[@Zarkun] Jason just stands there, taking a moment of respite thinking about his journey while taking in the view. From where he was standing, he could see two towns across the lake; one was a more traditional town with many flowers coloring it, enough that it could be seen from all the way from Starbor and then there was a town that was surrounded by high, imposing stone walls. Beyond that, there was the beginning of a valley that spanned for miles and at the very cusp was a blanket of white. There was still so much that Jason had to do, so much that he had to explore. His life had really taken a sharp turn. One day he is in Hoenn with his uncle and the next he is selected by the most powerful trainer in the world to take part in her league and travel the healing region of Evig. He'd already had a wild couple of first days; taking on a poacher, leaning about the Night Touches, a person falling from the sky, bad happenings in the Marsh, and then nearly being wiped off the census by a Scyther. The crazy thing is that he knew this was only the beginning. The more he travels, the more experiences that he will have. Some good, some bad because that's just life. Of course, all of this could amount to nothing. Jason wasn't the only trainer taking the gym challenge. He was just of the handful of new trainers that the champion personally selected to just even have the chance of taking her title and this is not even considering about the other experienced trainers that signed up to challenge the league. This whole adventure could just amount to nothing, but then again, he would not know until he tried. The land awaits him. What does Jason do? [hr] [@samreaper][@Sanguine Rose] Rosa's eyes narrowed at the sulking mass of snark and vanity that was Tristan. Who would've thought that the person who helped them with the egg thief situation was this dweeb.[color=fff200]"Jeez, aren't you just a ray of sunshine."[/color] Though then we have the actual ray of sunshine asking about the printer that Rosa had mentioned earlier. [color=fff200]"Ah, yeah it's in my dad's office."[/color] She hopped off the sofa and to her feet though she realized that if she left the room, she'd leave her little sister unsupervised. The farm girl turned to Tristan and said, not asked, said [color=fff200]"Just keep an eye on my sister for bit. We'll be back in a few."[/color] Whether or not Tristan wanted to comply, he simply was not given the option to reject because she was already leading Faye out of the room and any protest he had would've been soundly ignored. Faye was led down a hallway for less than a minute until she walked into a room with Rosa that was obviously someone's office. It had a desk covered in folders, papers, and a laptop. There were shelves and filing cabinets filled with more books and files, and of course, there was the printer. Rosa walked over to the computer and with a few clacking of the keys she was logged in. [color=fff200]"Okay, whenever you're ready."[/color] Meanwhile, the little girl was staring at Tristan silently, rarely blinking as if she was trying to get a read on this guy then without warning she asked, "Why do you look like the boys on the magazines my sister reads?" [hr] [@Lunarlord34] Oh no, Dusk would've definitely been able to smell the sewers and he would not like it one bloody bit. Okay, so here was the interesting thing about using fire-type moves in the sewers; nothing happened. These sewers were really just storm drains, the things used to carry off things like rainwater and melted snow from the streets though would typically have things like oil and various forms of trash come down this way. The Grimer that made their home here were responsible for cleaning that up, not eating shit. The sanitary sewers were a completely different thing where one would need special equipment to actually survive to noxious fumes that would pollute one's lungs among other things. Having Dusk go against an Alolan-Grimer would typically be a terrible idea, but they were not a high enough level to know a dark-type move so the Litwick was able to fight these things with relative ease. Jack was able to just easily run down the sewer mons in a fight because it was a fucking Sneasel throwing hands against a literal trash bag and rats with only the Grimers being able to take more than one hit. Glory didn't struggle as much as one would've expected. The Wimpodd was able to outmaneuver all the of wild Pokemon and faired the best against the Rattatas with Struggle Bug and picked off whatever weakened Pokemon that Dusk and Jack left. Overall, it went well though they all seemed to have taken just a minor bit of damage. [center][i][color=6ecff6] Dusk is now level 9! Dusk learned Minimize! Jack is now level 8! Jack learned Taunt! Glory is now level 8! [/color][/i][/center] While walking around training her mons and exploring the sewers like it was something a sane person does, she did notice something odd. There were scorch marks on the concrete walls and floors variously placed about the corridors of the sewers though there was one mark that was recently made, as in she could still smell the smell of smoke. Whatever made that, it was still nearby. What does Steph do?