[quote=@RBYDark] Yeah, that's the human world. Habit of mine. Thanks for the compliment! As for the items, yeah, they're more like the canonical weapons/armor other digimon would have. And they'd be activated by possessing the item. I did forget to mention, the digivice can also store a limited amount of items. Otherwise - well, let's use my planned NPC Kotemon as an example. I mentioned an item called the Chromatic Drill - let's equip it onto her. She could either have a handheld drill item, which she hang off the sash at her waist when not in use, or she could have the upper half of her shinai replaced by the drill. She can now use the drill to perform a digging attack, burrow, or pierce armor. Now let's give her the Brave Shield, which is the name of Wargreymon's shield. She won't get any of Wargreymon's moves, but she will get a shield she can use to defend against most attacks. Since the shield doesn't have anywhere she can store it, she could theoretically hand it off to Sierra, JDub's partner mon. She can no longer use the Brave Shield until she gets it back. This differs from the Deva boons, which will be inherent in the digivice and only require the tamer to call for them. So, in short, they're weapons/armor/items other digimon might have possessed, and they're activated via possession of the item. Does that make sense? [/quote] Sorry for the late reply. Been a bad mental week for me, but that definitely clears things up for sure! I like that addition. I think it'll definitely a lot to the overall experience and would be fun if we had, like a bird digimon who got some sort of big ass cannon on their back :lol Like an x-antibody form without needing that x antibody :lol Anyway, I'll definitely try and get my sheet up this weekend! I even have something of an idea i think!