[center][h2]The Unexpected Reckoning[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2KDIbF6.jpg[/img] [/center] OOC: S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A. appears courtesy of [@wanderingwolf] So they’s helpin’ folk escape the slavers. Abby could git behind such a notion, seein’s now she knew a thing or two ‘bout bein’ kidnapped an’ abused. Cap’n took off fer the cockpit, with that really perty lady…Quill…taggin’ along. Yuri collected Hook, an’ the pair of ‘em headed fer tha cargo bay to wait on the Cap’n. As tha cook walked past ‘er with ‘is cold shoulder up, the girl acted all indifferent…but she’s startin’ tah swap confusion fer jest bein’ straight up pissed off. [i]I didn’t do nothin’ tah that sumbitch,[/i] she pondered as the rest, crew an’ passengers, all left the galley in ones an’ twos. Soon enough, she’s all by herself. Order was fer her tah head fer her bunk, but the girl had tah wonder how layin’ around was gon’ heal bruises an’ cuts. She didn’t feel like sleepin’ none, anyway, what with Lido waitin’ in her dreams ever’ time she drifted off. [i]”Aaaabby,”[/i] she could hear that voice, feel ‘is hands touchin’ where nobody but she an’ Doc ever touched afore. Nah, sleep weren’t nothin’ she’s lookin’ tah do fer awhile, she considered. ‘Specially with such a job needs doin’. Fireflies like China Doll an’ Mariposa had lots ‘o’ little crawlspaces an’ hidey holes in ‘em. Most spacegoin’ boats was like that, double hulls what was like puttin’ a square peg in a round hole an’ then ignorin’ tha gaps. Mariposa had plenty. Even as a tiny girl, little Abigail Travis got right good at wedgin’ ‘erself inta all make ‘o’ nooks an’ crannies. Now, as she ticked off her fav’rite hidin’ places, she conjured that Abigail The Grownup best have a look-see, more tah make sure that “huge” places Abigail The Child played in was suitable fer hidin’ fully growed folk. Bein’ up in tha galley as she was, Abby conjured ain’t nobody to fuss about bedrest if’n she took a look forward. Abby put ‘er empty bottle up fer tha recycle an’ padded on bare feet towards the cockpit an’ crew quarters. Best hidin’ places was in the ceilin’s. SInce crew all had hatches with down ladders, weren’t no problem tah pop a corridor panel ‘er two. She picked the starboard side, jest over what must be Yuri’s room. Panel catches come away easy enough, and in two shakes she’s crawlin’ on hands an’ knees inta the dark space. Mindful that any second Cap’n an’ Miss Quill could come down from the cockpit, she pulled tha panel shut behind her. The place was black as pitch, a problem remedied by the glowin’ screen of ‘er cortex. She shone the light about, an’ found China Doll’s first space to be exactly what she ‘membered from her old boat. It was like an attic, structure beams, HVAC units, an’ power couplin’s leadin’ down inta tha various cabins. She couldn’t stand full height, but as she studied it she conjured five-six growed men could fit the space, easy peasy. “Shiny,” the girl muttered to herself. She’s fixin’ tah leave when tha cortex buzzed in ‘er hand. Sure enough, it was Thomas. [color=00FFFF]Tjinks I was worried sick about you! Sure you’re OK?[/color] She took seat on the dusty decking, foldin’ legs underneath as she tapped out ‘er answer. [color=FF6984]Abn8r Everything’s shiny! Just sitting around.[/color] [color=00FFFF]Tjinks Crabby? MY Crabby? Just sitting around? I don’t believe it.[/color] That raised a smile, part cuz’ ‘o’ his joke, but also ‘cuz she found ‘erself mighty partial tah bein’ called “his Crabby.” Feelin’ made her glow a bit as ‘er thumbs tapped out a response. [color=FF6984]Abn8r Not by choice. Doc’s orders[/color] Soon’s she hit ‘send’ on that she knowed she messed up.. Thomas didn’t miss a trick. [color=00FFFF]Tjinks What? You get hurt again?[/color] “Aw, [i]la shi[/i]” she grumbled tah herself as she tried tah come up with tha right answer. [color=FF6984]Abn8r LOL, no bullet in my butt. Tripped on the stairs. Nothing broke, just a couple bruises.[/color] [color=00FFFF]Tjinks Send me a pic. I miss your face.[/color] “Gorrammit,” she cursed under her breath. This was gonna get tough. [color=FF6984]Abn8r I’m in a dark spot on the boat. Not good for pics.[/color] [color=00FFFF]Tjinks That cortex has a flash.[/color] [color=FF6984]Abn8r I look like la shi right now.[/color] [color=00FFFF]Tjinks Impossible. You’re too pretty on a bad day. Show me.[/color] [color=FF6984]Abn8r Thomas, I can’t.[/color] She’d lied enough. Tah hang on an’ stonewall him just wasn’t in ‘er…but she really didn’t want tah go where this train was bound. [color=00FFFF]Tjinks Abby, don’t hide from me. What’s going on?[/color] Before she could talk ‘erself out of it, Abby snapped a capture of her face, bruises, swole up eye an’ all, which she sent to Thomas. She knew what’s gonna happen next. [color=00FFFF]Tjinks WHO HIT YOU????[/color] “Shit, shit, shit!” she muttered while tryna do damage control. [color=FF6984]Abn8r Nobody. Thomas, I’m fine. really.[/color] [color=00FFFF]Tjinks I got brothers! I know a beatdown when I see one![/color] [color=00FFFF]Tjinks Was it that guy who talked la shi to you all the time? One you called Big’un?[/color] [color=FF6984]Abn8r No, grifters are long gone. Wasn’t anybody on the boat.[/color] [color=FF6984]Abn8r I’m safe Thomas. I promise I am.[/color] She waited fer his reply, but screen just glowed back empty. After a couple years went by just sittin’ in that crawlspace, Abby’s cortex sounded an incoming message. “From Samantha?” she questioned as she tapped the line. “Hello?” “Abigail,” the AI spoke in a crisp Boston accent. “You’ve got an inbound wave from Thomas Jinks on New Melbourne. I’ve routed it to the cockpit capture. Both Captain Strand and Quill Cassidy have left, so you should have ample privacy for your conversation with Mr. Jinks.” “Oh,” Abby grunted. “Thanks.” She rose, wiped the dust off ‘er butt, an’ worked ‘er way back out tah the corridor. The cockpit was empty, but she could already see Thomas’ face on the screen as she stepped inside. He was furious. “Hello, Thomas,” Abby curled ‘erself inta the pilot’s chair, arms about ‘er knees as she let ‘im have ‘is say.