[@TheNoCoKid] I was thinking a full screen cavalry stampede. Obviously it would be blockable, but since I imagine blocking would be the only way to avoid it, it wouldn't do any chip damage. It was probably a way more bullshit attack during her first phase boss fight. Also, castle titan? Now I want her castle to be able to transform into a mecha as well. It probably wouldn't be used in the games themselves but it would give Marie one more cool thing to make use of in the world. Also, really glad you like the idea! :D I'm honestly in love with it, too. I mainly wanted to combine a slow heavy fighter with a partner summoner, and portals kind of fit theme of "widespread influence of royalty", it just made sense she'd also be able to teleport herself around. Any chance this RP will have a Discord server/PM group set up? I can't stop thinking about this RP or my character and I want to gush about it with people in real time. XD