[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cNtrvII.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=7ea7d8]Event:[/color][/b]Meet the Arslans [b]|[/b] [b][color=7ea7d8]Location:[/color][/b]Ersand'Enise[hr][hr][/center] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/eBdBdLvrNUY[/youtube][/center] It has been a busy week. It was hectic before the fair started but now trying to find lodgings for a Duque amidst these conditions proved to be exceedingly difficult. Now only are the alumni returning to host the faire and their sponsors, but also a 100 strong Century Knights have taken up residence. She had already been to see Yalen for his advice on the matter and he informed her about how Colette, his sister, has been staying in his student accommodation due to the lack of availability, not a good start. She had even considered offering her residence at the Pizza slice, though Jocasta easily persuaded her out of that one especially as the last thing she wanted after the events of the Desert was to be next door to a Torragonese duque, present company being the exception. Zarina suggested Ayla should house her father in a brothel to chill him out and give his wife a rest, but even if the temptation was there, there are currently high turnovers due to the volume of business being concluded in those establishments. Ingrid was currently too busy making arrangements for her auction to assist, and Dory locked back into her room again, waiting for her boyfriend to turn up. Marci politely declined stating that she isn’t the best candidate for roaming the city and had just recently arrived herself, and Eun-ji had been recalled to her nation's residence urgently. Last she saw Kaspar was when they had lunch but he has been absent recently, apparently further important family business. The best suggestion actually came from Silas, he recommended she go to Ipte’s Rest at the Cathedral Square, and after kissing the two Dragon Eggs goodbye, marks the location on the map and begins her journey. Gina clopped upon the cobbles as she made her way towards cathedral square. The streets were abuzz with activity as many travellers came into the city to peddle their wares in time for the society fair. Along the many taverns and inns were notices showing that there are no-vacancies available. The torragonese girl approaches the intended destination as she pulls back upon the hood. The inn would be rather respectable for a merchant, but she can tell from the advertised prices outside the front, Silas did make a sincere effort, she will have to thank him later. She gently guides Gina to the front, tying her to one of the posts as she pets upon her head, informing her she would be back as she enters the establishment. Inside was decorated with colourful furnishing as she made her way through the door, attendants providing room service around her as the place appeared to be very busy with the volume of customers, even as a couple appeared to be giggling as they moved down into the basement. She makes her way to the reception desk to ring the little bell. An older man comes to the desk, peering over the side to look down towards Ayla, [color=5e5b5b]”Greetings little miss, you appear to be rather young and too well dressed to enter an establishment like this”[/color]. The man polishes his glasses, peering towards her. [color=7ea7d8]”Hola, we were looking for a Señor Moriff, recommendation from a friend. He told me that could provide a pleasant and secure accommodation for the Duque, my father.”[/color] The older man moves his hands towards the parchment which made note of the lodgings and their availability, [color=5e5b5b]”That could be arranged and prestige of a Duque would enable you to have a discount, but tell me why you would house a Torragonese Duque in a place like this. Is there no availability at Mansión de las Mil Ventanas?”[/color]. Ayla does look somewhat perplexed, [color=7ea7d8]”Isn’t that the residence of King Sancho, no?”[/color] The man smiles, [color=5e5b5b]”You’re correct little miss. Visiting Duques do have authority to stay there when the King is not in residence. I recommend you go and ask there first. I’ll make sure Mr Moriff saves this room for you, in the event there is no room.”[/color] Ayla smiles with a nod, [color=7ea7d8]”Gracias, will go and see straight away!”[/color]. The older man waves her away, [color=5e5b5b]”Send Duque Arslan Mr Moriff’s regards.”[/color] She curtsies in return, though does question how the man would know her fathers identity. Ayla made her way to Mansión de las Mil Ventanas after returning to get the directions. The pair did receive a plethora of looks as they travelled down the road together, the petite girl and her Shetland pony being the perfect match for each other. [color=7ea7d8]”No te preocupes Gina, están celosos de tu hermosa apariencia.”[/color] With a clippity clop they arrive at the entrance, a gate lies between the building and the road, with a Torragonese guard stationed outside. She trots up towards the guard, who raises his head towards her in a nod, recognising as some form of nobility. [color=7ea7d8]”Buenas noches, Ayla, hija del duque Arslan desea hablar con el chambelán de la casa [i]- Good Evening, Ayla, daughter of Duke Arslan wishes audience with the chamberlain of the house[/i].”[/color], one of the guards nod their head as they move through the gate, leaving Ayla with the other. He indicates for her to step down in preparation of being allowed to enter, as she nods, dismounting as she brushes her hand through Gina’s mane. [color=5e5b5b]”Dicen que un caballo se parece a su dueño [i]- they say a horse takes after their owner[/i].”[/color] Ayla raises an eyebrow as she looks up towards him, [color=7ea7d8]“¿Estás sugiriendo que parezco un caballo? [i]- Are you suggesting we look like a horse?[/i]”[/color] The guard grew flustered as he attempted to make his apologies, as Ayla giggled teasingly as she stroked Gina’s neck, [color=7ea7d8]”One can only wish to look this good.”[/color] Ayla is brought through the mansion as she is led through to the welcoming room, and guided towards the indicated seat to wait in the well furnished room and served a Leche merengada for her trouble. After a short while, the door opens, only to not be greeted by the chamberlain. [color=cea65d]“Ayla Arslan, you appear to have lost your allure since leaving the Desert”[/color], the [i]very[/i] handsome man smiled widely, taking his seat opposite towards her. [color=7ea7d8]”Augusto Frannemas, sometimes the allure can be deceiving. If one was to scratch below the surface, they may find that all that glitters is not always gold.”[/color] She continues to sip upon her glass as she looks towards him, the Duque’s son smiling in return. [color=cea65d]”Sometimes it is, mi amiga de lengua plateada.”[/color] Ayla drums her fingers upon her knee for a moment before speaking again. [color=7ea7d8]”Amigo, this amiga of yours does require a favour. Duque Arslan will be visiting the city during this time and requires a residence to stay. We hope your word may persuade the chamberlain to open these doors to him.”[/color] Augusto continued that damned smile, [color=cea65d]”Amiga, friends help each other. I will gladly speak to the chamberlain, and you may be able to help me complete my business in the city. There are three I wish to speak with from the Desert: the bluebell of Eskand Ingrid Penderson, your negotiating friend Jocasta Re, and a merchant girl by the name of Trypano Somia.”[/color] Ayla considers the proposal, [color=7ea7d8]”One may be able to place a good word in for you with Ingrid and Jocasta, the third is barely known, but willing to approach for an introduction.”[/color]. With a nod and palms opened, [color=cea65d]”I trust my friend to do her best, that is all that matters.”[/color] With the conclusion of her adventure, Ayla mounts upon Gina again to trot back to the dorms. Off on her way to convince the three lucky ladies the chance of an introduction with the heir of Duque Frannemas, and to prepare for the arrival of Duque Arslan. [hider=Action Opportunity: Meet the Arslans] Going to open up the Collab for Meet the Arslan's. Ingrid, Jocasta and Trypano will have an opportunity to speak with Augusto. This to be arranged with FnF. [/hider][hider=TL;DR Summary] Ayla goes on a little adventure to secure a residence for her family's visit. [/hider][hr][hr]