[hr][h1][b][i][color=d19f6a][center]Edus Penior[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/b1ebfc50b0cf1426f3e11679b4683dc8/tumblr_inline_o4bt51y46I1rfmocr_250.gifv[/img][/center] [color=d19f6a][center]Skill: Stealth; magic[/center][/color] [hr] Ed followed Jade up the stairs. His heart was pounding. He pushed aside his fears. None of them mattered. They'd either live or die. He could only do his best at the moment. He tensed as the door started to open. But Thalia did some of her time magic, and the three were frozen. His hands shaking a little, he created a bubble. At first, it appeared outside his target. He took a deep breath centering himself. Reminding himself that if they failed here, the world would likely fall into ruin. That put a weight on his shoulders that he didn't necessarily want, but it focused him. The bubble disappeared, and another appeared, but this one was not visible to the others. Ed had created this one inside one of the men. Around their heart. It was essentially an insta-kill. There was no fighting it. Not that there would be any way for this man frozen in time. It also meant he had once again broken the family laws. This was forbidden. But Ed doubted it would ever matter.