[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/d30e0b3bcbb52e9e11cdc6a848a22602.png[/img][/centre] [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210522/2936919c1d8c36df6fb303c8579b3a49.png[/img][/centre] [@AWACS][@13org][@BigPapaBelial] The next morning came and Amanda went to work immediately. The group voted to go for the mole first, and Amanda will oblige. Her first objective is to go to the surveillance room and ask for some copies of surveillance data from all rooms just before Amanda landed, and she brought all the tapes from the surveillance data into her room. A player device is available and linked into a small television set. On this TV set, cables ran from it into Amanda’s ports on her arm, allowing the android to rewind and forward events seen on the CCTV camera as desired. Of course, as soon as the rest of the group arrived. Amanda greeted them warmly, the Android woman knowing that a potential fight might go down if they managed to track down the fiend quickly and promptly. [color=bbbbbb]“Morning!”[/color] She greeted. [color=bbbbbb]“I have CD’s where there’s CCTV data yesterday. I was kinda wondering if we can piece together some information about the mole and what he/she’s doing just as we arrived into the city. It’s not much, but it’s all we’ve got for the moment.”[/color] [color=bbbbbb]“If we manage to find the mole, then I think we’d better ask around for whoever that person is, and probably confront the individual about their role in our ambush. We also probably have to raid the person’s personal office in order to get the evidence we need to prosecute should we commit to the person in question, I’m a senior agent, so I do have the power to do these searches due to my seniority, just be discrete about the matter. We don’t need to needlessly inflame tensions in the Minsk office after recent events, agents here are already stressed enough as is, and we don’t need them to be even more stressed about the mole.”[/color] She has been hearing about the recent stuff from the agents here, apparently after yesterday’s attack. The Eastern Europe OMR branch had decided to give this Minsk issue their full attention, and agents are being sent out to scour the city, asking the public and conducting their own investigations as to who possesses the weapons, and the gall, to attack an OMR office so openly. Connections with Mr X and his endeavours are of course being assumed, but ultimately not proven, yet. And Amanda has every intention to let them conduct their work while she and her group will conduct this little diversionary mission in order to find the potential mole within Minsk’s OMR office. If anything, she’d be playing an indirect role in helping the Eastern Europe branch, finding the potential mole may make the Minsk office’s operations smoother and more airtight, keeping their element of surprise should violence be necessary to cull whoever powers that be that attacked their office yesterday. [color=bbbbbb]“Alright, it’s up to you to vote on whichever tape you want to go first. I have tapes from the laboratories, the parking lot, Administrative offices, the front entrance, and even the various hallways within the Minsk office, do you have a first preference for a tape we want to see?”[/color] Amanda asked. [hr] [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211121/edcf8803a1397607e7f2439f06c72910.png[/img][/centre] [@Martian][@King Cosmos] Madeleine began charging the rest of the group, her eyes fully intent on killing everyone that dared to interrupt her pleasant chat with the Roggenwolf. These bastards are most likely the cult members she talked about earlier, and it seems that they have their own designs for the Roggenwolf for whatever reason. Xaviron was providing good covering fire, his precise shots and spells providing a distraction to any would-be assailants of her, she has already lost count how many enemies was on her blindspot was distracted by Xaviron’s shooting, sufficiently distracted that Madeleine will be able to finish them off with her Feuerschwert. She wasn’t without any injury, however, as the personal shield spell she erected during the confrontation couldn’t last long enough for her to dispatch everyone involved, and she quickly became marred with wounds all over her body. The impact of random bullets throughout her torso, and some light slices on her arms from the cult members using their knives were sufficient in making the Demoness’ moves slower and more sluggish. But thankfully that is where the Roggenwolf and Xaviron came in. The woman, already going through hell and back, got help in dispatching the rest of her assailants in the form of a mystical wolf spirit, whom decided that it is best to maul and tear apart some individuals, and Xaviron, who got up from his secure position and starting running and gunning anyone that stands in his way. The half-elf even subdued several individuals for interrogation later on, knocking out a cult member unconscious before resuming his job of shooting and killing the assailants. The battle eventually ended, the rest of the group failing to capture the wolf, and quickly exiting the garden via magical portals that they have created. The trio too exhausted to pursue the enemy after the battle. [color=aa35a0]“Sorry for that… haaahhhh… I didn’t know we would be attacked…. heeehhhh.”[/color] Madeleine said to the spirit, wheezing and panting, moans of pain quickly followed suit as the adrenaline wore off and her wounds quickly showed off it’s deadly masterpiece on the woman. [color=aa35a0]“Perhaps… we should go to Morgana…. and bring you back to where you… come from… Is that… okay?”[/color] The Roggenwolf nodded it’s head and did a gesture Madeleine didn’t expect, the creature lowered it’s back, seemingly allowing Madeleine to ride on the creature’s back. An offer the woman could hardly refuse. And so, with Xaviron on her side, the woman rode back to Morgana on the back of the Roggenwolf, seemingly gaining his trust after that affair. [color=aa35a0]“Hey, Morgana.”[/color] The Demoness greeted the Witch. [color=aa35a0]“I’ve brought the wolf back.”[/color] She said as she dismounted from the creature, petting its soft fur. [color=aa35a0]“Do you have the spell ready?”[/color]