[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mvCBHjI.jpg[/img][/center] [color=gray][right][sub][color=white][b]Emma Frost[/b][/color] - [i]NPC[/i] [b]Location: Green Lagoon, Krakoa[/b][/sub][/right] Emma stood still for a moment longer than would have been casually normal in the current situation, even given the circumstances of Magneto’s arrival and the two, for all intents and purposes, young adults to children. The psychic front of the moment was lost to Tommy, Billy, and Erik…though Erik no doubt knew what a moment’s too long of a pause from Emma meant. First, the blonde billionaire turned to Magik. “Jean needs your presence at the New York gate,” Emma said, before immediately clarifying, “the publicly known New York gate, the one for—” “—the Seneca gate. I’m going; have fun, kids.” Magik grinned at the two boys and disappeared in a disk of brilliant light, the mutant teleporter gone in a flash, leaving Emma, Magneto, and the two off near the stage at the Green Lagoon. It was enough to get Blob’s attention. Yet it was what the two young men said that struck with Emma. She’d been part of the X-Men long enough to know what it probably meant, but a quick check with Scott Summers was required. Scott was a strategic nerd, with endless scenarios written in the kind of long detail that was usually reserved for fantasy nerds and their favorite lore. Scott’s opinion was much the same as her initial one; multiversal fuckery. “You two are the sons of the Scarlet Witch,” she said, her cold blue eyes narrowing as she watched each body for any and all physical reactions, to say nothing of the telepathic monitoring she did of their surface level thoughts and emotions. “Is this news to you?...where is it you both come from?” She finished, looking up at Erik, only slightly confused. [/color]