[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DVjv2A1.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PIt6O9j.png[/img][/center] [hr][color=gold]Location:[/color] Ersand'Enise [hr][color=gold]Interactions:[/color] All the charaters[@Force and Fury] [hr][hr] Ingrid’s time before the Scholastic Faire was busier than she originally planned. She was able to catch up on her schooling and even come up with a line of thought for her Atomic project. The speed dating event she put together was in retrospect enjoyable with her making new friends and rekindling some old ones. She somehow even got into a contract to help Zarra out with studying the wand in exchange for pretty broad favors. But the favors didn’t mean much as Ingrid didn’t have the heart to do anything that terrible with them. [color=8882be][i]I can only imagine how worried his parents are for him with his slipshod way of doing business,[/i][/color] Ingrid could only think as she looked over the contract Zarra shined. Ingrid felt a burden on her from the trust he put in her. [color=8882be][i]We barely know each other Zarra and you signed this. You sure are interesting.[/i][/color] Besides that, Ingrid had her sleepover that went mostly to plan. Ingrid still cringes as she remembered she tried to kiss Dory and hit on Ayla. Of course, nothing happened but the memory of it will haunt her for many sleepless nights. There was some benefit though. Ingrid found out about what happened to Dory and how wrong seemingly everything had gone on the ship. Ingrid found herself putting away the feelings she absorbed that night from Dory. Ingrid wanted to fight them on her behalf but that wouldn’t do anyone any good. The thing that didn’t go as planned that night was hopefully opening up about what she had done to those poor people. She wanted to confide in her friends to try to lessen the weight but instead, she couldn’t even say the name of the girl who died. Pathetic was all that was. Then tension of the war started to escalate and she could see the line being drawn. Cliches of the same nationality started to pop up more and more. Higher nobility started to mobilize their influence to make those lower than themselves get in line with their will. It was all so arduous. Eskandish Nobility was slow as Ingrid expected. As much as they wished for revenge, many were worried about if this was a false ploy. Many Eskandish had ties to Revidia and now their ancient enemy, the Perrench, was now a supposed ally that saved their king. The confliction between the 2 sides just never settled. Ingrid had been swepped up in all of this. She was one of the higher RAS students from Eskand and her family had many connections outside of Eskand so her attitude towards things was highly scrutinized by her own countrymen. Some of the bolder Eskand Nobles tried to let her in on what was nothing but a thinly veiled assault on Revidian commoners and artisans under the guise of looking for something stolen. Ingrid didn’t participate and did her best to pressure things to stay away from physical violence the best she could. Luckily the presence of the Centuries at Ernise’Ersand made such conflict a fleeting dream. The events were tiring. Shipments from her own family had started to make more sense. More arms were being produced and made than normal. Some of her own generation of Penderson’s were investing in artisans to produce more armor and weapons. Some she worried had started to buy the service of blood mages based on some of the transcripts. And here Ingrid was looking to purchase a galleon. [color=8882be][i]No wonder certain nobles felt emboldened. Smiths are churning out spears and cannons. Some are even producing rifles. And here I am looking to purchase a galleon in the middle of this. Maybe I should wait. No, Zarra already sent word to his parents and it would be rude not to consider it.[/i][/color] Ingrid couldn’t help but stress. Ingrid was aware if war broke out she would likely be safe from it as she is at school but she couldn’t help but worry for her family that was out of school. All 8.0’s that specialize in explosives were going to be used extensively if war breaks out. Sven with his surprisingly high RAS may be pulled out to fight as their family wouldn’t have much else to contribute to a war effort. All these events were under the influence of the aberration she absorbed with the others in the desert. It was larger than the first and gave her more power but with that came more side effects. Ingrid could handle the constant headaches but small things not going her way that would normally be passed by inconsequential as they were, suddenly became genuine annoyances and that took some time to forget. It was tiring to be so easily angered. Benny was infuriating in many ways and the aberration was making it worse. So as much as Ingrid wished to not ignore him, she did limit her interactions with him wishing to not damage her budding friendship with him. However, she did let him know that the aberration was affecting her strongly enough that she wanted to postpone their dinner date. But as much worry as there was, Ingrid felt she did a good job monitoring herself and keeping a firm grasp on her emotions. And her reward with the sway of the aberration was the Faire. She was excited about the clubs. She even purchased a new dress out of impulse, maybe that was also the sway of the aberration she laughed to herself. She wanted to go with friends on that day considering there was no school. She thought it would be the perfect time to see Benny again, [color=8882be][i]A little walking, a little talking, seeing the performances, maybe going home…[/i][/color] Ingrid thought. She knew it was going to be crowded but thought it would be on equal footing. She sent an invite. And was rejected outright. It stung as she didn’t really set any backup plans so she resolved to just go by herself. She just put the pretty dress away and reserved it for the next event she goes to… Not having anyone there to talk with made it less enjoyable. She knew she could be eccentric at times but even she liked good company for events. She tried her best to correct her mood from the start by going to Zeno Bucks for the Grand Opening. The store was busy but Ingrid was able to get her coffee in a reasonable amount of time. She ordered a large café au lait with no sweetener. The warm milk was more than enough to blunt the natural bitterness of coffee. Plus the subtle flavor of dairy from the milk was delightful to Ingrid as she was used to much more dairy in her diet before coming to Ersand’Enise and she frankly missed it. She knew she has to go pet some of the kæmpe ko if they will let her, as they were but the cutest cows in the world. With her coffee, she got a yum yum mostly for the name itself. It was fun to say and it was very sweet. The perfect pastry to raise her spirits for the rest of the day. Ingrid’s first club was conveniently just across the street from Zeno Bucks. The Pumpernickle club! The stall was popular not just for the people wishing to join but for the absolutely scrumptious pastries and bread that they have set up. From the variety of bread they had to the butter that they use depending on the good, this was completely unthinkable to Ingrid. The trade connections they have are amazing. But the thing that did it for Ingrid was the dark loaf of bread with kæmpe ko butter spread on it. It was the best taste of home she had in months. She had some starter for the bread they make at her dorm from time to time but the technique the Pumpernickle club uses is on a different level. Very nervously Ingrid asked if she could join and they said there would be a test. Ingrid nodded and they said to come back when you think you're ready. Ingrid smiled and bought some more bread to eat for the day. Ingrid noticed that there were some girls behind the Pumpernickle stand using a mixture of Kinetic, Magnetic, and Arcane magic to make a high fat butter without having to constantly squeeze the water out and save time in the process. Ingrid thought the technique was interesting but Ingrid was more interested if they made the kæmpe ko butter fresh this morning. Surprisingly, they had and said they were given some from the Fauna club in the early hours of Shune. [color=8882be][i]Seems things are looking up for me,[/i][/color] Ingrid thought as she made her way to the Fauna club Ingrid showed little self control and started to munch on some pillowy enriched yeast rolls as she strolled through the Arbortoreum to go visit the Fauna club. She had no real