[hider=House Lannister][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JeUcZcb.png?1[/img][/center][center][h3]"Hear me Roar."[/h3][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl76ev2GNdE][ ♫ ][/url][/center] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wNIvyUk.jpg[/img] [hider=] [b]House Description[/b] [indent][color=gray]Dating back to the First Men, House Lannister has a long and proud history covering thousands of years. Throughout this period they have remained the overlords of the Westerlands, thanks to their status as the wealthiest Great House in Westeros and their ability to command respect and loyalty from their vassals - severely handling those who step out of line. Their seat is [b]Casterly Rock[/b], a near impregnable castle built into a colossal hill of stone, proudly overlooking the harbour of Lannisport. It is said to stand taller than even the Wall or Hightower of Oldtown, and from atop this great perch they lord over the Westerlands. [/color][/indent] [b]Recent History[/b] [indent][color=gray]Since the bloodshed from Dance of Dragons, and the infamous raids of Dalton Greyjoy, House Lannister of Casterly Rock has spent decades carefully repairing and bolstering their hold across the Westerlands. Repairing the damage done to Lannisport, investing in infrastructure and defence, granting loans (with strict terms) to their vassals, rebuilding their fleet. These have been the major preoccupations for the Lions of the Rock for decades after the Dance, their roar rarely heard outside of the Westerlands in what had become an atypically insular realm. Indeed, when the Young Dragon launched his conquest of Dorne, it was not troops of the Westerlands that bolstered his ranks - though, Lannister gold did fill their war chests. Only in recent generations have the Lions begun to rise from their perceived slumber. Lord Gerold Lannister - named Master of Coin to Baelor I in recognition of the House’s influence and as thanks for their contribution to the war effort in Dorne - relocated to King’s Landing in 163AC. Brought with him was his son and heir of four and ten, Tytos. The presence of House Lannister was increasingly felt in the capital, with Gerold serving on the small council until 171AC. By this time, the realms finances had been brought to fair order and important relationships built, most importantly the friendship between Prince Daeron and Tytos. Though Tytos would return to the Rock with his father upon the ascension of Viserys II, their strong friendship remained. After the brief rule of Viserys II followed the long, torturous reign of Aegon the Unworthy in 172AC. The scandals of misdeeds, depravity and excess made for entertaining gossip in the early years of his reign, though things quickly became more consequential for the Lions. When Aegon squandered much of the crown's coin on a ‘grand fleet’ destined to be lost in a storm, he soon turned to the wealthiest of the Great Houses to fuel his decadent lifestyle, bribes and gifts. House Lannister dutifully obliged, and made no objections as dates for repayment slid by without notice from the capital. When Tytos rode to the capital in the summer of 178AC, determined to raise the issue of crown repayments, he instead arrived to witness a gruesome scene. Sir Terrence Toyne, guilty of laying with Aegon’s mistress, was ripped apart limb by limb while a screaming girl - the mistress - made to watch. Thereafter, both the girl and her father were executed. Brackens, Tytos was told. The King was without limit, and his court more broken than any outside it could have imagined. It did not take counsel from Daeron to have Tytos realise that any attempt to pursue crown repayments was folly. He spent only a few weeks in King’s Landing, associating himself with the growing faction surrounding Prince Daeron at court before returning to the Rock. Perhaps it was this friendship between Daeron and Tytos that drew the attention of Aegon the Unworthy, or perhaps he would have always acted as he did - but his demands for loans of gold became more frequent, the sums larger, and word occasionally reached the Rock of some insult thrown to them by Aegon at court. Nevertheless, the Lions of Casterly Rock rode out the storm of his reign from the Westerlands, with Aegon finally meeting his end in 184AC. Since then, House Lannister has maintained close relations with the capital. These have grown only stronger since the passing of Lord Gerold in 188AC, with Tytos taking his place as Lord Paramount. By 202AC, House Lannister has finally begun to recoup the financial losses with the growing stability of the realm. Not only is it in their financial interests to see the status quo maintained, but with the misrule of Aegon IV fresh in memory, their stance against the legitimized bastards is strong, disapproving of the incomes maintained for them and - in the case of Daemon Blackfyre - of the land granted. What lays ahead is unclear, but the House of Lannister is determined not to fall quiet as they had during the reign of Aegon. History will not repeat, and they will live by their words, Hear me Roar. [/color][/indent] [b]Realm Relations[/b] [indent][color=gray]TBD[/color][/indent] [b]Family Tree[/b] [indent][color=gray][url=https://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=68wn9zbze9&f=271593455783037298]Link[/url] [/color][/indent] [b]Household[/b] [indent][color=gray][url=https://i.imgur.com/NRIjmsZ.png]Ser Benedict Vikary[/url] - Master-at-Arms An able warrior with blackened heart. Serves as a trusted enforcer and works alongside Ser Alastor. [url=https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article4880972.