[indent][u]Character #2:[/u][/indent] Name: Ratimir Floros, "the Breaker" Appearance: A sweet-faced man with eyes of pure compassion. Judging from his towering figure of 6'2", most people need to look up to talk him in the eye. His stocky, lean appearance and hardy beard can easily intimidate anyone upon first glance. Both of his hands and feet are heavily callused, and his physical shape is superb, due to field work and training. A few minor scratches and scrapes lie on his upper body from previous fights, along with three major scars, one on his left thigh, one along his chest, and one on his right shoulder. His hair is normally disheveled and short(knife-cut). Clothes he wears are always worn out significantly, and his shoes never last very long. Overall. upon first meeting Ratimir, one would think of him as a mercenary or a traveler. He never carries a weapon, only a finely polished steel shield and a rucksack of food, water and medical supplies. Magic: The Breaker uses his magical talent, "vanish," to defend himself and others at all costs. This magic skill calls upon a being of great power in order to conjure a magical powder over the surface of an object. This powder exhausts The Breaker based on how much it moves, how much is conjured, and how long it is conjured. This magic powder sticks temporarily to any surface it is summoned on, perfectly bending all light around it, leaving the object covered with the powder utterly invisible to all forms of light detection. If the object moves too quickly or is hit forcefully, the powder will disappear completely around said object. If the object moves with powder on, no matter how slowly, distortion will occur around the object, making the object slightly more detectable. This magic can be used up to four hours a day per square foot of surface area covered with the magic powder, not counting movement of the object. This skill has a very low mental exhaustion rate if used correctly, and can completely exhaust the user in seconds if used poorly. No laser can hit a target which is covered in this magical powder, however, physical objects can still hit objects covered in the magical powder. When used on himself without moving, he can remain invisible for around ten minutes a day. Training: Throughout his life, The Breaker has been known for his amazing non-lethal battle tactics. From talking to famous traveling fighters and reading books about the body, he has learned a great deal of skills with which he can disable, knock out, pin, bar, and/or throw targets without causing any permanent harm to them. He adapted a mixed fighting style which gives him a great deal of flexibility in grappling and closing distance to targets. Normally, he will use his invisibility to confuse a target and catch him/her/it by surprise. When the robots started to pose more of a threat than his fellow humans, The Breaker started to make use of a beautifully polished steel shield to keep from taking too many hits from the robots' lasers. He also adjusted his fighting strategy to either use the robot's weapons against them, or to remove their weapons. His non-lethal and highly defensive tactics have led to many unnecessary injuries, but many lives were saved as a result of his efforts. Personality: The Breaker is adamantly opposed to killing and to causing unnecessary harm. He is usually optimistic, rarely solemn, and always ready to talk or sing. His mere presence lightens the mood among friends of his. No matter who is in trouble, The Breaker will attempt to help or save them if possible. Even when alone, The Breaker has an unrelenting, positive attitude towards peace and life. His anger is almost never present, but is extremely violent and explosive when present. He has no regard for the well-being of robots, seeing as he does not think of them as "living." Backstory: The Breaker got his name from destroying a large group of robots with his bare hands when he got caught in an important battle. His efforts were spread far and wide, and thus he got his name, "The Breaker" or rarely as, "Ratimir the Savior." He was always seen as an invaluable asset in defending friends, especially when working with a small number of other people. When it comes to larger scale fights, the sight of blood, scent of burning flesh and sound of screams has greatly reduced his effectiveness in combat. Even still, his invisibility posed a valuable asset in the fight against the machines. His parents were very caring, both still alive and well within his home city. He had few friends growing up, but to those who bothered to befriend him, he defended them in every situation he found himself in. He was not always loyal, nor honest, nor quick-witted, but he never let a man take a hit or die in his place.