[hider=Enzo Leonardo Ferrari][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220912/cd0a1bc2bbaa83d4792986939f00cf9e.png[/img][/center] [table][row][cell][center][img]https://www.thefashionisto.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Francisco-Lachowski-Model-2015-Shoot-006.jpg[/img] [color=2c2c2c]_______________________________________________________________[/color][/center][/cell] [cell] [center] [color=2c2c2c]_____[/color][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/13dbb0e8387e59348f91c7e81a2c88ff/tumblr_oc7xpffArZ1sn5ti1o4_250.gifv[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eG9f6EK.png[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/0282cc663fdfaef4773144628989f9572a4d8a87/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f696a41455673784b6a6c725f64673d3d2d3738303338363033352e313563313236386132663466643961633836363435333531333938362e676966[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eG9f6EK.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/03a027b4f719915260a7b3be5cb0e66b/6943594da29c6413-5f/s400x600/1af1ca8106dd5b4b5f9fba07ba835fd6f779d6b6.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eG9f6EK.png[/img] [img]https://c.tenor.com/YgoJIbTo_foAAAAC/suit-tie.gif[/img] [color=2c2c2c]_____[/color] [color=2c2c2c]_____[/color][/center][/cell][/row][/table] [center][i][color=920F0F][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwrYDTHKxiE]"The pleasure is mine."[/url][/color][/i][/center] [color=gray][center]Secretive [color=920F0F]♦[/color] Flirtatious [color=920F0F]♦[/color] Determined [/center] [color=920F0F][h3][u][b] BASIC INFORMATION [/b][/u][/h3][/color] [list][*][color=920F0F][b]Name:[/b][/color] Enzo Leonardo Ferrari [*][color=920F0F][b]Gender[/b][/color] Male [*][color=920F0F][b]Age:[/b][/color] 25 [*][color=920F0F][b]Sexual Orientation:[/b][/color] Pansexual [*][color=920F0F][b]College Degree:[/b][/color] N/A [*][color=920F0F][b]Languages:[/b][/color] English and Italian [*][color=920F0F][b]Notable Skills:[/b][/color] Good instincts, street fighter, athletic [/list] [color=920F0F][h3][u][b] APPEARANCE [/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Something about simplicity is just [b]so[/b] attractive."[/i][/color] [indent][indent]Copper-brown hair slicks loosely back above a bronze complexion; hazel eyes glimmer between stacked lashes; and a crease between his brows are making its permanence from his continuous smolder. A cigarette is lit. Puffing smoke between his gentle lips helps layer his nonchalance with a bad boy charm. Enzo stands with a simple slouch, his broad frame accentuated by either a leather jacket or a navy overcoat. Standing tall, he enjoys towering over the general public. Without much of any flaws to pinpoint on the otherwise male model, Enzo teeters back and forth between battling insecurities and maintaining confidence. Although puberty did him well, granting him a unique charm that he decides to relish in rather than humble over, he lived a long while with harsh scrutiny. Yet, Enzo has come to perfect his mannerisms in a way that gets him what he wants most of the time. A sly wink and a reveal of his dimple is how he starts, leading to a wildly seductive touch and a tantalizing rasp to his voice. Enzo is a growing man of fashion. [/indent][/indent] [color=920F0F][h3][u][b] MAGICAL ABILITY [/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Careful of the fire, love."[/i][/color] [indent][color=920F0F][b]Years of Magical Education:[/b][/color] 10 years [color=920F0F][b]Schools of Magic:[/b][/color] Evocation, Abjuration [color=920F0F][b]Evocation[/b][/color] (9) [list][*][color=920F0F]Pyromancer[/color] Enzo has always found joy in playing with fire ever since he created his first spark. The thrill of engulfing things in flame and the accompanying intimidation that comes with such scorching destruction has given Enzo a love for this particular school of magic. Focusing hard on it, he’s come to manipulate flames very efficiently. He’s capable of conjuring flames as well, but using pre-existing flames will require far less energy. A major weakness would be to extinguish the flames he produces, causing him to burnout rather quickly. Enzo battles best in an area of his own fire; though dangerous to himself and any allies within proximity if handled incorrectly. [/list] [list] [*][color=920F0F]Pillars of Fire[/color] Enzo’s prowess with the element of fire has proceeded to such destructive extents. Reckless enough to injure even himself if he gets carried away, but useful against the right opponent – or opponents. Enzo can create ignitions of flame and let it soar to a big engulfing flame. [/list] [list][*][color=920F0F]Cones of Flame[/color] Fireblasts are one thing, but a cone of flame sent from his fingertips are what can truly light up a room in heat and demolition. Though it isn’t energy efficient, Enzo can send scorching fire from his hands in a cone in front of him. [/list] [color=920F0F][b]Abjuration[/b][/color] (3) [list][*][color=920F0F]Restriction Field[/color] As his prowess with fire had only increased, it became a bit of an issue when it came to keeping others safe, as well as his surroundings. One wrong move and somebody could unintentionally get hurt, or the building could light on fire and it becomes a fire escape instead of a battle. Thus, his teachers had suggested abjuration to help contain his magic. Enzo learned the ability to create an existing restriction field, at the cost of an energy reserve. Enzo casts the field in a radius around him. Magic that's casted within the field, or magic that enters the field, is weakened. This tactic gives him an upper hand since his magic tends to be more ruinous than others. [/list][/indent] [color=920F0F][h3][u][b] PERSONALITY [/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Confidence is key."