[Center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ohitsIF.png[/img][/Center] [hr][@Rune_Alchemist] [color=green]"Ugh..."[/color] Finnegan groaned as he blinked away black splotches from his vision. Straining against his own fatigue, he lifted his head just enough to see the child that he'd pushed himself so hard to heal; seeing that their breathing had evened, if only slightly. Finn's head fell back with a satisfied sigh. He stared at his mangled palm; turning it side to side as he flexed each finger before balling it into a fist. Even as the slow trickle of blood dripped down his arm Finn couldn't but smile with pride. This wasn't just another posting. It wasn't just another skill somebody else could just do better. The power that had healed that child was his own... Even if it was a blessing from God-- It was his. And that was all that mattered. Satisfied, Finnegan let himself go slack; content to nap off the exhaustion that had taken him on the cool stone floor. But as his eyes began to grow heavy-- motion on a small blue panel caught his attention. The cartoonish depiction of the Woman he vaguely remembered from his dream seemed to be poking a motionless body that lay face down in the water. [Color=green]"Huh?"[/color] The Apostle tilted his head with squinted eyes, trying to make sense of why he was seeing such a thing. Was it some kind of metaphor? A cryptic warning? A prophecy? Or was it the fact he was less than ten feet from a woman that seemed to be drowning in an ornately decorated pool? .... Finnegan's eyes nearly popped out of his head as the realization dawned on him; shoving himself onto his belly as he scrambled for the waters' edge. Wasting not a moment, and caring little for the bloodly trail his hand left behind-- he took hold of the Woman and heaved her from the drink with all his might! Yanking the Woman onto the stone, Finnegan ran through protocol for rescuing drowners in his head. Laying the stranger onto her back-- he would lean his ear down to her face to first check if she was still breathing...