[hr][hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wjbPELQ.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] The Carousel [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes (passive) [/center] [hr][hr] Andy's stomach twisted when Selene started to approach them. She didn't know how to act around her mother. When she lived in foster homes, she had been a bit on the antagonistic side with her foster parents. Most of the time, it was self-defense. However, here on Genosha, her 'parents' (Magneto and Selene) could easily kill her. She didn't want to die. Not with Zari in her life now. It might have been different months before she met the Mutant Underground group. She stood up. Pulling at her [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1016525144174379099/1016560547275227156/MV5BN2QxYWM3MWEtMzM0YS00N2JhLTg2ZTQtZTI3ZGNhNzkxN2VhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTU4MzQ3NDA._V1_UY1200_CR19006301200_AL_-1.jpg?width=348&height=662]dress[/url] a bit. [color=b71d5d]"Uh, hi mom."[/color] Her face turned bright red, but she didn't kiss her. She glanced at Callie; she shrugged and nodded at the same time. [color=b71d5d]"It is complicated. I don't know the whole story yet, but it turns out Selene is my mother."[/color] She looked back at Selene. Andy wanted to know the story, wanted to know the truth.