intention to join the Fauna club but from what the butter churners said, there will be a calf or two. The Arboretum, which was usually one of the quieter places on campus was now bustling as well with people. Still, it acted as a slight break from the loud roads of Ernise’Ersand. It wasn’t long before Ingrid could see the massive kæmpe ko that seemed to be a part of the club’s petting zoo. Ingrid spoke to some of the club members and they let her in, taking her bread so that way she doesn’t feed them intentionally or not. Petting animals was a very soothing time indeed but Ingrid was still on the lookout for the truest prize. She saw one of the kæmpe ko move and then, [color=8882be][i]Baby kæmpe ko![/i][/color] Ingrid was smiling ear to ear as she calmed herself before getting closer. The mother didn’t seem to care since it was massive but the calf was having none of Ingrid trying to pet it. She spent a pathetic amount of time trying to pet the baby. Eventually, almost as if the calf learned that Ingrid was a very diligent petter, gave up and Ingrid was able to pet the adorable creature. A true moment of bliss for Ingrid and a moment of weakness that would lead to the calf’s downfall as now that it was staying still many other petters came over. By the end, Ingrid was satisfied and the kæmpe ko calf, now named Koko, was laying on the ground being cuddled and petted from all sides. Having completed her goal, Ingrid made her way to the Fingersteepler stall, checking out Ipte’s Courtyard along the way. If it wasn’t directly on the path to her true goal then she wouldn’t either bother. Her lack of interest was definitely a shift from her original plans for the school. [color=8882be][i]God things have changed,[/i][/color] Ingrid reminisced. At the beginning of the school year, Ipte’s Courtyard would probably been her only way to find some romance but after some of the recent events, Ingrid was feeling fine about her chances. Even if her current romantic prospect doesn't work out, Ingrid thinks she can find someone else.[color=8882be][i] Hopefully.[/i][/color] Ipte’s courtyard was what she expected and although the attention from very attractive men was nice, it wasn’t good enough for her to join. She enjoyed the realer moments of throwing herself out there and hoping for the best even if it did lead to her being alone for the first day of the fair. Ingrid left the club to go to the Fingersteeplers. Ingrid could see the stage but no one was there right now. Ingrid shrugged and took a seat across the street from it and turned her attention to some of the pastries and bread she had picked up earlier. [color=8882be][i]Just one or two, [/i][/color]Ingrid promised to herself, still being conscious of the weight she was gaining at this school. However, the sweets were dangerous and Ingrid ended up eating closer to three to 4 while waiting. Suddenly the stage came alive and a masked man announced the club. Ingrid watched giddily, this may have been embarrassing to some but to Ingrid, this was just cool. She watched the Choc Force spread out to find their victims. One happened to be Ingrid and she was more than ready to play along. She took the flyer and the chocolate. With her time at the Fingersteeplers over, Ingrid had a decision to make. [color=8882be][i]The day has been wonderful so far but maybe it could be greater if I were with someone. Maybe I should just go to the clubs I’m joining and enjoy the fair tomorrow. I already had a good time already so maybe…[/i][/color] Unable to decide, Ingrid flipped a coin. [color=8882be][i]Guess that means I’m going to rush my clubs today.[/i][/color] Now knowing that she wasn't here to wander about, Ingrid hastened her speed and tried to go to the remaining clubs on her list. They were fun for what it was worth but she knew that revisiting them tomorrow with someone would be even better. Ingrid already knew that she wanted Sven to accompany her tomorrow since he was always fun to talk with. And it would be cute to watch him randomly nerd out. Luckily Ingrid met him at the Draconic Order club and they were able to set it up. With that, Ingrid went to her dorm where she had set up small things ahead of time. Her servants were made aware that she was trying to bring home a man and they kept themselves away from the front door, waiting to hear the door open. When Ingrid entered, she let out a slightly frustrated, [color=8882be]”It’s just me.”[/color] A small chuckle and a small snort was heard from the side rooms, obviously from her servants. Ingrid let them know that no one was coming and that they could eat the cheeseboard. However, her servants were cheeky, as they showed they already ate the cheeseboard, knowing Ingrid wouldn’t have succeeded. Irritating to say the least. But whatever, Ingrid thought. Their friendly jests were of no actual pain to her. They knew her well at this point and knows she plans a bit too much. Ingrid grabbed another set of clothes for tomorrow as she was still at her Zeno’s at the moment. Ingrid gave them the rest of the pastries and whatever else Ingrid had picked up along the way. Ragnhild was sharp with her tongue though, “Wise lady Penderson! Any more and I would have to get your dresses refitted!” That one stung. She left a little red from embarrassment and made her way to her Zeno’s abode. She took a bath before just talking a little with her Zeno group. And went to bed On the second day, Ingrid woke up and talked to Dory and Ismette a bit, proclaiming that she was going out with Sven today. She skipped breakfast to meet Sven at Zeno bucks. Ingrid had looked forward to today. The nerd himself was quickly growing to be his best friend. But the day didn’t go as she wanted. Things started nicely. Some light talking and laughing. Going to a few clubs nearby. It was nice. Exactly what Ingrid wanted. But everything changed when Ingrid discovered a large aberration near a club stall behind some crates. Ingrid only came here to get out of the sun and wait for Sven to grab some snacks. It was scary to see one here. Why would it be here? Ingrid waited for Sven to come back but he never did. Ingrid couldn’t leave it here since this place was so densely packed. She decided because of its size and her own RAS she would take it in to make sure someone with lower RAS doesn’t absorb it. As she plunged her hand in it she immediately felt regret. The aline feeling was even worse, hor body became wracked with pain like she was resisting it. Images flooded her head and she lost her mind until she collapsed. To an onlooker, they swore that the woman had just died. Ingrid rose from the ground in an unsettling way, lumbering. She seemed to be in a daze but soon she held her head and swayed side to side like something akin to a madman. Her eyes were red and they had no tears, they just seemed wrathful, more wrath than one who knows Ingrid could assume she had. She ran through the central street, trying to avoid anyone she may have known. She just needed to get home. She needs to hide before she lets loose on someone. But as she crossed the junction she saw another aberration. Her mind didn’t even resist, it pounced on it as she needed it. She knew she would go crazy but she didn’t care under the influence of the aberration. It was almost as large as the other one. Silas had started to absorb it as well, maybe trying to stop her but Ingrid succeeded in touching it before it disappeared. As she drew even a lick of it, Ingrid had gone fully mad. The first one to gain her ire was Silas. He had stolen from her. She lashed out at him and kicked him in the stomach with a slight bit of kinetic magic like you would a stray dog that tried to nip at you. She assumed he dies as the commoner body went a decent way. And she turned to see someone she once cared for Dory had been unlucky to be the one Ingrid saw. The care and worry she had for the Feskan girl had twisted her image of her as someone who she abhorred and detested. Someone that needed to be squashed. With more kinetic energy Ingrid grabbed Dory and slammed her into a wall but Ingrid wasn’t done as there was a sadistic and vile feeling welling up in Ingrid that felt like euphoria. Ingrid held her life in her hands. It was but a game. She wanted to inflict pain upon her friend. Dorry tried fighting back but Ingrid was too fast at this point as she was augmenting herself with kinetic magic. Ingrid wanted to crush her into the ground and when she couldn’t it was no longer fun. Ingrid took a step back and drew the fire and ambient heat and light darkening the area immediately