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Wolf-Hall.jpg]Raynald Garner[/url] - Adviser A trusted adviser to Lord Tytos, said to maintain a network of spies throughout the Westerlands and beyond. [url=https://i.imgur.com/P3IdDSp.png]Ser Alastor[/url] - Captain of the Guard Leader of the famed Red Cloaks. A veteran of the guard who instils rigorous standards of discipline. [url=https://i.imgur.com/pFiLyCR.jpg]Martyn[/url] - Maester A long-standing Maester to the House, well-liked by all. He is fond of the Lannisport honeywine. [/color] [/indent][/hider] [b][color=ff3333][sub][h3]Character Information[/h3][/sub][/color][/b] [hr] [hider=Lord Tytos Lannister][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2l0Br8z.jpg[/img] [color=white][b]Lord Tytos Lannister[/b][/color] [indent][color=878787][sub]Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport and Warden of the West[/sub][/color][/indent][/center] [color=878787][color=white][b]Age[/b][/color] [indent]53, born 149AC[/indent] [color=white][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [indent]Aging gracefully, the Lion of Casterly Rock maintains a solemn demeanour. He has pale green eyes. His golden mane has lost it's shine, and has begun to grey. Despite this, he carries with him a quiet strength. Unlike many of his house he wears muted colours and tones, his appearance rarely reflecting the great wealth of his house.[/indent] [color=white][b]Description & Biography[/b][/color] [indent]Born after a difficult birth that cost the life of his mother, Tytos was raised an only child by his father, Gerold, who would never remarry. The pair grew a strong connection, with the importance of family having been nurtured within Tytos from birth. Being sole heir burdened him with a great weight of responsibility throughout his childhood. He did not take risks or run off to explore as children are want to do, his sparring sessions were more limited - for he was too important to duel himself - and his time was spent mostly with the Maester, being tutored in the ways of lordship with a particular focus on commerce and revenue. This developed a strong sense of responsibility, and of duty, within Tytos. In some ways, he has never truly been a child, and this created a grown man known for his solemnity. He does not drink, has little by way of hobbies, and counts the number of true friends on one hand. This is not to say that Tytos Lannister is not a perfectly affable man. In polite company, he can maintain conversation with the best of them, and is no stranger to the environment found at tourneys or great events of the realm. It is instead, that there is a distance felt by most who spend time with him, and it is only few who can consider themselves friends of the man. Indeed, it is perhaps a consequence of the missing mother’s love that Tytos has always found himself lacking warmth, and unable to show affection to his immediate family, despite meaning well. His rule over the Westerlands has been competent and able. The work undertaken by his predecessors - investing into infrastructure, the opening of new gold mines, the repair and improvement of Lannisport - has finally begun to bear fruit. New avenues of income sustain and grow the wealth of Casterly Rock, despite the misrule of Aegon IV. It is to this that Tytos has dedicated his life, and lordship. With the ascension of his oldest and closest friend, Daeron II, Tytos was appointed to the position of Master of Coin in the first Small Council for the King. Known for his shrewd understanding of commerce, Tytos began the work of restoring the crown’s finances to health. This tenure was to be short-lived, with Lord Lannister being publicly dismissed from the position after only a short three months. The cause is an open secret in King’s Landing and beyond, as Tytos is said to have pushed strongly for a harsh treatment of the Blackfyre bastards. Some claim he even went as far as to suggest their murder. They say this disagreement led to a tempestuous argument, with only their friendship saving the Lion from a cage. Instead, Daeron II maintained stipends and granted lands to the Blackfyres, and Tytos returned to Casterly Rock. Relations between the Crown and Rock have been icy since. Now, Lord Tytos Lannister attends a tourney at Summerhall with his family and retainers. A chance to meet with an old friend, and witness his sons compete for glory. For now, life is good for the proud Lion. [/indent][/color] [/hider] [hider=Lyman Lannister][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/O2T7G0v.jpg[/img] [color=white][b]Lyman Lannister[/b][/color] [indent][color=878787][sub]Heir to the Rock[/sub][/color][/indent][/center] [color=878787][color=white][b]Age[/b][/color] [indent]31, born 171AC[/indent] [color=white][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [indent]Standing tall with broad shoulders and a flowing mane of golden hair, Lyman is the picture of a perfect Lannister. His eyes of deep green are speckled with gold, and a well-groomed beard frames his strong facial features. He has a warm demeanor.