Ingrid, heeding her own advice, had spotted the enemy coming visually and was quick to drop her cargo for a shot at self-defence. However, she wasn't prepared for the burst of fire that was coming her way - it was lucky that it was only the two who came after her, for the blast was withering enough. Her whole world rocked about and she briefly struggled to keep a grip on the stick of her 'mech, [i]Susser Tod's[/i] torso listing backwards and threatening to topple over entirely. Her armor was scored with still brightly-glowing marks of glittering heat, and in one moment, she was reminded why [i]all[/i] battlemechs are respected on the field, no matter the size. It was only by a quick, if textbook, response on her part that she didn't fall flat on her giant metal ass: a joystick pulled backward to give a single step of reverse movement, alongside neurohelm impulses to put her weight onto her back leg, allowed her to recover and stand upright a moment later. She barely heard her own order with the ringing in her ears, but nonetheless she shouted [color=SteelBlue]"Remember! Fighting retreat! Focus on breaking away - focus on the Raven."[/color] and turned. The bite of the enemy commander's barbs was enough to elicit a reaction out of her on open channels, but as her mind envisioned great tales of valiant knights taking on witches and always coming out the victor, chivalric allegories that would be well-remembered in this battle... ...the urgentness of the situation made her response come out much less eloquently, and much more reflexively German. [color=SteelBlue]"Halt die Klappe, du Schwätzer!"[/color] She closed the line and focused. Her physical response was the loosing of her Fuersturm-C Large-class lasers, aimed at the first enemy within her line of view: the Jenner. She braced, aimed, shot out two brilliant beams of blue light - feeling the wash of heat come over her instantly, the heat sinks of her mech struggling to instantly sink it.