near them and what took form was a large fireball that was destined to kill Dory. All of the magic Ingrid used before was almost random uses of magic, unplanned, unrefined. But this was different the girl had let off thousands of explosions and this was built into her like the lunge of a duelist. The fireball launched with an intensity that the Feskan girl couldn’t attend with. When it all seemed lost, Manfred came in and helped match the intensity saving Dory. Ingrid yelled in frustration that they were still standing. The fight lasted a little longer but Ingrid could no longer get away with casting such a huge fireball. Even with all his experience, Manfred couldn’t restrain Ingrid with her large size being supported by this heretical strength. The fight wasn’t looking good until Dory gained confidence and used internal chemicals to weaken and sedate Ingrid. Dory's sedation had calmed the situation but she needed to still restrain Ingrid as there were moments when Ingrid came back and was still as rabid. When Ingrid came too, she simply stared up at Kaspar, not completely aware of what happened. She just knew there were people on her. She didn't know what was happening but things started to happen [hider=A Time Out (Lore dump)] Dory and Manfred had begun to get off Ingrid as she seemed to stop struggling and her wits were returning. Ingrid was confused about the situation, her moment of madness was remembered but it was like watching something unreal. It was hard to connect it to herself. Before she could ask any question she found herself brought to her feet by two Centuries. All she could say was [color=8882be]“wha-”[/color] before one of the Centuries just said [color=silver]“Stay quiet, you’re disrupting the faire.”[/color] Her voice was clear and commanding, giving no room for Ingrid to try and speak. She kept her head down hoping to not make a bigger fool of herself. [color=8882be][i]What have I done?[/i][/color] It was not a long walk to Balthazar Hall, which was where one might’ve expected to go for disciplinary matters. Yet, it soon became clear that Ingrid was not headed there - not at all. The two Centuries were [i]strong[/i]. Even in her semi-dazed state, she could feel that. They also gave nothing away. The trio proceeded in silence, more or less, as she was led off of campus proper and… toward the Violet Enclave. Weren’t students not allowed in there? She’d heard all sorts of stories about powerful spells designed to keep them out. Closer and even closer she was led not just to the enclave but, inevitably, toward the Forked Tower. Some of the daze had subsided after their walk from just outside the noble dormitories. She could barely make out that she was not going to Balthazar Hall. She wasn’t worried at first as she couldn’t process what that meant but the realization of what was happening set in as they walked her toward the Violet Enclave. Fear set in quickly as they walked. [color=8882be][i]Oh god[/i][/color], she thought as she approached, [color=8882be][i]they are going to kill me.[/i][/color] The thought wasn’t well conceived and was mostly an instinct from all the stories of students disappearing from entering. In a last ditch effort to save her from the force field of instant death that surrounded the Violent Enclave, Ingrid in a growingly panicked voice started to plead, [color=8882be]”Um, there must be a mistake!”[/color]Ingrid twisted back and forth between them, [color=8882be]“Balthazar Hall was a while ago and this is the Violet Enclave. I’m a student.”[/color] Ingird smiled and tried to make herself seem more personable so maybe they could have some empathy. They continued their walk and Ingrid got desperate, [color=8882be]“I know I’m tall but I’m a student! Please I don’t want to die yet!”[/color] Ingrid did not stop walking, though, as it would be a futile act against the legendary Centuries. Her breath became rapid and unsteady, she tried to slow her walk but the Centuries didn’t slow. Panic had set in. She could hear the beating in her ears as she thought this would be the end once she entered the Violet Enclave. And then, as she could sense a faint shimmer in the air, as she prepared herself for whatever would happen, there was a voice, from about a foot behind her. Reality wavered. She hadn’t even sensed the energy. An old man with a thick grey beard had placed a hand on each of the Centuries’ shoulders. [color=8B0000]“She is in my custody now. Thank you for your service to us.”[/color] The Centuries regarded him dubiously for a moment. Then they nodded, exchanged a glance with each other, and departed. The old man turned to Ingrid. He was wearing a hooded black cloak with Eskandish runes sewn into the hem. [color=8B0000]“The barrier won’t kill you,”[/color] he said shortly. [color=8B0000]“Stay close.”[/color] Ingrid hadn’t sensed the old man who appeared behind her. Ingrid jumped a little accompanied with an eep when his voice came out of nowhere. She turned with the Centuries to face whoever this was. Ingrid couldn’t recognize him at first, but he had to be important for the Centuries to hand over custody to him. The only person who this might be was the Arch-Zeno Giacomo Giarrone, Ingrid’s Arch-Zeno. He told her that she won’t die to the barrier and that was relieving but it was also ominous the way he told her to stay close. She couldn’t help but feel that she would die if she left his side. She followed him silently to wherever he was taking her. The silence was filled with memories of what she had done, guilt building with it. He led her further into the Violet Enclave stroking his beard occasionally. Tall, dark pine and spruce trees rose about them and the air seemed somehow cooler. When Ingrid glanced back, she could no longer see the city, even though she had just been in it. The old man made not a sound. Even his steps, his movement, were uncannily silent. The only sounds to be heard were the rustle of tree branches in the wind, and the cawing of crows and ravens. There were a great many of them on the trees and the rafters of buildings, but there were no people. As they walked, Ingrid continued to piece together her actions from absorbing the first aberration to genuinely trying to kill Dorothea. The sights of the Violet Enclave were a calming if not mystical experience with what looked like the city disappearing and the noticeably different climate than from just outside. Normally she would be enraptured by the scenery but the silence was heavy. She was left alone with her mistakes and it was starting to weigh on her. Why was he not saying anything? Was he not going to expel her? She had to ask, [color=8882be]”With all due respect Arch-Zeno Giarrone,”[/color] Ingrid fidgeted as a part of her didn’t want to know, [color=8882be]“what are we doing? Am I expelled? Why are we walking in an area I am not allowed?”[/color] She was rightfully nervous to ask him. She had no idea what was going on. The Arch-Zeno said nothing. He merely motioned for her to follow. Ahead, they could again see the school grounds, as if they had passed right through the enclave. He picked up the pace, forcing her to keep up for fear of whatever ill thing might happen if she did not. [color=8B0000]“Go,”[/color] the old man said enigmatically. [color=8B0000]“You’re free.”[/color] Ingrid had hoped for any kind of answer but nothing. They kept walking and she kept thinking more and more things about what she did. When he increased his pace her worry had increased tenfold. She had to keep up for the fear of what might happen. So much anxiety wracked through her brain that she almost felt a high. She hadn’t even noticed the school was now within sight again. His words felt like they were a trick, she hesitated but went forward as he said. She waited for him to say something else but there was nothing. She entered the school grounds once again and nothing happened. [color=8882be][i]i lived?[/i][/color] the anxiety was flushed away with relief and her body relaxed in dramatic fashion, falling to her knees. [color=8882be][i]Why did he let me go? I went insane and attacked people with magic. I should be expelled![/i][/color] She couldn’t understand why he had done that for her. Ingrid gulped, [color=8882be][i]I don’t know why you gave me a second chance but… thank you.