"Haa... Ha...." Luna felt like she was out of breath. Was she pushing herself too much? Damn. If it were Fio that used that magic, she would have been fine, right? Probably able to cast it a few more times. She threw herself against the walls that were nearby. They should help give her cover against the arrows. She motioned for her men to join her under it. The next thing was to take care of the archers. Once her group gathered near her, she spoke to them. "Alright. These bandits are something stronger than we had expected but, we can handle this right? I'm worried about Niall since our... Sole survivor here had to retreat to us." The soldiers would know that this wasn't a denigration at least. "I plan to check on him. I don't want any more deaths. From our end, at least." The Knightess went silent. The life of a soldier was one that involved the distinct possibility of death. Luna knew that and so did every man and woman that found themselves at that fort. "We need to do two things. Recover Niall and dispose of the archers on the wall here. Now, if you guys think you can take the archers without casualties, I'd appreciate if you could clear them. If not, I don't want heroes. Stay safe, maybe just distract them while I go and get Niall. After that, we'll have him scale the walls and I'll come back to you and we'll charge through while Niall clears them from above." Luna then slapped one of the soldiers on the shoulder. "I'm trusting you boys. Make me and you families proud and come back alive. Shields high." After all, that's where any arrows would be coming from. With that, the Knightess ran along the walls towards where Niall should have been. She didn't know exactly what kept him over there, but she hoped that she didn't come around and find the man dead on the ground like she assumed the other three soldiers were. "Just hold on, Niall." That said, she wasn't sure if Fio was fine. She assumed the girl was fine but it could be hard to say. Still, Niall was the bigger concern at the moment.