Mina looked up as the viking boy called out to her, letting the tip of her sword rest against the ground. She gave him a weird look as he raised his hand to request a high-five. Was- was that it? They beat the bad guy stealing souls and his army of evil bird monsters, yay, go team? Like they were some kind of sports club? Like true she was a totally amazing badass who had just saved the world or whatever, but still! Mina felt someone nudge her shoulder, turning her head briefly to catch sight of the knight lady. “You shouldn’t leave your comrade hanging,” she said, and Mina would almost swear she was smiling at her. Seriously? This girl too?! Did they even have high-fives in the dark ages? Geez! Well, whatever. Mina raised her hand in defeat, wincing slightly as the boy’s palm slapped against her own. Yay, go team. [hr] The Witch of the Waters raised one finger to halt the girl’s flood of questions. “All things in their order,” she said before lowering her hand. “The birds are harmless, I believe. You needn’t worry over them. As for the rest, we should have the others join us, first. If I am to field questions, they should be present to hear the answers.” She clapped her hands together, a bright grin spreading across her face. “Now! I don’t suppose there is a suitable place nearby for a private gathering of heroes?” [hr] The man folded his arms over his broad chest, leaning against the wall out of sight of the street. He had watched much of the battle unfold from here, leaving the boy to his own work as he had requested. A foolish mistake, as he had expected from the start. “What’s to be done, then?” he asked, paying no mind to the pigeon cooing by his feet. The boy’s capture was his own fault, not the man’s, but it still needed correcting. His eyes narrowed at the words echoing in his mind - leave him? He was a fool, true, but- Ah. “Very well,” he relented, lowering his head at nothing. An understandable if unfortunate decision. They hadn’t been aware of any warriors prior to this, and it would be prudent to gauge their total strength moving forward. The stormcaller in particular was concerning - she had done little thus far to demonstrate the extent of her power, and their ignorance of that matter made her dangerous. He would withdraw for now. If further action were to be taken, it would not be today.