[/i][/color] Ingrid rose, dusted off her dress and went back to her home with her head down. Only, it was not that simple nor that easy. The first thing that she might’ve noticed was ‘off’ were the buildings just south of the Enclave. The brickwork was different on a couple. Hadn’t that one been a pawn shop and not a butcher? The people, too, didn’t seem to pay her much notice or, really, any. High frilly necklines abounded. Those were already going out of style when she’d been [i]born[/i]. Ingrd had not thought Ersand’Enise so unfashionable. Finally, however, she did see the door of her Zeno’s townhome ahead. Had Luna changed the flowers? Her head was kept down for a portion of the walk and she intended to keep it that way until she saw someone dressed with a frilly neckline? [color=8882be][i]I haven’t seen one of those in quite awhile, I believe it was when I raided my mother’s old wardrobe. I thought they were silly as a child and I thought they are silly now,[/i][/color] Ingrid thought as she took a good look at it. Maybe it was some sort of dress like your parents’ worst choices event. Either way it was quite a shock. With her head up she swore everything seemed to be a bit off though Ingrid chalked it mostly up the after effect of the aberration. What seemed supremely odd was Luna’s flowers. Enough for Ingrid to reach out and gently caress them. Perplexed why they had changed she went and opened the door and called out to Luna, [color=8882be]“Luna, when did you have time to change the flowers?”[/color] She’d called before even opening the door and, with alarm, noticed it swinging open right into her face. A youngish man with red hair hurried out, dressed in robes like she’d seen in old paintings of Zenos in Balthazar Hall. That was strange, but what was even stranger was that… he passed right through her, as if she was noncorporeal, as if she wasn’t even there! Ingrid had stumbled back trying to avoid the door, falling onto the ground.[color=8882be] ”Hey watch it!”[/color] she exclaimed before a red headed man dressed in old fashion ran at her. She put up her hands believing she is about to be trampled by this man as he just passed through her. All Ingrid could muster as an audible [color=8882be]”What.”[/color] There was no inquisitiveness, just a reaction to having a man run through her. She stumbled to her feet before going into the building, something was wrong. Ingrid was still trying to collect evidence of what was happening. [color=8882be]”Maybe temporal magic? I don’t even know what it can and cannot do. Maybe I died and this is hell! No, bad fashion is not hell.”[/color] Ingrid tried heading to her dwelling in the house, hoping that would provide answers. However, she did not get far. There, in the drawing room, were two individuals. One was a boy similar in age to her and familiar in a way that she couldn't quite place. The other was… in a wheeled-chair, a somewhat more old-fashioned one, but she had long blonde hair and cool grey-blue eyes and… she was Jocasta. Ingrid did a double take and there was no doubt. She did not merely [i]resemble[/i] Jocasta. She looked [i]exactly[/i] like her. [color=8882be][i]Good, more people, [/i][/color] Ingrid thought as she let out a sigh of relief that she finally saw someone she could recognize. As the matter was still urgent, Ingrid entered the room and called out to her, [color=8882be]“Jocasta! Do you know what is going on? Someone just ran through me.”[/color] Ingrid didn’t think Jocasta’s hair was that long but maybe she was misremembering, they didn’t interact that much after all. For a moment, Jocasta furrowed her brow, half-glancing in Ingrid’s direction, but then she returned her attention to the boy, who seemed to have noticed her fleeting distraction. [color=7ea7d8]“What is it?”[/color] he inquired. [color=7ea7d8]“You look like you just saw a ghost.”[/color] Jocasta shook her head. [color=FFDEAD]“Nothing.”[/color] She forced a smile. [color=FFDEAD]“Nevermind. Must be the lack of sleep. I swear, if I hear Leluun scrabbling around on the roof one more time, I’m going to fly up there, drag her down, and beat her until [i]she[/i] needs the wheeled-chair.”[/color] The boy shivered.[color=7ea7d8]“You [i]are[/i] ruthless.” [/color] [color=FFDEAD]“Oh, and you’re [i]not?[/i] Rewinding time and resetting the world, Hugo?”[/color] She rolled her eyes. [color=FFDEAD]“Unless that’s just another of your stories.”[/color] His face sobered.[color=7ea7d8]“How I wish it were,”[/color] he concluded sadly. [color=7ea7d8]“I may need to do it again, you know, to save you.”[/color] At this, Jocasta looked annoyed. She wrapped her arms around herself and huffed in another direction. [color=FFDEAD]“I don’t need saving,”[/color] she insisted. [color=FFDEAD]“I’ve even more of the Gift than [i]you.[/i]”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“As you [i]constantly[/i] remind me,”[/color] Hugo replied. He was young but… it was in the eyes and the bridge of his nose. He was the same Hugo Hunghorasz that Ingrid had seen as an elderly man. [color=7ea7d8]“Then why don’t you learn too?”[/color] he prodded. [color=7ea7d8]“Come with me, Enna, the next time I loop. We can grow our knowledge together and -”[/color] [color=FFDEAD]“You shouldn’t be messing with it,”[/color] Jocasta or… Enna warned. [color=FFDEAD]“You’re playing Oraff and Eshiran. How many people have you erased from existence or brought into it?”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“All for a good cause!”[/color] he insisted. She let her hands fall to her wheels and let out a sigh, starting to move. [color=FFDEAD]“Don’t do it yet, Hugo. Please don’t do it.”[/color] She shook her head. [color=8882be][i]Hugo? That young man? And wait, that is not Jocasta? Why does she look so similar to Jocasta?[/i][/color] Ingrid’s mind felt muddled as she tried to process what she was witnessing, [color=8882be][i]This has to be an illusion, right? Resetting the world, erasing people from the world and bringing new ones in? That is preposterous![/i][/color] What was being shown to her didn’t make sense. Why was she seeing this and if it was real, why was he allowed to do this. Everything felt real though. Nothing seemed like a deception. She began to accept this may well be real and with it came an existential dread. Hugo was playing a role no person should be. It was terrifying. She needed to stay and listen though. Jocasta, no Enna, had been able to somewhat sense her. Maybe if she yelled her name she could gather her attention. Ingrid yelled out Enna this time, hoping that she could be heard. There was a slight hitch in the push of Enna’s wheels, but nothing else. [color=7ea7d8]“I have classes now,”[/color] Hugo finished brusquely, brushing out the door, and the blonde’s eyes followed him until he’d closed it behind himself. [color=FFDEAD]“Are you an echo of some other time he’s erased?”[/color] she asked softly, to nothing that she could see or sense particularly. [color=8882be][i]Erased?[/i][/color] Ingrid thought. What could she mean by that. Obviously there was a mistake. [color=8882be]”No no no, I was just walking from the Violet Enclave. I got in trouble and was brought there but I was let go by Arch-Zeno Giacomo. I was let go…”[/color] Ingrid’s desperate way to try to explain that she couldn’t possibly have been erased sounded like lies to even herself as she was faced with a scarier outcome than just dying. In a defeated tone with just a thread of hope hanging, [color=8882be]“Have I been erased…”[/color] Enna paused, stalk-still, and her eyes became alarmed. [color=FFDEAD]“Whoever the hell you are, it isn’t funny.”[/color] They darted about the room. [color=FFDEAD]“Show yourself!”[/color] She rose from her wheeled-chair, very much like Jocasta, and one could sense her riddled with fear and anxiety, ready to strike out at any perceived danger with the full power of a nine-point-five RAS thaumaturge. Then, there were loud footsteps on the stairs: thu-thump, thu-thump, and a rangy yasoi girl bounded down the last four in a single leap. [color=FFDEAD]“Leluun!”[/color] called Enna, [color=FFDEAD]“did you hear it too? The voice? Please tell me I’m not losing my mind!”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“You heard it too?”[/color] the yasoi answered, looking relieved. [color=6ecff6]“I thought I’d had too much jamb’ysp.”[/color] She shook her head, glancing around. Only, it was hard to pay attention to her specific actions, for Ingrid found herself looking directly at Ismette. [color=8882be]Ismette!?”[/color] Ingrid shouted at the sight of now someone she considered a friend. [color=8882be][i]Wait, this is the past. Whoever Ismette was from my time was not this person. This person was Leluun. They seem to hear me though. Maybe I can get to them since they can both hear me[/i][/color] Ingrid tried to touch Leluun and Enna at the same time maybe that had some way to help as well. She tried to draw as well for any additional help before yelling, [color=8882be]”HELLO! MY NAME IS INGRID PENDERSON FROM DAMI-ZEPT FIFTY-FOUR! CAN YOUR HEAR ME!”