[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006946263599677521/1014229630783340544/ShadowsAspectToken.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=gold] The [color=black]Abyssal[/color] Warning [/color][/h2][/center] It was time, Ashevelen was ready to leave the Umbral Woods and travel the world. The first time since her creation of the Satyrs. Sure, she scoured the woods and the badlands around it but this time it was time for her to go farther away. See what others created and meet the other divines. More than once she felt the presence of a divine approaching the forests only to leave but as she started walking, she [i] felt [/i] something. Yet another divine was approaching and this one was headed straight to the forest and there were no signs of them changing directions. “Step” by “step” it got closer and that was enough. Transforming in her fully divine might, Ashe took flight and awaited the other one. The divine seemed to stop on its steps for a minute after getting close enough, before its movement started again but not at the same pace, more like a run through the woods, its movements going erratic and unpredictable, rotating around her. Ashe shook her head, whoever this new divine was, she wasn’t in the mood for games. Taking a deep breath, shadows swirled around her and with a snap of her fingers, the shadows of the forest became her eyes. Looking for a few seconds at the “intruder” she smiled and the shadows enveloped her, appearing a few metres away from the new divine. “[color=aa6c39] Welcome to my forest, divine sister. [/color]” said Ashe, in a friendly voice. Whoever this new one was, she looked fierce. The area seemed empty except for a strange lack of light yet she could feel the deity nearby still moving but this time very close as she looked around a tree fell to the ground before being lifted a dark being could be seen saying. “Certaais!” The tree was soon flung in her direction. Ashevelen shook her head and the tree soon got enveloped in the shadows. Her power made the tree what it was, it can as easily take it away. The tree fell on the ground with a loud [i] thud [/i], its branches still in one piece, as if it wasn’t just thrown a few metres away. “[color=aa6c39] These tricks don’t work on divines, sister, as you well know. I suggest you come out of your bubble of darkness or whatever hides you from my senses and calm down. Let us talk in peace. [/color]” gone was the friendly voice of Ashe, replaced with a steel voice, similar to how a staff sergeant would speak with his privates. The area seemed to be surrounded by darkness as the light began to fade around Ashevelen the deity seemed to prefer a lack of light or anonymity until she heard “Keiayei? Hiy ai kriuaik yhe?” Darkness, not darkness, all the same for Ashe. But she was getting annoyed. This delay was taking longer than she wanted and this other divine seemed keen on destroying her work. “[color=aa6c39] Because I'm divine as well and because you’re the one going over my domain. It is considered a sign of respect to say your hellos when we meet one another. Not enough divines left out there, believe it or not. [/color]” replied Ashe. She soon noticed a pair of red eyes staring at a distance; the darkness soon faded as a being dressed in heavy armour appeared. She quickly approached dark veins and red eyes was a feature on the divine face she opened her mouth saying “Blether less mah leid then ah imagined…” (A bit different your language is from what i imagined.) her accent was a bit off the common. Ashe inspected the armour for anything powerful enough to actually hurt her but discovered it was merely that, an armour. Still, a dangerous opponent if she needed to be one. Even more dangerous to her Umbra and the elves. Hearing her accent from closer, Ashe paid no mind to it. In her travels around the cosmos, she met a multitude of divines and mortals, each with a different one. “[color=aa6c39] I care not about the language. Speak in whatever tongue you may wish. I am Ashevelen, the lady of the trade. Who are you and why are you attacking a fellow divine without warning. [/color]” quickly replied Ashe. She crossed her arms, seeming to examine Ashvelen before saying. [i]“Met no deity and the ones I trust say trust nobody… so forgive my paranoia.”[/i] Nodding, Ashe smiled for the first time “[color=aa6c39] I understand that but know that Homura is the one that called us here. Maybe you recently woke up due to her call, doesn’t matter really. Welcome to the Umbral Forests, my current home and the home of my creations. I beseech you not to harm them as long as you are here. [/color]” The divine raised an eyebrow saying “this lands is yers?” taking a quick look around before giving a small nod she then said [i]“My name is… Oa’qeisskesi”[/i] she said her name after thinking for a few minutes, probably never thought of it for a while. “[color=aa6c39]Greetings, Oa’qeisskesi. Yes. I am sharing them with another divine and currently in contact with a few others. There are quite a few of us out there. Some are wandering around, some have created mortals and shepherding them and others found themselves different jobs to do around here. [/color]” [i]“How many of us are there?”