“THERE WASN’T A BODY. SHOW ME PROOF SHE’S GONE.” Shouts could be heard as the guards began to drag away the thrashing male, but he wasn’t making it easy for them. Jack was certain of one thing, that he would make their lives a living hell and he would not go down without causing a scene or fight. “NONE OF YOU CARE ABOUT US. WE’RE ALL JUST SHIT ON THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SHOE. SLAVES SO YOU CAN KEEP YOUR LAVISH LIFESTYLES.” Harry rubbed his temples his frustration building as the prisoner would not shut up, he could see all the higher ups and guests being ushered out and towards safety but even they would be able to hear the commotion faintly. “Knock him out if you have too.” Giving the order to the guards who appeared to be incompetent in restraining the rebel. It appeared that got a reaction as the boy began to scream bloody murder spouting absolute nonsense about the rebellion, Iris and how the Capital had ruined her. “Listen here kid, she’s dead.” Taking a step forward to the rebel which earned a brief bit of silence as he locked eyes with him. “I saw the body and it wasn’t the Capital that killed her, you can thank your own rebel friends Ethan for that one and she was then buried. Got it?” Harry made it clear that there was no substance to his claims, but there was a defiance in the rebels’ eyes. “There was never a body buried!” With the last claim leaving Jacks lips everything went black as Harry had clearly had enough and knocked him out with the handle of his gun in one swift motion. “Go on, take the rebel away.” Tutting to himself as the guards hauled the unconscious body to throw into the cell in the meantime until questioning, running a hand through his hair as he began to walk the perimeter checking on the damage from the explosion. As he did, he thought back to the night when they had gone on that rescue mission, picturing the body that had clearly been dead. Concerned he shook it from his head, but something was bothering him about that night. He had gotten Jacob to check for a pulse as for a moment he had thought he had felt one, but he knew there was no way the girl had survived, and Jacob had confirmed it. Jacob would not lie about something like that, but still something with niggling away at him wondering if maybe he had been right in the fact there was still a pulse. “Sir!” “Report.” Harry nodded to one of the guards that had approached. “We managed to apprehend one more, but the rest escaped. Soldiers are out doing a sweep of the forest as we speak. They’re being transported to a cell as we speak, no major injuries reported. We’ve sustained minor causalities all which have been moved to safety and are currently being treated. The King was unharmed.” “Good.” Harry sighed before dismissing the guard off and reaching for his comms device once more to get in touch with Jacob. “Sir, perimeter secured, we’ve apprehended two rebels, but two have escaped. Soldiers are sweeping the forest, but no luck so far.” Pausing for a moment before he turned on his back away from the guard waving him off as he walked around the damaged building out of earshot. “One of the rebels, they’ve made a bold claim. A name I didn’t expect to hear again.” Pausing Harry wasn’t even sure if he should bring it up, maybe he was just overthinking it, but it would eat away at him if he didn’t mention it in case, it was important to keeping the King safe. Everything so far that had happened her name had always floated around, so it didn’t feel like a coincidence. “They said Iris was alive and seemed to think we are keeping her somewhere against her will. It’s not possible right? You confirmed her dead at the scene.” Dropping his hand from the comms device as he surveyed the rest of the building waiting for Jacob to confirm back to him that she was indeed dead, and this simply was a coincidence. Folding his arms, he tapped his foot waiting for further instruction. Back at the condo Iris had been watching the broadcast, eyes wide as the explosion was caught on camera before the live feed abruptly ended. How was this happening? If it was the rebels didn’t they die with Ethan? Why was it someone was still attacking the monarchy like this? Or maybe it was someone else, perhaps this was an unrelated incident. Shaking her head, she paced the room wanting to go see if Cas was okay, to ensure that he was still safe and well, but she knew that wouldn’t be an option. Glancing to the door perhaps it was time she took matters into her own hands again.