[/color] Ingrid took a big breath in after yelling louder than she maybe ever had. Hopefully they can hear her. For a moment, a very brief one, both of the other women started, and their eyes widened. Then, Ingrid was standing there in that room, alone, lungs burning from her shout. There was no sign whatsoever of the other two who had been there. In fact, the room itself was subtly different: not in construction but in decor. She twisted to watch the patter of gentle rain against a large front window. In an instant they were no longer there. The decor was different and the weather had changed. Ingrid just let out a meek [color=8882be]”No…”[/color] as she realized she was moved in time again. Did they hear her? A part of her spirit died as they were probably the only people who could get her out of here. She began to wander the house with the situation setting in that she may never get out. Hopefully they were still here somehow. She heard voices before long, wafting in from the inner courtyard. “I shall be back soon,” said a smallish female Zeno. She was just shy of middle-aged, with [i]long[/i] dark hair and a rigorous manner about her. She walked through Ingrid on her way out the door. [color=7ea7d8]“Is she gone?”[/color] asked a voice, and it was Hugo. Ingrid made her way towards him, rounding a corner and he was talking to another boy, dressed in the distinctive armour of the Dauphin of Perrence. [color=00a99d]“Yeah, and I gave her a crisis to handle.”[/color] There was an unmistakable smirk in the voice, but that was far from its most startling quality. The boy twisted to open the light screen door, and Hugo followed him in. He was Benedetto. All Ingrid could muster was a light, [color=8882be]“Benny?”[/color] This Benny seemed like almost an exact opposite of the one Ingrid knew. He looked to be royalty of Perrence but that smirk reminded her of him. Hugo was there as well last time he didn’t even notice her presence. [color=8882be][i]Maybe I can grab his attention this time,[/i][/color] Ingrid thought but the words of Enna held a place in her mind that Hugo was the cause of this. [color=8882be][i]Would I be helped or dealt with if Hugo sensed me. Would it even matter?[/i][/color] [color=7ea7d8]“You’re a bastard, you know that?”[/color] teased Hugo. Benny sighed, but there was a smile there too.[color=00a99d] “Maybe in more ways than one,” [/color]he admitted. [color=00a99d]“Least if my sister has her way.”[/color] He threw himself onto a chair, tossing his armoured gloves onto the table. [color=00a99d]“Fucking bitch,”[/color] he growled. [color=7ea7d8]“She’s the monster your uncle made her. I wouldn’t blame her too much.”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Benedict the Bastard.”[/color] He scowled, looking very much like the Benedetto that ingrid knew.[color=00a99d] “And yeah, I’ve seen it.”[/color] He shook his head. [color=00a99d]“It’s the only reason I might not put her head on a spike.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“And you’ve seen it for yourself too, right?”[/color] prodded Hugo. [color=7ea7d8]“You know every move they’ll make. You’ll have every counter ready. You’ve seen every possible -”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Timeline,”[/color] Benedict sighed, [color=00a99d]“I know.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Just trying to help a friend.”[/color] The prince smiled. [color=00a99d]“I know… I’m just nervous. How can I not be? Everything rides on this: my future, my crown, my kingdom. Doesn’t matter if you’re the rightful king if you can’t win. I’ll do right by you, buddy, don’t worry.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Thanks,”[/color] said Hugo, sliding into the seat at his friend’s left hand.[color=7ea7d8] “I was actually thinking -”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Enna?”[/color] Hugo gulped and nodded. [color=7ea7d8]“You know me too well.”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Well, you cured her, didn’t you?”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Well… yeah.”[/color] The lanky youth scratched nervously at the back of his head. [color=7ea7d8]“But she’s still… the way she is, you know?”[/color] [color=00a99d]“An invalid?”[/color] Hugo nodded. [color=7ea7d8]“And it’s hard on her. I can tell.”[/color] He opened his mouth as if to say more, but did not. [color=00a99d]“Aaannnd?”[/color] prodded Benny. [color=7ea7d8]“And her parents are opposed to the marriage.”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Then they’re idiots,”[/color] replied the prince. Hugo let out a faint snort of laughter. [color=7ea7d8]“They are. How could such awful people produce someone so wonderful?”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Ipte, she’s got you whipped, man.”[/color] Benedict shook his head. [color=7ea7d8]“Someday, I hope you’ll experience true love, Ben.”[/color] Hugo shook his head. [color=7ea7d8]“I really hope you will.”[/color] Benedict pushed his chair out and rose. He clapped Hugo on the shoulder and picked up his gloves. [color=00a99d]“If you’re any indication, looks like too much work.”[/color] He smirked again. [color=00a99d]“Anyways, I’m off, brother: off to battle. I shall see you on the other side or I shall not.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“You shall,”[/color] answered Hugo with an almost unsettling certainty. Ingrid had followed behind them with building anxiety and the intent to reach out and scream at the both of them who she was. Simply waiting for potentially an unending existence being unseen and unheard sounded like a hell only the gods could create. They had spoken long enough. She had heard enough. Before Benny could leave, she reached out to both and did the exact same thing as she had before, only this time she felt her spirit was weaker than then. There was no reaction. Benedict walked out the door with a final farewell and Hugo stood there for a moment, still and silent. Then, to her desperate surprise, he turned and looked directly at her. [color=7ea7d8]“I blocked it,”[/color] he said simply. [color=7ea7d8]“I don’t know who you are, but you’re temporally displaced right now, and Benedict is about to go into the most important fight of his life. I can’t have him be distracted.”[/color] Ingrid was weirdly relieved that Hugo gave some kind of answer but a part of her didn’t know whether she should continue to speak to him or try and hide from him. He seemed benevolent to his friends but from what Enna said, he is responsible for erasing people and maybe herself. Ingrid built the courage to speak to him, [color=8882be]“Hello Hugo, my name is Ingrid Penderson. We meet in the future or maybe another timeline. I’m not too sure. I know little about temporal.”[/color] Ingrid spoke to him as clearly as she could, hoping he could make her voice out for them to have a proper conversation. She didn’t know if Hugo would end her existence here or help her out. She could rely on his kindness. [color=7ea7d8]“I can see you,”[/color] he admitted, with a bit of a mischievous smile. [color=7ea7d8]“You uh… don’t have to shout in my face.”[/color] He tilted his head and seemed both a boy her own age and profoundly not. [color=7ea7d8]“Perhaps you encountered me in another timeline where I had not yet mastered the art of this magic. In this one, I know much more. In fact, I have lived… perhaps one hundred years already, in a sense.”[/color] He nodded. [color=7ea7d8]“I am not sure when it is that I will meet you, but it shows me that I have yet more work to do. There will be yet more timelines and I will repair the wounds of this world and free Enna.”[/color] He paused and regarded her strangely for a moment. [color=7ea7d8]“I will,”[/color] he decided, telling Ingrid as opposed to asking her. [color=7ea7d8]“Despite her misgivings, she has learned it too, and Benny. Together, there is so much we can do. Perhaps I can even send you back to your own time.”[/color] He smiled as reassuringly as he could, but there was doubt behind it too. Tears welled in her eyes for a moment when Hugo stated he could see her. She listened to him speak and tried to figure out what she should say versus not say. She couldn’t say for certain but this Hugo seemed younger in a sense. She took a deep breath out trying to calm herself as the uncertainty of him being able to return her home rattled her. In a comparatively calm voice to her screaming beforehand she began, [color=8882be]“So let’s set aside you being able to return me home. I don’t know if you are the one who did this to me. The Hugo I know was already past a hundred living years. So maybe you're a younger timeline. I do know some things are wrong.”