[/i] Oa’qeisskesi was interested in the information and a few whispers could be heard around her before she said. “Siauta!” Turning to the empty forest, before turning around with a straight face. “[color=aa6c39] I don’t know, I haven’t met them. I personally met 3 of them and I’ve seen the works of at least 2 more but there are many, many more. Travel towards the big elvish city and you’re sure to meet a few. I’m surprised that I’m your first. [/color]” [i]“I don't know if that is good or ill…”[/i] Oa’qeisskesi said with doubt thinking for a moment [i]“Very close our powers are… What portifolio you have?”[/i] she kept her regular straight face. Ashevelen laughed out loud at the word “portfolio” but not of malice. “[color=aa6c39] Apologies for that. Portfolio. One one I haven’t heard until now to describe our domains. As I said before, I’m the lady of the trade and recently of shadows, if you look around, I’ve colonised this area. Yours? [/color]” Oa’qeisskesi seemed interested but after hearing trade she was confused upon hearing her domain she soon said. [i]“A bit complicated to explain besides the words abyss…”[/i] As she gave a small walk to the right her shadow seemed to have white eyes looking at Ashevelen Oa’qeisskesi, said. [i]“Whit's trade?”[/i] Ashevelen shook her head and launched a tirade of words towards Oa, explaining what trade is in all the ways it could be possible to be explained. From normal trading to pacts and everything in between. It was the type of explanation that only a divine being would truly understand. “[color=aa6c39] I hope that clears it up a bit. Nothing is complicated for a divine being, sister but I get what you mean. [/color]” [i]“It's strange…”[/i] Oa’qeisskesi said who retained a straight face throughout the whole explanation. She then said, rolling her head to the north [i]“you said somebody lies north?”[/i] her vision isn't far enough to see what it was but she could feel a bit more activity in the north. “[color=aa6c39] Yes, a city of mortals raised by one of us. I haven’t been there myself but managed to see it from the air sometime ago. Just…don’t go attacking them as well. Divines are supposed to be above these [i] mortal [/i] squabbles, if you know what I mean. [/color]” replied Ashe, thinking about the massive city and large number of elves she managed to see. [i]“Difficult…”[/i] She heard from Oa’qeisskesi her shadow seemed a bit erratic, she couldnt see through it but she could feel something else. Oa'qeisskesi soon said her eyes seemed to glow [i]“... their souls are what we need…”[/i] her aura seemed a bit more savage before stopping with a sigh from her she then said [i]“I must go around then otherwise too much attention to draw…”[/i] If Ashevelen noticed the difference in Oa’s shadow, she didn’t care. It was Oa’s business what other [i] demons [/i] she had to deal with but she seemed dangerous and could prove a threat in the future. “[color=aa6c39] May I ask, why do you care about attention? Attention from whom? Surely not mortals. [/color]” quickly replied Ashe. Oa’qeisskesi stared at Ashvelen after hearing that, she soon said [i]“fear i have not all can be kind… all seek themselves to be better”[/i] looking to the right while Ashevelen could just see she just seemed to look at a distance but for Oa’qeisskesi the black sun stood beside her it soon said “I also agree… After all, who knows what lies beyond… but are you sure we shouldn't go there a lot of souls to fuel the abyss” Oa’qeisskesi soon said. [i]“No… too dangerous…”[/i] “[color=aa6c39] Everyone is kind if you offer them a good deal, trust me on that. Nothing is dangerous for a divine but each with their own sister. I’d like to ask you [b][i]not[/i][/b] to harm my mortals or any that are in these forests. They’ve got the protection of multiple divines and we’ve got plans for them. [/color]” replied Ashe. Oa’qeisskesi pondered before saying [i]“i will keep mah word, for now but when those I care can't wait, I’m sorry but my word won't hold a contract. Can’t last forever when times change…”[/i] “[color=aa6c39] I cannot fault you for that. Each has to take care of their own. [/color]” replied Ashe sagely. She knew very well what that meant, a threat for the future and not of now. That was fine for Ashe, more than enough time to prepare. Oa soon started to move forward but she stopped after a few steps, throwing something to Ashe. Divine energy glowed around it until it landed in her hands. As she held it seemed like a copper coin with Ashe’s face on it and on the back it seemed like words from the abyss. Holding tight in her hand it soon started to make several copies of itself made out of copper . [i]“Keep the change…”[/i] said Oa as she kept walking. “[color=aa6c39] I’ll take this as a fine for attacking me in my domain for no reason. Have fun in further endeavours. [/color]” replied Ashe in a hurry. As soon as Oa’s energy went farther away and she was sure she wouldn’t come back yet, Ashe quickly scoured the whole of the forest for any hidden surprises but she found nothing. Nothing but a champion that was about to fight with some elves. Exactly what she told them [i] NOT [/i] to do. Interjecting quickly in