As Flicker climbed the tower, Paxton leaped forward and struck a blow with his scimitar against the fog-blinded dwarf. When Flicker made it above the fog and onto the top of the tower, the Ignan voice called out again. "One of them is going for the bell! Don't let them ring it!" The voice commanded, prompting a renewed stream of arrows to fly towards the top of the tower. But Flicker gracefully dodged all of the projectiles and made it to the bell, ringing it loud enough to be heard from quite a distance away. A few moments later, the sound of bells ringing out in response could be heard from all the other watchtowers around the campsite. "NOOOOOOOOO!" The Ignan voice cried out in fury before a bright streak of light flashed out of the forest and into the fog. When it reached the center of the tower, the streak blossomed with a low roar into an explosion of flame. Regardless of how well the dwarves' attempts to dodge were, all three were slain. Either overcome by the heat consumed by the fireball entirely. Paxton managed to push by the dwarf he was fighting and barrel into cover at the last moment. Despite not being outright killed, Paxton was out cold after suffering serious burns and landing badly on the ground. When the fireball's explosion ran its course and the flames dissipated, nothing was left to hold the watchtower aloft. And so the wooden edifice collapsed, bringing Flicker down along with it. Their landing was not the most graceful, but at the very least Flicker was still up and ready to fight. Or they would be once they picked themself up off the ground. [hider=OOC] Paxton attacks the Third Attacker. He hits with a [url=]15[/url] and deals [url=]5[/url] points of damage. Ignan Attack Leader casts Fireball on the base of the tower. All three attacking dwarves take lethal damage regardless of whether they make the save or not. Paxton rolls a [url=]19[/url], takes 14 points of damage, and falls unconscious. The watchtower collapses. Flicker falls to the ground, takes [url=]12[/url] points of damage, and lands prone. [url=]The map is back![/url] (The password is still Highway.) [/hider]