[/color] Ingrid didn’t know exactly how to word this so she decided to be blunt, [color=8882be]”Those people I saw, Enna when she was still bound by a wheelchair, Leluun, Benny- I mean King Benedict. They all exist in my time as well under different names. Except they are young like me.”[/color] Ingrid decided to not say anymore since there was a chance that he already knew that. Temporal magic made it difficult to piece together what information was known and unknown. She wanted him to confirm or deny what was happening since it was the only way for them to talk since timelines are scary. Hugo regarded her as she spoke with growing interest and more than a hint of confusion. When she was finished, he merely held up a hand. [color=7ea7d8]“One moment,”[/color] he mumbled, sitting back down. [color=7ea7d8]“I think I have learned some things, but I am not sure, and the less that I know, perhaps the better.”[/color] He thought in silence for a time and Ingrid vacillated about whether or not she should disturb him. Then, the young version of Hugo raised his head and offered a tight smile. [color=7ea7d8]“Yes, I [i]do[/i] think I have it. Please, take a seat.”[/color] He gestured and then waited for her to do so. [color=7ea7d8]“Take my hands?”[/color] With no other real options, she trusted him enough to do so and it was something just to feel the touch of another person. Hugo closed his eyes and bade her do the same. Then, after a moment, that touch faded. When Ingrid looked upon her surroundings again, it was the same kitchen, only… different. It was not the first, nor the second, nor Luna’s. It was a cool somnes day, and a girl and a boy were playing outside in the leaves, shamelessly flirting. One of them was Enna and the other was… strikingly familiar, but she couldn’t quite place him. [color=8882be]“Another jump to a different place. Maybe that was Hugo. Who knows at this point, all I can say is that is some flirting.”[/color] Ingrid took some steps outside and yelled out to them, [color=8882be]”Enna! Can you hear me?”[/color] Ingrid couldn’t tell why Hugo would send her here if he was trying to actually help her, they might be able to help. Having another person see her and then disappeared once again gave her a feeling of dread as Hugo may have failed and she knows nothing of temporal. It amounted to naught. To her surprise but also not, because she had heard of Enna and never heard anything about her being tethered, the girl rose to her feet and giggled as the boy rained a shower of leaves down on her.[color=FFDEAD] “Vanderrrr!”[/color] she squealed, [color=FFDEAD]“stop!”[/color] The cascade of leaves, some of which had seemed to materialize almost out of nowhere, stopped. He grabbed her instead and the pair kissed and, to be frank, Ingrid felt strange just standing here and… watching them. Thankfully, the romantic display was cut short by the arrival of Leluun, who appeared in the doorway. [color=6ecff6]“Room for one more?”[/color] she teased, and Enna stuck out her tongue. [color=FFDEAD]“You wish, Loony!” [/color] [color=000000]“She’s mine,”[/color] added Vander, giving her one last squeeze, a peck on the nose, and releasing her. [color=6ecff6]“Fine, then!”[/color] huffed Leluun. [color=6ecff6]“I’ll find my own boyfriend!”[/color] [color=FFDEAD]“You could always go for Benny,”[/color] suggested Enna.[color=FFDEAD] “Prince charming himself.”[/color] Vander snorted and so did Leluun. [color=6ecff6]“He’s about as romantic as a sledgehammer,”[/color] griped the latter, [color=6ecff6]“even if he [i]is[/i] nice to look at.”[/color] She shrugged. [color=6ecff6]“Hugo’s more my type.”[/color] [color=FFDEAD]“Don’t you [i]dare[/i] break his heart you… you [i]temptress[/i],” [/color]warned Enna. [color=FFDEAD]“You know he’s like a little brother to me. You know what he did for me.” [/color] The ghost of something uncomfortable flashed across Vander’s face. Ingrid had seen that face somewhere: not in person, but in a picture. Then, he faked a supportive smile. [color=000000]“Yes, we like Hugo. Be gentle with him.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Gentle is my middle name!”[/color] chirped Leluun. [color=6ecff6]“Anyways, it’s time for Caldores carols! Show me this human tradition of yours and I shall make all of your stubby lil’ ears regret it!”[/color] Enna dashed forward, throwing an armful of leaves at Leluun and, soon, both girls were having a leaf fight, while Vander awkwardly attempted to stay involved but not [i]too[/i] involved. It was only broken up when Benedict arrived. [color=00a99d]“Have you no shame?”[/color] he scolded. [color=000000]“Okay, Mr. Fun-guy,”[/color] taunted Vander. [color=00a99d]“And puns, too.”[/color] Benedict cringed. [color=00a99d]“Get your good coats on and let’s be off. I wanna get to houses while the eggnog is still actually [i]warm.[/i]”[/color] [color=FFDEAD]“Is Hugo coming?”[/color] Asked Enna, voice hopeful. [color=000000]“Darling, you know how he was under the weather. We probably shouldn’t -”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“HUUUUUUGOOOOOO!!!"[/color] shouted Leluun, springing up onto an awning and the roof in two bounds as only a yasoi could do. She rapped on a window and then pressed her face up against it but, after about twenty more seconds she turned to the others and shook her head. She leapt down. [color=6ecff6]“He’s still in bed, under the weather.”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Right,”[/color] announced Benny. [color=00a99d]“I’ll go check on him before we head out, make sure he has everything he needs.”[/color] [color=FFDEAD]“I can go!”[/color] insisted Enna. [color=000000]“N[/color][color=00a99d]o,”[/color] said both boys at once. [color=000000]“You know you always get a fever around this time of year,”[/color] insisted Vander, [color=000000]“and I don’t want you catching it from him.”[/color] Benny tilted his head to one side and nodded. [color=00a99d]“He’s right, you know.”[/color] He winked. [color=00a99d]“Don’t worry. I’ve got him.”[/color] Seeing Enna makeout with this new person, Vander, felt specifically odd as from everything that Ingrid now knew, It was Hugo and Enna. She listened in to their conversation, a little weirded out just watching people flirt when they didn't know she was there. [color=8882be][i]It seems in this timeline after Enna was cured and Hugo got moved closer to her in a… different way,[/i][/color] Ingrid thought, cringing at the reality of that. When they mentioned Hugo being under the weather, Ingrid just straight up didn’t believe it. [color=8882be][i]I wouldn’t want to watch the one I love make out with that dude. I know Enna doesn’t need to return his love but I feel for him.[/i][/color] Ingrid followed Benny indoors to check on Hugo. Her mind wandered on who Vander was, he seemed familiar but Ingrid couldn’t place it at the moment. [color=00a99d]“You should come with us,”[/color] said Benedict, closing the door behind himself. Thankfully, doors were not proving much of an obstacle for Ingrid these days. [color=00a99d]“Everyone knows you’re not really sick.”[/color] Ingrid nodded, agreeing with Benny, [color=8882be]”It’s true. I don’t even know you that well and I can tell you were faking it.”[/color] Ingrid said this knowing that the only person who will see her was Hugo. [color=7ea7d8]“It’s a different kind of sickness,”[/color] said Hugo, hunched over his desk, scribbling away at his notes. [color=00a99d]“Leluun’s sweet on you, I think.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“I don’t want Leluun.”[/color] Hugo wasn’t looking at Benny. He couldn’t see what Ingrid swore was a slight roll of the eyes. [color=00a99d]“So what are you gonna do, then? Reset things again?”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Leluun’s sweet on everything,”[/color] Hugo elaborated, dodging the questions. [color=7ea7d8]“Her only requirements are legs and a pulse.”[/color] Ingrid just glanced up for a second and thought if the Ismette she knew might be the same. [color=8882be][i]Good to know.[/i][/color] [color=00a99d]“You can’t just stay here, moping, now that they’ve made it official.”