their conversation and potentially saving Penumbra, Ashevelen raised herself up in the sky. Looking at the whole of the forest and started thinking, something had to be done. This Oa proved to be dangerous and that will only grow in time. Ashe’s Umbra and not only were in danger and it was the duty of all divines to protect their mortals unless they don’t deserve it. “[color=aa6c39] What to do, what to do…[/color]” said Ashe to no one in particular and then it hit her, she once thought about some upgrades for the Umbra but they would have to prove themselves for it. Nonetheless, they did for now and the danger anyway was too great to be bogged down by stuff like this. Flying in the middle of the village, Ashe gathered all of the Umbra that were around and asked the Satyrs to let no one get inside the village until she’s done. The High Archon bowed their head towards Ashevelen in reverence and asked what they could do for their creator. With a wave of her hand, the Archon and all the other Umbra shushed. Gathering her power, the whole village became darkend. Nothing could be seen inside it and if someone were to watch from afar, they’d see a black dot where the village stood. With a great shout the “dot” shrinked and shrinked until it reached Ashevelen and then a great column of shadows rose from it and hit the sky with staggering speed. Each of the unmodified-by-other-divines-Umbra would then get hit by a string of shadowy energy, wherever they were in the world, enveloping them all in it. Dark sparkles went around and around in a circle around the Umbra and so, they [i] ascended [/i]. Soon they’ll discover their new abilities and they will thank the Goddess for such a kind boon. Blessed with higher resistance to light, they would find themselves able to walk in the sun of the day with no fear. The ability to put a few objects inside themselves to store for later on would as well be very useful for the Umbral merchants as they would not need to carry everything on them, making them targets for the bandits that would be sure to appear with the rise of civilisation and perhaps the most useful ability the Umbra received, was to be able to become one with the shadows of the world and in a limited area be able to transfer themselves from one to another. The last thing the Umbra will notice will be the fact that some of them would've grown legs or tentacles that would work the same as legs. “[color=aa6c39] Rejoice for I have looked upon you and I decided to deserve something in return for your devotion. The sun is no longer a source of fear, you shall now be able to walk like the Satyrs if you so wish and now, now, you will be able to store objects within your shadowy forms. Same as I can do. [/color]” shouted Ashe to all the village. The Umbra rejoiced and a celebration was soon starting to be made around the village with food and drinks being prepared. “[color=aa6c39] And. [/color]” added Ashe before the Umbra could start their mortal celebration. Ashevelen showed them the coin she received and created a large number of coins for the Umbra to use, she then went on and explained what the coin is and how the coins are to be used while also going into finer things about inflation and so, as much as she could without scrambling the brains of the Umbra. In the days that would follow, the Umbra will have a very early payment system done between them with each job they do, getting them coins which they can use to trade with. The Printing Coin was to be left in Ashevelen’s possession but before Ashevelen went on her trip, she dug a whole in the ground and released a very large cache of coins inside it. [hider=Summary] Ashevelen is about to leave the forest but senses the presence of a different divine approaching at high speed. She gets attacked by the divine but manages to calm her down. They talk and Ashe notifies her of different divines that are around the world and is surprised to hear that she’s the first one, Oa met. Eventually Oa gets a new destination, the big elven city and offers the Self-Printing Coin to Ashe before she says that she won’t harm anyone [i] just yet [/i]. Ashe takes this as a warning that soon this divine will cause problems for everyone, mortals included and decides to upgrade the Umbra in order for them to be ready for what may come later. [/hider] [hider=MP/AP expenses] Ashevelen [b]Starting MP:[/b] 2 [b]Starting AP:[/b] 3 -2 MP to upgrade the Umbra to a 6MP race -1 AP to teach the Umbra what a currency is and how to use it [b]Ending MP:[/b] 0 MP [b]Ending AP:[/b] 0 AP Oa [b]Starting MP:[/b] 3 [b]Starting AP:[/b] 5 -1 MP (discounted from 2 MP from the abyssal aspect) - created the Self-Printing coin made from the Abyss but coated in copper. [b]Ending MP:[/b] 2 MP [b]Ending AP:[/b] 5 AP [/hider] [hider=The Umbra Upgrades] The Umbra have been upgraded to a 6MP race. They have gained the following abilities : Some of them have sprouted legs/tentacles in order to walk The Umbra have gained the ability to store objects inside themselves The Umbra have gained the ability to teleport between shadows in a limited area (roughly, 4 metres apart) The Umbra have gained higher light resistance to the level of a normal human [/hider]