[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220829/a0632580b2578888cdf950fac57864af.png[/img][/center] [color=C9C0BB]The cluster of cats cut through the thick-leaved grass as they padded towards BreezeClan's border. It was always somewhat haunting to know that there was never any clear indication that one was approaching the other Clan's territory, save for a spare tree or perhaps a small hill. It was the smell of BreezeClan cats that got to you first, even before one got close to the one or two stray trees that stood tall against the backdrop of the grassy dunes. And if that didn't help, there was always the sudden presence of sand beneath ones paws as they got nearer and nearer to the border, along with the sharp tang of salt in the breeze. Smokestep took all of this into consideration as they walked, the tip of his tail twitching with apprehension. There was a kind of tension in the air that he didn't like, but he shrugged it off as baseless apprehension more than anything. He turned his head to see that Hawkshadow had approached, blinking warmly at his words. [color=black][b]"Thank you. And personally, I can't wait for them to leave the nursery. That's when you get to see their true personalities shine,"[/b][/color] Smokestep smirked and flicked his tail dramatically. [color=black][b]"StarClan knows that RainClan needs more energetic cats with sticks in the mud like Coyotestar and my brother prowling about."[/b][/color] Meanwhile, Oakpaw was very much preoccupied with Stormstrike, her eyes wide as she kept up with the larger tom despite the longer grass pulling at her paws. [b]"I smell salt, and water... the ocean! Maybe some rock, too, and--"[/b] [b]"What are you doing on our territory?"[/b] A line of shadows crested the hill right in front of them. Smokestep raised his eyes towards them, narrowing them in the face of the sunlight. Five BreezeClan warriors had appeared at the top of the hill. He immediately recognized Cloudstorm among their number. The larger tom's muzzle was wrinkled slightly as he scowled down at Stormstrike. [b]"I had hoped that the deputy of RainClan had a better head perched upon his shoulders."[/b] Smokestep growled, padding forward and standing next to Stormstrike. [color=black][b]"What are you even talking about, you hare-brained fleabag?"[/b][/color] [b]"I asked a question,"[/b] Cloudstorm snarled, taking a step toward them. His claws glinted in the dim sunlight. [b][i]"What are you doing on our territory, Stormstrike?"[/i][/b][/color]