[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/36dc8726-4b37-44c0-b9b9-3009cba80052.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/75d89652-133d-4a7e-959a-31d42a469ec8.png[/img] in collaboration with [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d5ca7134-cd55-46ce-a851-70208f8a0b09.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fa0b12ac-49fe-473b-b7d1-c1a8e3969297.png[/img][/center] Interactions: MOLE-MAN[@Sniblet], Danger, Danger Fontaine[@BangoSkank], MOLE-TRANSLATOR, MOLE-ANNOUNCER, MOLE-MANAGER, Atropine, Guatemala [color=darkgray][sup][i](OOC NOTE: With respect to the GMs, it looks like this RP has gone quite far along without our input. It was a struggle to catch up and decide on our initial move. Next time, it would be appreciated if you could wait on us to formally join instead of blazing 13 posts ahead on your own and then putting us on the spot.)[/i][/sup][/color] [color=ffae35][h3]For a moment,[/h3]it was all quiet in the ring. Tequila Sunrise touched his fingertips to the flippers of General Shenanigans and then there was nothing - silence - a calm, beneath the soft rain of the sprinklers. Audience members found themselves holding their breaths. Even MOLE-MANAGER had the voice ripped from him by the suspension of noise that followed. This lack of sound - this stillness of the air - this muteness... [color=ff00d7][b]Then[/b] General Shenanigans began to scream. It was a scream unlike any that had yet been heard in this arena. Screams of pain, screams of fear, screams of excitement and bloodlust, none of it compared to the scream now let forth from the cetacean's mouth. This was a scream of [i]power.[/i] From their touching appendage-tips began to shine an otherworldly glow of [i]ki energy[/i] let free from the combatants' bodies and shared between them. This, as MOLE-MANAGER knew, was [i]fusion[/i] - that ancient technique to combine the minds, bodies, and souls of two exceedingly powerful warriors into one. The glow intensified, and soon [i]outshone[/i] the flickering, water-shorted electric lighting of the arena. Soon, the burly men-with-arms were invisible in the glare of their own surging power.[/color] Tequila Sunrise met the eyes of his erstwhile partner with a kind of steel in his own. The glory that surrounded them was taking them elsewhere, somewhere that had never existed until they began their dance. Their fused mindscape was realizing itself and consuming their mundane beings. In a moment longer, they would be done, and the real work would begin. All he wanted to see was that General Shenanigans was sure. That this was the way. [color=ff00d7][b]General Shenanigans[/b] had never been surer of anything, and he let it show in the [i]look[/i] he shared with his old enemy. The [i]sight[/i] of his eyes could chill the blood, rout a bear, kill any ordinary man where he stood. The determination he showed was cold, beyond cold - hypothermic - [i]cryogenic[/i]. If the world were to burn for what they were about to do, they would live untouched, if due only to the [i]strength[/i] of the General's conviction.[/color] [h3]And with that reassurance, Tequila Sunrise knew it was done.[/h3]The shared radiance of the two faded from an eternal flashbang to a mere floodlight, and what stood where they had was an entirely [b][color=ff00d7]new[/color] being.[/b] [/color] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/066de8bc-ca9e-495c-966e-20fba67e2881.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/51d267c0-ea73-44a4-a06f-8fd7d9cc31f3.png[/img][/center] [color=ff0000][h2]"HAAAAAAAAAH!"[/h2]The newly formed giant roared, bulging muscles rippling with violent fury on a taut leash. Once-dark cetacean eyes aglow with surging [i]ki energy,[/i] GENERAL SUNRISE quested about the arena for his first victim. His incredible masculine sensory [i]package[/i] led him sniffing the air toward the announcer's booth, where Adenine and Guanine were still doing something terribly unmanly with one another...[/color] [sub][color=darkgray][i](OOC NOTE: nothing against the gays)[/i][/color][/sub]