[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Sigil][@Arty Fox] Good day, Edgelords and M'bladies! Another fun filled day of raucous adventure continues in the once peaceful lands of Avonshire, and here you all are to take advantage of the happenings. Now, if that doesn't just beg for jollies to be had so hard you want to smack it in the face with a rolled up newspaper, I don't know what will. Anyway, thanks to a couple of standard NPC Perception and Insight rolls, a new clue has opened up for potential puzzle-piecing. So now the question becomes: Can you trust the source? Best of luck in the upcoming. Just remember that the weather sucks for everybody and events are both structured (in the sense that a timeline exists) and dynamic (meaning that factors such as action, inaction, weather, and unknown/random factors may influence them). In the end, player decision and the oft fickle Dice Gods will determine your fate.