[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7UxgEHd.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/183DKCg.png[/img][/center] [right][b][code]Gold City - Streets[/code][/b][/right] [hr][hr] [quote=Lucas][colour=yellow]"I'M GONNA TAKE THE ROOFS, THEY MIGHT BE HIDIN' SOMEWHERE. JUST TO MAKE SURE WE DON'T MISS 'EM!"[/colour][/quote] Jill sighed, swerving her bike to the side and sliding under a large pane of glass being carried across the street. She wasn’t born yesterday; it felt like everything between just about everyone in her circle got massively more awkward ever since Antarctica. Still, not much to do about it other than- She suddenly saw the missile speeding towards her bike. She reached for her whip. [color=LightSeaGreen][i]Not a lot of time to pull this off, hopefully no one ends up-[/i][/color] [h1][color=Tomato]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!![/color][/h1] A soot-colored mass of flab and fur sailed straight into the missile at insane speeds, creating a blast of blue and green in midair that sent it flying into the pavement and bouncing away into the sky. Jasmine swooped ahead and gave her big sister a smug smirk as she zoomed past. [color=DarkViolet]”Is this the best you’ve got? Pick up the pace!”[/color] The witch leaped off her broom and made a dramatic gesture with both hands. In the span of half a second, she disappeared, materialized behind the retreating robots, threw a couple handfuls of magical knives, and reappeared exactly where she was, finishing her spell.