“[i]You’re just going to, what, wait over here…? Really, [fire-child]? You would avoid the… Ah… Group of them?[/i]” Asked a tall woman, draped in ancient looking armor. It reminded the more modern-dressed, punk-styled girl of a resistance fighter. From ancient Egypt! “Yes. Yes I would! They’re fuh— I mean— Look I don’t know WHATS happening down there and I do NOT want in. Not yet. Not right now, okay?” Replied Tomoyo. The spirit sighed, standing next to Tomoyo in silence for a long, long moment… Before smirking. They were standing under the drizzle some non-insignificant distance away. Apparently, her charge enjoyed the feeling of water on her skin. Rain was… Not necessarily new, but nice and interesting nonetheless. She stepped forward, then, looking directly in ‘TomTom’s eyes as she spoke again. “[i]I am Usai. We have known eachother very, very briefly… But I believe we need more than eachother to survive.[/i]” And to that, Tomoyo panicked, as so named ‘Usai’ [i]vanished[/i] from sight. She shuffled in place, gasping at the sight. “Hey! What the crap?!” She hissed, desperately looking about. She was not prepared for Usai to reappear bedside the Viking boy and his companion. Unseen by them, not to Tomoyo’s knowledge. She was further unprepared when ‘Usai’ simply smiled. Usai clapped, before ‘speaking’ calmly and yet somehow with a fire that was eager to leap out. Tomoyo couldn’t hear what Usai said, but her face was rapidly burning up. This was embarrassing! Usai turned, glancing directly at Tomoyo. “[i] I apologize for, ah, interrupting. My charge is… Very shy.[/i]” She whispered, to absolutely no one in particular.