[h2][color=00a99d]Germaine[/color][/h2] [color=00a99d]"Aye, it could certainly be worse."[/color] The actor muttered. It was a quiet response to a quiet statement by a blue skinned fae that was probably not intended for his ears. He heard it nonetheless, and he agreed - things could have been worse. If it had started raining earlier, Germaine would probably have ended up thoroughly soaked to his socks. As it stood, he would arrive in front of his client only moderately soaked. Perhaps he should curse the gods for the foul weather, but it was, he supposed, as much his own fault for not wearing a coat. Germaine breathed deep. Rain brought the smells of the city into sharp relief. Goeta was a city he had wanted to visit for a long time, for the sights of the southern shores, if nothing else. It had been a long way from where he had started, and the anticipation had led to expectations. A little voice in his head reminded him that expectations led to disappointment, but the actor wasn't disappointed just yet. Like so many cities in the realm these days, Goeta's atmosphere was bleak and full of soot. Even so, the city had a rich atmosphere. Goeta was alive, and it held many secrets. Or so his instincts told him. Germaine looked around at the motly band around him. Even for one as well travelled as he, it was rare for him to see one of the fae, let alone two elves at once. Different species of elves at that. And they weren't even the strangest members of the group. More than likely, their reasons for being here was even stranger. The actor couldn't help but smile in spite of himself. Perhaps it was the atmosphere of the city, or his love of drama at play, with the tension in the air, Germaine couldn't help but smile. He could feel anticipation in the air. Something would happen soon. He wasn't sure what would happen, of course, or how big it would be, or if he would be caught up in it. But where was the fun in knowing everything? As some of the group began to talk to the guards, the actor turned to the blond haired demon and began to thank him. [color=00a99d]"I thank you for your timely intervention my good fellow, without which I would have assuredly been sold."[/color] Germaine said. [color=00a99d]"But, if I could ask..."[/color] He threw a glance back towards the door, observing the guardians arrayed menacingly on either side. [color=00a99d]"Is it safe to assume that things are not going according to plan?"[/color] (Interacting with Farfa and Arcturus a bit)