[@Silver Carrot] though if you wanna be really specific about it theophania doesnt correspond to any specific timeframe. her armor if 15-1600s, her role as knight-errant is a trope popularized by chivalric romance in the 11-1300s, her name is roman, and her power being described as a "peculiarity" is a quirk lifted straight from welsh triads (7-1200s) kammu on the other hand can have his death specifically dated to between 1880 and 1886, which marked the tail end of geronimo's campaigns against the mexican and american militaries anyway the witch of the waters is talking to samantha, not mina. also this is an understandable mistake since it was discussed in the OOC and not stated in the main thread but the rp's location is left intentionally vague as to whether its in japan or america. i didnt want anyone to feel tied to either, so we're all encouraged to mix and match details from both