[/color] The boy that Ingrid had only known as an elderly man until now turned his chair, the legs of it scraping across the wooden floor. [color=7ea7d8]“I don’t intend to,”[/color] he replied a bit too evenly. [color=7ea7d8]“Enna Lantisca is happy, you’re restored to your throne, Leluun is… well, [i]Leluun[/i], and I’m tired of it all.”[/color] Ingrid grimaced upon hearing how he responded, it sounded so defeated. [color=8882be][i]I know I can’t tell him but from what I know at least Vander and her don’t marry. Wait… that may not be good either.[/i][/color] [color=00a99d]“Godsdamn, man, you sound like you’re a hundred years old.”[/color] Hugo smiled wanly and shrugged.[color=7ea7d8] “Sometimes, yeah. Besides, it’s too risky. There’s still the other Enna out there, and the other Leluun.”[/color] He shook his head. [color=7ea7d8]“They’ll try to destroy me.”[/color] [color=00a99d]“I won’t,”[/color] promised Benedict. [color=00a99d]“There’s no other me out there from an orphan timeline. The two of us against the two of them? I like our chances.”[/color] [color=8882be][i]So it seems in this timeline there wasn’t another Benny yet… So does that mean there will be another reset?[/i][/color] Ingrid thought, doing her best to not make any facial changes that may garner Hugo’s attention. Hugo ran his fingers through his hair, anxious, and rubbed at his temples. [color=7ea7d8]“Yeah, I guess we could take them. I just… don’t wanna risk any others.”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Well, if you change your mind, I’ve got your back. Fuck ‘em, huh?”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Hhmp, yeah, fuck ‘em,”[/color] Hugo agreed. [color=7ea7d8]“Now, don’t you have a bunch of lame holiday songs to go sing?”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Don’t remind me,”[/color] groaned Benedict. [color=7ea7d8]“Go, do what you have to.”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Yeah, they’re probably waiting for me but, uh, first…”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Right, the thing,”[/color] Hugo sighed. Rising, he walked over to a corner of the room where a small bureau was, and shifted it aside. A dark aberration sparkled in the dimness, radiating the opposite of light. The Perrench prince walked up to it and drew, his eyes bugging out, nostrils flaring, and veins bulging. For a second, he doubled over, hands resting on his knees, and breathed heavily. Hugo hovered nearby, face somewhere between anxious and subtly judgmental. [color=00a99d]“I’m good,”[/color] panted Benny, holding a hand up. [color=00a99d]“I’m… I’m good.”[/color] He stood and brushed himself off.[color=00a99d] “That should get me close to her now.”[/color] After a moment, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pouch of coins. This, he dropped into Hugo’s outstretched hand. [color=00a99d]“Next time, think you can look a bit further?” [/color]Benny prodded. [color=00a99d]“Just maybe about ten years. I wanna make sure it goes smoothly, you know?”[/color] It was disturbing to see Hugo just hand an aberration over to Benny. [color=8882be][i]Maybe this Benny doesn’t have as much RAS as the one I know,[/i][/color] Ingrid thought to herself as she watched the future king nearly hit the floor. [color=8882be]”Not his finest moment, huh?”[/color] Hugo bit his bottom lip, counting the coins. [color=7ea7d8]“That’s getting risky. I don’t know what those two are up to. Could jump to my death.”[/color] Prince Benedict smiled and shook his head. [color=00a99d]“You worry too much, buddy.”[/color] He clapped the lankier boy on the shoulder. [color=7ea7d8]“Besides, I really need it.”[/color] His tone had shifted for a moment. [color=00a99d]“And you know I’ve always stood by you, right? Even when [i]they[/i] haven’t.”[/color] Hugo looked uneasy for a moment, and then he flashed a quick smile. [color=7ea7d8]”I’ll, uh, see if I can maybe try. I uh, know I owe you.”[/color] [color=00a99d]“Don’t even think about it, buddy.”[/color] Benny smiled. [color=00a99d]“I’ll give you a bit more for it too. I need that one.”[/color] Before the silence could become awkward, he turned on his heel and bid his friend and drug dealer farewell. Then, it was just Hugo, alone in a small empty room, but for Ingrid. Ingrid waited for maybe half a minute to make sure Benny was at least on the lower floor before speaking, [color=8882be]“Do you always make aberrations for him?”[/color] Ingrid then scratched the back of her head and some sympathy to Hugo, [color=8882be]”Sorry things didn’t seem to work out with you and Enna. I would say that’s rough but at this point I think we need to make a new word for what you’re going through.”[/color] Ingrid knew that was awkward as hell but it was better than just not saying anything in her opinion. [color=7ea7d8]“You did a better job not freaking out this time,”[/color] he replied, with a bit of a smirk. He shook his head and threw himself onto his bed, scooting backwards until he was sitting up against the wall. [color=7ea7d8]“Truth is, they’re all shitheads, even Benny. I’m just his fuckin’ drug mule, and I tell him how his glorious reign will go for cash. He thinks he has me fooled.” [/color] [color=8882be]“Calling all you supposed friends shitheads is quite something,”[/color] Ingrid remarked. She tried to take a seat on the corner of the bed with him before looking back at him, [color=8882be]”If you don’t like being his drug mule then why not tell him no? Worst comes to worst you go back to before you told him no and retry later. If he is anything like the Benny from my time, I know he can be… difficult.”[/color] Hugo leaned his head back until he was staring at the ceiling, and he swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. He glanced at Ingrid from the corner of his eyes. [color=7ea7d8]“It’ll just make things worse. In one timeline, when I taught Enna temporal magic, I turned her against me and she turned Leluun too. Then she learned to jump timelines and she’s coming for my Eshi-damned head. Then, in the last one where we met, you mentioned having seen all three of them in your time. That means all three turn: Benny too.”[/color] He sighed and let his head fall until he was sitting normally. [color=7ea7d8]“Enna’s happy. She’s cured and, even if it isn’t with me, that was my goal from the start. I lost sight of it for a while. Honestly, I’m seventeen going on a hundred-seventy and I’m just tired of it all. It only causes more problems when you play Dami. It really does. That’s why I’m done with it.”[/color] He shook his head, pulling his knees up to his chest.[color=7ea7d8] “I dunno who you are or why you’re here - maybe I’m like… your teacher or something in the future, I guess - but whatever it is, keep things simple. More power isn’t the answer. It doesn’t bring you happiness. It really doesn’t. Forbidden magics… ain’t it.”[/color] Ingrid was lost for words for a second. Hugo seemed to have tried his best but things had gotten worse and worse. Ingrid took a huff out, “Well I guess I should answer who I am. I’m not your student per se. You’re the Paradigm of Ersand’Enise and I only have really met you because you sent me on a mission. You were really old at that time.” Ingrid tried to figure out what to say next, [color=8882be]“I can’t say if they are after your head but they don’t seem to be the exact same people you knew. Benny is from what I can tell a Revidian commoner who spouts a lot of hate for people with power. Enna from what I can tell is your direct student or at least you favor her. And Leluun is Leluun. So who knows, maybe all that jumping wiped their memories of things. All I know is that they are first years with me.”[/color] Ingrid tried to assure him in some way. If they were out for his head they did a shitty job at it so far as it seems old age is going to get him first. Ingrid also wanted to bring up Vander since he seemed familiar, [color=8882be]“And that Vander fellow, first off I don’t like him; second, he seems familiar to me somehow. I just can’t place it though.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Him too. Hah!”[/color] Hugo snorted. [color=7ea7d8]“But I shouldn’t know anymore.”[/color] He slid off of his bed and stood. [color=7ea7d8]“Just one monroe thing, though… maybe two: what happened with Benedict? He get to be the bigshot Perrench king?”[/color] Ingrid was curious why Hugo wanted to know if they were all supposed ‘shitheads’ but she’ll give, [color=8882be]“Benny turned into a great king that literally is called Benedict the Blessed. He is even considered one of the 10 Virtues by my time. Kind of sucks because well, to me, he’s just a boy I fail to get to even walk around a fair with me.”