[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DmHThHw.png[/img][/center] As the wyvern lunched towards him, the Frozen Knight dodged to the wyvern's blinded side. This foe might not be as strong as that large black wyvern, but it'd still require some strategy. It had already proven quite dangerous and quite resilient, and there were still two more of these beast to worry about. Ethelred recalled the words of Elias back when they were traveling. [Color=darkorange][i]Sigurd the Dragonslayer; my great, great, great, great Grandfather– discovered and employed a great many methods on his hunts. He’d use anything from siege weapons, to traps, even poison… But what he found to be the most effective strategy; particularly on wyverns, was breaking their wings.[/i] [i]A Dragon suddenly deprived of something it’s instinctually used its entire life; no matter how wise, or cruel, or crafty it may be…quickly loses sight of this, and becomes little more than just another beast to be slain.[/i][/color] There was no time like the present to put this to the test, and what better way to pay respects to Elias than by trusting in his ancestor's wisdom? The next moment the wyvern's wings would beat downward, he'd aim his lance and thrust it squarely at its elbow. Ethelred was placing considerable trust in Elias' words by performing this attack, but it was the least he could do to honor his fallen companion. [color=6ecff6]"Elnith!"[/color] Ethelred shouted. [color=6ecff6]"Go find your armor! I'll keep this one occupied!"[/color] Seeing the black veins appear on her, and hearing her ask him to stop her were both grim reminder that Elnith's curse was much more dire than his own. Ethelred's curse merely affected his physical form, but Elnith's curse assailed her mind. In her weakened condition, she might struggle to hold back whatever dark impulses her malediction brought down upon her, and Ethelred didn't want to risk Elnith's sanity in the fight.