[/i][/color] [list] [*][color=920F0F]Secretive[/color] Upon the first impression of Enzo, anyone could tell that he lives behind a veil of mystery. He lives a life with a background full of secrets that he chooses not to share. Though charming and charismatic, it’s hard to break through his shell to reveal what really lies within. He’s very selective of who he shares his past with, requiring a big amount of trust to even get to that point.[/list] [list] [*][color=920F0F]Determined[/color] Enzo has always been somewhat of an entrepreneur. Whether it’s working hard towards that goal or going through obstacles to reach a certain destination, he will go through great lengths when he has his mind set on something. He will always be determined to get what he wants, regardless of what stands in his way. This trait can make him seem selfish or too greedy, but when Enzo sets his heart on something, he’s going to get there or die trying. Failure does not sit well with him.[/list] [list] [*][color=920F0F]Flirtatious[/color] Being a guy of attraction and glitz, Enzo relishes in extravagance. Most interactions with Enzo always have some sense of flirtation – which can irritate many or entice some. He struggles to be serious most of the time, finding comfort in being coquettish. He also uses this as a form of a defense mechanism when it comes to social interactions.[/list] [list][*][color=920F0F]Protector’s Heart[/color] Though coming off cocky when he offers his abilities at the defense of somebody else, he truly does have good intentions. Enzo always seeks to protect others the best that he can, finding joy in the rewarding feeling that comes with being an aegis for any person or thing. Growing up, it was always a responsibility he had to his coven, but it wasn’t any chore or nuisance to him; it was chivalrous and fulfilling.[/list] [color=920F0F][h3][u][b] HISTORY [/b][/u][/h3] [i]Enzo, the Torch of Coven Ferrari[/i][/color] [sup][sup][sup][sup][color=black]____________________________________________________________________________________________[/color][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup] [indent][indent] Responsibility and duty are the foundations of Enzo’s history, but glamor and luxury are sprinkled all throughout. Being among the rich is all polished with chandeliers, marble floors, and mega mansions. He was always fitted for the most expensive clothes, dressed to the nines for any sort of event. Enzo’s all-too-familiar with the cologne-scented suits and the silken gowns adorned in glimmering jewelry, just to go to dinner on a wednesday night, toasting with Dom Perignon about some sort of victory his coven had accomplished. But indulgence didn’t come without a cost. Enzo had big shoes to fill, simply because of the family he was born into. His coven consisted of talented witches, all held at high standards to perform the duties in which granted them their fortune. Coven Ferrari were silently revered for their services to protect. Being more underground and primarily known within the realm of the rich, they were able to keep things from spreading through media. They were secretly hired for several tasks for celebrities, political figures, wealthy individuals, or even abjurers that needed safeguarding. Through networking, Coven Ferrari had made their way to the top, immersing themselves in a ritzy lifestyle that has made them filthy rich for the past several decades. Being a coven based within Italy, the laws weren’t as strict against them, making their lifestyle that much more possible. Enzo’s childhood had always been with a mix of siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles; but with a constant overarching discipline from his parents. More specifically, his father – leaving very little room for clemency. When it came to magic and poise, it was as if it was beaten into him without breaks. Enzo grew up with a child’s spirit, but it was quickly molded into a graceful masculinity with a fearless yearning to protect. Though teetering the criteria of what may be abuse, Enzo did respect his father immensely; however twisted his personality might’ve become through his influence. Strangely enough, Enzo strives to be like him in many ways, but fights to be unlike him in many others. Enzo’s prowess with evocation took great recognition, which only made things harder for him. Through a constant lens of criticism, he needed to perfect such a hard-controlling school of magic to properly perform for his coven. With repetition and strict guidance, he had made his way to become a stalwart of his coven. He stood a little straighter, walked a little faster, and puffed his chest a little higher – his confidence surfaced. After several successes, he was then nicknamed the Torch of Coven Ferrari. And as fast as he grew within his coven, it was just as quick to fall as well. One misplayed mission was all it took for the coven’s presence to spread like wildfire. It stirred a lot of controversy, many believing that their services went against the laws that other countries had placed among witches. Additionally, their freedom to use magic as they did was seen as unfair to witches that didn’t have that same privilege. In turn, Italy had instilled newer, stricter laws due to their discovery. Coven Ferrari was told to disband, but many of them couldn’t bear to leave their rich lifestyle. Instead, they continued their work, but punishment was just around the corner from their inability to stop. Several coven members were assassinated, falling fast and consistently like dominoes. As a result, many of the coven members fled for safety. Enzo, being as grounded and as unyielding as he was, stuck around until the very end. He watched his family die, only to be one of the few survivors left. In a theatrical event, Enzo engulfed their mansions in flames and made way for the US. Enzo had successfully escaped Italy, changing his last name to his father’s name: Leonardo. He more recently joined the Witches of Shipden Creek, hoping to lead a new life with his past buried. But one day, he seeks to search for the ones responsible for murdering his family. [/indent][/indent] [/color] [/hider]