclub][hr] After one HELLUVA drive later, the three manage to find a vacant parking spot. "Hot damn I nearly forgot how fun it was to drive. Good to know that Paul didn't remove the turbochargers I put in this thing. Let me tell Bob that we're on site." Bob would have been in the vent for roughly seven minutes before he received a transmission. In the meantime he was able to scout a little bit and find out that the rumors Manny talked about were true. People in the VIP area were drugging themselves up using small pills. Not sure what kind of drugs though...could be Diamond Dust. Could be Ecstasy. But there was one thing he saw for sure, Bucur was there and handing out the pills and taking in cash. Bob would also notice that Bucur had more cronies inside the club than out. They numbered six in total but were mercifully lightly armed with only batons or tonfas attached to their hips. "Bob, we're on site. Talia and Link are going in the main entrance incognito while I'm gonna figure out how to get to the roof and meet up with you. Once we spot Bucur and the drug stash we launch our attack." Manny let out a quick breath to psych himself up. "This is it guys. Let's get it done." With that done, everyone goes their separate ways for the moment. Also, Link would recognize one of the many parked cars when approaching the nightclub. How could he not? It was the very same car that was stolen from him by that old fart earlier this afternoon. But the sight would put a tear to his eye as the poor car had large dents, deep scratches, cracked or shattered windows, and missing hubcaps. Poor gal was butchered by the old dude.