Hello everybody! So, first off posts are due on 09/26/2022 (Which is the day before the last book in the Scholomance series comes out. I'm excited for that!) Next, I would like to recruit at least one more person. Right now the way the dynamic is set up it's pretty much all the characters have to stick together and I was hoping to try and set up a couple different subplots up. I didn't have anything specific in mind. I just thought it would be cool. If anyone has a friend or someone in mind that might want to play have them message me or Pascal or mention them here! And shout out to anyone lurking. If you were reading and thinking, "This looks cool!" Drop us a line! It might take some work, but we could figure out a way to integrate your character. That's all I have for now. Lots of Love! LadyAnnaLee