Cordelia visibly shrank back in her seat at the Director's threat to unsummon her Servant. She understood and...even if Samson was an asshole, she'd feel bad about him being replaced. Even if someone else might be easier overall, a relatively "sane" Berserker like him was rare, and a lot easier to control in combat than the usual raging Berserkers she'd seen her peers with sometimes. All she had to offer was silence until Assassin and her Master arrived. Then, she placed her hands over her mouth to muffle a scream. Her Master looked dead, and Assassin had blood on her face...what was going on!? Leaning over the table just enough to just...stare into her soup, Cordelia was hoping that on some level, the soup had an answer. Maybe she'd just feign sickness to get out of this...everyone here felt somewhat insane, except for maybe Reggie, Michel, and...some of the Servants. [color=bc8dbf][b]"...I'm just...going to go along with whatever the Director says, at this point. This is too many twists at once for me."[/b][/color] In all honesty, she was really regretting not accepting Michel's generous offer of a dumpling. Humming, Samson would fold his arms across his chest as Assassin came in, tilting his head and observing her. Mostly her legs, honestly. He wasn't even being subtle about it at a point, before solemnly nodding his head. [color=f9ad81][b]"Mhm. Yep. Legs."[/b][/color] With that absolute nothing of a statement made, he would rest his head against the back of Cordelia's seat. [color=f9ad81][b]"I'm fine and dandy for Singularity work, but I'm not sure if my Master's up to snuff. She quakes in her boots just talking to mages."[/b][/color] Cordelia...didn't have a retort for that one. Her Servant knew that even that act of "Bravery" to stop his skill was entirely dependent on him just quitting it out of boredom. Cordelia was certain that, out of everyone here, she'd be the one most likely to run as soon as a situation appeared utterly hopeless. [color=bc8dbf][b]"...I...e-even if you're right Samson, I imagine the Director knows that![/b][/color]