One thing led to another as the picture of the banquet comes a bit clearer. This was a mission debriefing to save the world, a cautionary tale with the 7 masters being the main characters. Disposing people into this whirling blender and see what sticks. Cassandra on the other hand was interested in a diffrerent subject that doesn't even contribute to the matters at hand. "[color=ed1c24]wow you met Heracles, director? that so cool! can you summon him? Summon him! summon him! summon him!" [/color]Cassandra eyes flared up and started chanting, repeatedly banging on the table like hyperactive child demanding to be fed. Its no surprise she was a huge fan. It was a chaotic scene with the loud spartan adding into the mixed. it started like a normal feast that ended up like a unruly thanksgiving dinner with all of your relatives contradicting each other about their politcal views. People arguing. The mixed conversation. the disagreements. Its no wonder Archer chooses to live in the woods and be a hermit rather than to socialize with people. "[color=00a651]I suggest you stop that or else all of us will be eating on the floor." [/color]The marksman's face grimace as he place his bandage covered hand on his master's shoulder, like a strict parent signalling his child to stop bouncing all over the place. Which indeed calmed Cassandra down. Honestly this was too much work for •••••. The green archer then shifted his attention to the child under the cradle of assassin. Like a marionette laying still on her lap willing to take some questions. [color=00a651]"for someone that is late to the briefing, you sure are well inform about the situation."[/color] Archer said shagging his ginger coloured hair. His tone is a hint of a sneer and suspicion. [color=00a651]"in any case, before we get side tracked. enlighten us, what do you mean by winner of the jackpot? I doubt that blood on your servant's face is no lame accident."[/color]