[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1trNZ24.png[/img] [color=orange]Interaction:[/color] The Team vs Kobra [color=orange]Location:[/color] Taos, New Mexico[/center] Mirage had her staff at the ready as she climbed through the smoking hole in the wall after the rest of the team. She still wasn’t sure about this “plan” of Rain’s. Shock and awe just wasn’t her style. But no one else had said a word about it, so neither did she. It was far too quiet as they all entered. She felt a prickling at the back of her neck. Something was watching, and it had teeth. It started to go off the rails at a rapid pace. The wall started to close up behind them. There were multiple enemies pouring in on all sides. And of course, their “leader” went off without a word of instruction. Very well, then. The uniforms on their enemies looked rather standard for human military. If she recalled right, those goggles were something to give humans some assistance in the dark. Perhaps - Mirage twisted the staff upright in her hands and infused it with a burst of her will. The runes lit up red and a ball of orange flame lit the top. [b][color=orange]“Not enough!”[/color][/b] She inhaled and pulled magic from deeper within. Gritting her sharp teeth, she brought the staff up and slammed it on the ground. A ball of searing hot, achingly bright white flame burst from her staff. The effect was immediate. Several soldiers nearest it stopped in their tracks, staggering backward. [b]“My goggles, I can’t see!”[/b] [b]“She blinded us!”[/b] They didn’t waste time starting to strip the gear. But an opening was an opening. She let the flame’s power drop, ignoring the ringing in her ears. Then she rushed then, executing a swift combo to crack skulls, knees and ribs, dropping the soldiers before they could recover their bearings.