[@Salsa Verde] Asbolutely! I planned on going the same route. [@Benzaiten] Hah, yeah, I know that type of student all too well. It's a perfect fit for Nat's type. That sort of frees the excuses up a lot. That is, Nat wouldn't have to sneak around or lie about it to her buddies, seeing as Mel would pretty much be in on it for the [i]same[/i] reasons, just on the other side of the same coin. This also leads me to think that Natalie's friends would gradually loosen up on the shit they would've given Mel at the get-go of things. So, towards the end of Ritman, they'd more or less leave her alone altogether. Awesome, then Natalie probably paid Mel for an essay on more than one occasion. Well, I put the character down as an 'influencer' with a fairly large following. I think I mentioned half a million followers in the previous game, but not in the character sheet. So, it would be very easy to check on Nat after Ritman. I think Nat would consider that [i]fling[/i] to be the perfect 'thank you for everything'-gesture. Like, it would be the highest form of payment and appreciation in Nat's mind to give herself, her body. She probably wouldn't think to do anything like that again, at that point, but that could've changed now a few years later in the story.