On a path within the Iselia Forest, a sudden light caught Avan’s attention to the northeast as it shot to the sky, his eyes widening as he could only stare at it in awe for a few moments. Was this the Oracle that his colleagues had mentioned to him? Iselia was not too far away from him, so he knew the Martel Temple could be in that general direction of the light. “Looks like today’s my lucky day. Didn’t expect the Chosen to start her journey this soon.” He smirked and took hold of his grimoire and pulled out a pen, jotting down notes and the date that the Oracle have occurred in one of the pages near the end of the book. “Hopefully I’ll be able to sneak inside the temple.” Murmuring the last part, he snapped the book closed and made his way towards the light. He had been warned that the temple was usually guarded, only the priests, Chosen, and possibly only a handful of trusted Iselian villagers were allowed entry. Though, he hoped that his status as a researcher would help him gain some access to the temple. He wanted to spread the the knowledge of these old ruins to the world. “I can’t wait to actually see that temple in the flesh! I wonder if they are any different than the ruins in the Triet Desert.” Avan exclaimed with an excited grin over his face. The outside of the Triet ruins were fascinating, but that was all he had access to and studying the sand-worn structures could only tell him so much of it. Walking up an incline, he managed to sneak a better view of the blinding light soaring up to the sky through a break in the trees, seeing that he was still quite a distance from the temple. The path before him seem to branch off toward the west and did not seem to head in the direction of his destination. Sighing, Avan decided to backtrack until he cut through the trees, hoping that he was heading in the right direction. It was his first time in this particular area, having to gone as far as Iselia before, but never going beyond the village. [i]That’s right...Isn’t there a Desian Ranch here?[/i] Avan thought darkly, his blue eyes trailing back to the path he had been. Any further and he might have ended up there instead. He also wondered who was the Chosen this time and how were they like. Stories he heard of the past Journey of Regeneration, none of the Chosens have made it back alive...that their lives were taken by the Desians. Shaking his head, he almost felt ashamed that he was the same kin as them. Half-Elf. Even though he had a good dislike in Humans, he did not like the way the Desians dealt with them, locking them up in Human Ranches. But despite the fact that he was the same race as them, Avan spent most of his life hiding his true heritage, posing as either Human or Elf, depending if he were to reveal his magical abilities or not. “The Chosen...wonder if I’ll run into him or her on their way to the temple,” he pondered before shaking his head once more, weaving through the forest undergrowth. [i]I have a job to focus on anyways.[/i]