[/indent] [color=white][b]Description & Biography[/b][/color] [indent] In the warm summer of 171AC, the first child of Tytos Lannister and Cerelle Brax was born. Lyman, as he was named, was to become Heir to the Rock. He was not to remain an only child long, with his younger sister Liore born only two winters after. This closeness in age saw the two raised together, and more closely than they would be with their younger brother, Loreon. Together they endured the long hours of lessons with the Maester, fell from their first horses under the eyes of the stablemaster, and leapt together from the edge of tall rocks into the waters of the Sunset Sea below. Lyman became as much an expert in Liore as anything else - which dresses she liked, what food she loved, the essences and scents she chose, the number of pillows she preferred under her head. For most, their closeness has been nothing more than the innocent love shared between siblings, but the keener eyes of Casterly Rock have quietly questioned the need for their hidden-away studying and days long excursions into the maze of Lannsiport below. To most, Lyman has always held a charm that draws people to him. Charismatic, sociable and a natural leader, he is regarded by most as a promising heir to the Rock. When not with Liore, he is likely to be found at the head of a group describing some vision for the future of the Westerlands or Westeros. An idealist, but a popular one, and something of a philanthropist. Some of the more cynical lords see in him an opportunity to have their great debts to House Lannister forgiven as he waxes lyrical about new beginnings and charitable goals. Despite this outgoing nature, Lyman has always been prone to great bouts of sadness. A ‘black lion’ over his shoulder, as he calls it, often rears its depressive head for weeks or even months at a time. In these periods, he can become reclusive, writing melancholic poetry and clutching at metaphors for his suffering. Drowning himself in his cups, too, is another frequency in these times. These periods under the curse of the black lion began some twelve years ago, but none have truly kept note. In 194AC he was wed to [url=https://media.vogue.co.uk/photos/5f217126e86e508de4dbf6b4/2:3/w_1920,c_limit/Hourglass%20x%20DEJ%20-%20final1.jpg]Ellyn Westerling[/url] in what remains a childless, and they say loveless, union. She is every bit a charming, beautiful wife that many men would long to have - but this has, for reasons unknown, not been enough to create a happy and child-bearing union. Some whispers have claimed that either is infertile, or more fond of same-sex company. The truth remains unknown. [/indent][/color][/hider] [hider=Loreon Lannister][center][img]https://secure.i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01244/knights-tale_1244857i.jpg[/img] [color=white][b]Loreon Lannister[/b][/color] [color=878787][sub]The Lion of Lannister[/sub][/color][/center] [color=878787][color=white][b]Age[/b][/color] [indent]26, born 176AC[/indent] [color=white][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [indent]Standing taller than his brother and with a broader, more athletic build, Loreon is oft regarded the most striking of his family. His unmistakably golden hair is frizzy, resting naturally in tousled curls that he keeps longer than he need, but just short enough to remain practical - an insight into his brand of vanity. He has eyes of emerald green, flaked with gold. He carries himself confidently, and has a quiet intensity not unlike that of his father.[/indent] [color=white][b]Description & Biography[/b][/color] [indent]Raised atop the colossal Rock overlooking Lannisport, it was clear from a young age that Loreon was entirely unlike his elder brother. His circle of friends was small, and his temper stormier. Fights with the other children - of nobility and commoner - were frequent, and his will for lessons with Maester Martyn was low. Intelligent, yet unwilling to apply himself. His slow maturity began under the tutelage of Ser Benedict Vikary, the newly appointed Master-at-Arms. Named page at five, squire by nine, and knighted at fifteen - the decade is remembered by Loreon as brutal and ceaseless. In just some of his daily training regimen, he was pitted against multiple opponents in sparring, drilled in riding and swordsmanship, and - more reluctantly - lectured on military thinking and strategy. He was not granted his own blade of steel until he had disarmed an opponent using only a training blade of oak. In the latter years of his time as squire to Black Vikary, as he came to be known for his somber moods, his education in jousting began. In one of his early training jousts, a poorly aimed lance shattered the collarbone and split the neck of a young Moreland boy, barely past four and ten. It would be the first death experienced by the young lion, and more would follow. Any guilt felt for the boy was soon assuaged by Black Vikary who, while an able combatant, was far from the perfect image of a knight. Victory by whatever means was the strongest lesson imparted to Loreon. Knighted in a modest ceremony after victory in a regional tourney hosted by House Serrett, he can scarcely remember the vows he was sworn to, and has never been much of a godly man. Only a few days after the ceremony, Loreon took his leave from the Westerlands with a small retinue, headed for his first tourney as a knight. In the subsequent eleven years, there have been a great many victories and losses both. His travels have taken him from Casterly Rock to King’s Landing, the Reach to the Stormlands and further afield still. He is the most well-traveled of the Lannister pride, and has spent more time outwith the Westerlands than within, and is said to be the “Lion of Lannister”, a measure of his ferocity and talent. He is a gifted combatant, and skilful rider - one of the most proficient knights to come from the Westerlands. Yet among other knights and competitors, his reputation is oft less than stellar. Vain and said to be conceited beyond measure, he has also been accused of disreputable methods in combat with more than one scandal surrounding a victory had by Loreon. Now in the year of 202AC, the Lion of Lannister travels to Summerhall to attend what will surely be the grandest tourney of the year. It will also be the first occasion he has reunited with his family for near two years. How he will fare in the lists, and where his travels will take him from here, remains to be seen. [/indent][/color][/hider] [/hider]