Rala had her weapons readied as the dwarves began advancing, ready for another death-defying battle that she had become all too familiar with. Her thought process changed as she heard the tower's bell ring out and it was followed by a blazing inferno. Rala's eyes widened in fear as she began hearing the foundation of the building crackle and snap and the moan of the wooden supports struggling to keep the long tower up, and as they failed and gave way, the tower came falling and she was forced to watch helplessly as the silhouette of her friend went down with it. Rala ran with more speed than she knew she had in her, rush towards the rubble to see that despite burns and cuts, Flicker was amazingly not killed. Just as she was about to berate him, however, she heard a groan to her side and saw that Paxton had been hit in the crossfire, and in doing so had found a large slab of wood embedded in his side, still sizzling from the inferno prior. Rala's hands worked faster than her head as she quickly found herself pulling the lumber away, slicing a piece of cloth from her cloak, tying it around the wound to keep the pressure, and lifting the man over her shoulder as if it was routine. With the aid of the Marine Layer, the archers seemed clueless of where Rala was as she moved back. The bell had been rung, the wounded were being secured. So far things had gone well all things considered, so good that Rala was concerned. [color=RosyBrown]"I've got him, let's move"[/color] She ordered in a sharp bark as she passed Jurmond, struggling to carry the hefty man, practically toppling over with the weight of the larger body. [color=RosyBrown]"By Ilmater, this man is like a sack of bricks"[/color] She groaned finally as her legs began giving out underneath her, and so she stopped to place the man down for a moment, covering the wounded man with her back.