[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220909/d7f0f3bf92b7b231677579ec3794eb4b.png[/img][/center] Kaito laid down on his bed, watching the news. Normally, he hated watching the news. All they ever talked about was bad things that were happening in the world. He would have much rather been watching anime or something. Rilakkuma was the one who insisted on watching the news to look for onryo sightings. Were onryo responsible for everything bad that happened in the world? There was a story about a hotel where people there kept kept killing themselves. Rilakkuma was interested immediately, Kaito was not. The teddy bear bounced up and down excitedly. [color=fffdd0]“onryo, onryo, onryo!”[/color] Kaito put his hands over his eyes. [color=C4A484]“D-d-do we have to go there? It sounds scary.”[/color] [color=fffdd0]“Of course it’s scary! Onryo are scary! But you’re a Hunter, it’s your job! Don’t worry though, you have meeeeee! I’ll be there to protect you.”[/color] Kaito whimpered quietly. He knew he had a job to do, but that didn’t make it any less scary. Of all the people in the world to be involved in this Hunter thing, why did it have to be him?” —— Later on that evening, Rilakkuma and Kaito made their way past Kaito’s parents to the supposedly haunted hotel. Kaito was relieved that the place didn’t look haunted and scary, it actually looked like a pretty little hotel. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. What did concern Kaito was the group of people also gathered in front of the hotel. They too had a strange assortment of objects too. Were they Hunters too? [color=fffdd0]“Other hunters Kaito. Go talk to them.”[/color] Kaito took a breath, and approached the group of people. He clutched Rilakkuma tightly in his arms. [color=C4A484]“Um… uh… um…”[/color] He stuttered. He avoided making eye contact with any of them and shuffled his feet nervously. At this point, Rilakkuma jumped out of Kaito’s arms and spoke on the Hunters behalf. [color=fffdd0]“Hiiii! I’m Rilakkuma! The cutest teddy bear you ever did see! The scaredy-cat over there is Kaito. Don’t worry, he’s really nice!”[/color] Kaito’s face turned bright red from embarrassment.