Jinny twisted neatly out of the way of Gizmo’s first swing of the chain. The second was more difficult, mostly because it came out of nowhere. Her size came in handy, for once, as she was able to crouch low and let it sweep over her. Her brown eyes were fixed on him, and only one person in the room would be able to recognize the way Gizmo was being picked to pieces. While she wasn’t even close to as adept as her father was, she could already see several points of weakness that she could take advantage of. His stance was laughably bad. One good kick would send him sprawling. His fixed position left him little room to maneuver and adapt. His muscle tone was a joke – obviously he spent too much time indoors and his diet was trash. With proper leverage, she could take his weapon with a little fight. This could be over in 30 seconds. And yet… How the hell was he doing that with the chain? Jinny had to know. She moved in and took two quick strikes at Gizmo with the gladius. Her control of a weapon she’d never used was impressive. It would hurt like hell, but he’d be fine. Then she darted back out again, her movements practically daring him to swing.