[/color] Ingrid did seem a bit peeved about that still. She then laughed, [color=8882be]“It seems I lost my mind if I can laugh about not getting a boy’s attention when I might not even be able to return home,”[/color] Ingrid wiped away the tears from laughing a bit too hard. [color=8882be]”So what was the other thing you wanted to ask?”[/color] Ingrid inquired. [color=7ea7d8]“The Leluun from another timeline pulled a shitfit about those… weird black things that popped up. Called them aberrations and stuff. Said they were addictive and just another example of humans misusing dangerous magics they didn’t understand.”[/color] He scowled. [color=7ea7d8]“I just dismissed it as her being dramatic at the time, but… I dunno. It’s just some bullshit, right?” [/color] Ingrid gave him the most assured face she could, [color=8882be]“Oh they totally are fucking things up in my time. They are practically everywhere it feels like. I literally awoke with one next to me at the school. And they are addictive and worst of all they turn you crazy.”[/color] Ingrid put her head against the wall, [color=8882be]”I’ve absorbed 4. First one because I just touched it to feel what it was; 2nd was with a group in a desert after killing a Royal Sand Wyrm that ate one; 3rd one I was at the Club Faire and it was literally near one of the presentations; 4th was just after I absorbed the 3rd on the way home.”[/color] Ingrid looked a bit distraught, [color=8882be]” I couldn’t stop myself from absorbing the one on the way home…”[/color] there was a pause before she continued, [color=8882be]”I went crazy with that one and tried to kill my friends. Luckily I was able to snap back to reality by a student named Kaspar but I was taken off to be punished. Went for a walk with my Arch-Zeno and I ended up temporally displaced I guess…”[/color] Hugo’s face darkened as she spoke and he seemed to consider. When she was finished, he remained still and thoughtful, brow furrowed. Truly, the weight of the world seemed to settle upon his shoulders. [color=7ea7d8]“I… see.”[/color] He reached out, unbidden, and put a hand on her shoulder. The world wavered for a moment but she did not find herself in some other place or time yet. Hugo was staring intently at her, looking haunted. [color=7ea7d8]“I understand a lot more now, and I’ll… try to change it. For now -”[/color] His hand remained on her. [color=7ea7d8]“I think I know how you got here. I’m a bit new at this. Time to send you home.”[/color] He didn't wait for anything else. He didn’t give a heartfelt goodbye or anything of the sort. He seemed… deeply disturbed by what he’d heard, barely managing to hold it all in. Ingrid’s world wavered once again and she blinked. There she was, standing at the edge of the Violet Enclave. The Centuries were gone. The old man was gone. Everything looked normal. She twisted back and forth, taking in her surroundings desperately, hopefully and, for just a moment, watching her from the steps of the Forked Tower, she could’ve sworn she saw Hugo Hunghorasz. Ingrid didn’t want to disturb him to that degree but it needed to be done. [color=8882be][i]Things are getting worse and worse and maybe he will be able to help even if it puts more burden on him[/i][/color] Realizing she was truly home she started to cry once more from the relief of not being lost to time itself. Ingrid wanted to thank him but he wasn’t there. Ingrid just said, [color=8882be]”Thank you Hugo for saving me [i]in time[/i],”[/color] in a quiet voice hoping he would hear and maybe laugh. [/hider] Ingrid continued to make her way to Luna’s. Her emotions were mixed and hard to process. She had no one to find comfort in now in her mind. [color=8882be][i]Sven is probably furious that I ran off. Hopefully, he doesn’t know what happened…[/i][/color] Ingrid had a pained look on her face, [color=8882be][i]Of course he will Ingrid, it happened near the magic clubs, we talked about going there after the Orators society! I was then taken by two Centuries to the Violet Enclave! Everyone will see that. People are nasty and it won’t be long until everyone knows! Fuck![/i][/color] Ingrid made it to Luna’s and grabbed her bag and headed up to the roof. She just stayed their. Crying intemtitedly when she thinks on how she fucked up. Ingird popped a bottle of spirits out of her bag and got absolutely hammered on the roof. They day got cooler as the sun went down yet Ingird didn’t feel like getting up. She didn’t want people to see her. Especially not Dory. What she saw when she was temporally displaced fucked with her mind but she thinks she understands hugo’s motives at least for just looping the time line over and over again. Her mind was filled with a lot of thoughts. [hider=Self-Harm Warning] [color=8882be][i]Why did I even absorb that aberration at the Orators’ Society? Did I really absorb it to help prevent maybe another student from absorbing it accidentally? Or did I just want the power I know it would give me? I don’t even know anymore. Does it even matter why I did it? Maybe I should have just kept to myself and walk away and report it. If it got absorbed during that time would I have been responsible for that. Why the hell did I even think it was my responsibility? Because I’m a noble? Because my RAS is bigger than most people? God, a noble that believes they are all self-important, fucking pathetic. I never wanted to believe my father but he seems more right everytime I mess up, Maybe I am just a girl with a high RAS destined to get married off and handed to different husbands over their life like almost all high RAS women. That fucking sucks but if I can’t even care for my own wellbeing maybe that is how life works. Maybe if I give up now I can at least choose my first husband.”[/i][/color] Ingrid stopped thinking not for any specific reason. She was just numb and overwhelmed by herself that she ended up freezing. She laid unmoving unil she started to shift her collar down just bellow her own collar bone on her right side. She rubbed that area until it was hit and becoming tender. Suddenly she collected the ambient heat in the air left hanging in the air and the smoke from the chimneys drom other’s making dinner. Focussed into a small beam on her finger that started to burn her. The skin went red quickly and it hurt but Ingrid continued unil she smelt the skin burn the same way it did on the person she burned alive. Like a rude awakening to her system, the pain has snapped her, at least momentarily, out of her spiral. She took a deep breath adn drew out the additional energy out of the burn. She didn’t use anything to help with the pain. [color=8882be][i]What the fuck am I doing,[/i][/color] Ingird thought as she slid her shirt up and cover the burn which turned out to be a bad idea as it rubbed against it and caused a a great deal of discomfort. Ingrid’s emotions were still their but they were less overwhelming and she could nock away some of her worst ideas but a new one came into her mind, [color=8882be][i]Like hell I will let myself be married off for my family’s benefit. I would be better off dead before that.[/i][/color] [i]Ingrid didn’t harm herself for a few days after that but when she got overwhelmed again she turned to it and it provided a form of relief. She started to use this as a way to control herself when thing got overwhelming and the frequency of it would increase over the time to the trials. So if anyone were to see under her normal clothing they would notice the growing number of burn like holes. Other than that she wouldn’t allow people she cares about to see them nor would she talk about it.[/i] [/hider] Ingrid stayed up on the roof the entire night and only left once the sun had risen and she could go to Zeno Bucks to grab 2 cups of coffee along with some pastries to fuel herself. She knew she should have felt tired from not sleeping and all the other things but she didn’t feel much other than mentally exhausted. She still has so much to do and she thinks if she stops she'll sink. [hider=tl;dr] - Ingrid is worried about how her movements as a larger noble of Eskand are impacting the other nobles - She worries about escalating violence. - The whole temporal displacement has messed with her mind in a lot of bad ways - Ingrid started to self-harm when she has starts to feel overwhelmed, them being covered by clothes. [/hider] [hider=Clubs] Guild: Enchanters Union Fingersteeplers Golden Mushroom Pumpernickle Club Draconic Order Society of Grapes Eshiran's Own Eskandish Circle [Ethnic Club] [/hider]