[hider=House Carmyne] [color=DC143C]House Carmyne of Redfield [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4d60d7d3-a0ac-4125-8947-7b9f5d59e219.png[/img][/center] In Vengeance Virtue[/color] [color=DC143C]House Description:[/color] Just South of Riverrun, North of Pinkmaiden, West of High Heart there is a bend in the Red Fork and there lies Redfield. Some say it was named so because when the Red swells its banks the field floods. Others still hold to the tale of how the Old Lord Carmyne first of his name made it run red defending the Children. Either way the reason is lost to time. The Carmyne House has been a small house in the Riverlands easily overlooked, however in the last 30 years they have risen to prominence. The [url=https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/medieval-knights-castle-sergey-lukashin.jpg]Castle[/url] is no Harrenhal but is built to take advantage of the natural bend in the river as well as the hills that surround the valley that the House of Carmyne has cultivated. The House has done well for itself and has married into the surrounding families acquiring more land. Within the last 60 years the Carmyne’s began to look further afield to gain alliances with larger houses through marriage. They can trace lines from noble houses such as Velaryon, Targaryen, Blackwood, Tully and most recently Stark, most from marriage to a bastard but others from marriages to legitimate offspring of said house. The Carmyne’s were not in a position to be picky and so were not. However this was not as heavily accounted for, things like legitimacy and bloodlines but for the past 40 years. The Carmyne House has begun to show up and be a force to be reckoned with. [color=DC143C]Recent History:[/color] The current Head of House is Tobias Carmyne and has been the head of the house since his older brother, Bram, passed 5 years ago. His sisters Luci and Quinn still reside with him as they are yet unmarried. Tobias indulges them as well as his wife and children agreeing, like his father and mother, that they should marry for love. Remarkably Lyanna whom they thought was at the end of her child bearing years after Tobias blessed the House with the two girls later in life. The sisters both favor their mother and have had plenty of offers but none that have tempted them as of yet. [color=DC143C]Family Members:[/color] [list] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/42287458-8fd9-47a6-af64-ed663cf86925.jpg][s]Quincy Carmyne[/s][/url]: [sub]Father of Bram, Tobias, Luci & Quinn; dead 12 years now. Deceased at the age of 52, born 138 AC died 190 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3ad46972-d7f4-4b27-82e4-067e1a58a58e.jpg]Lyanna [s]Stark[/s] Carmyne[/url]: [sub]Mother to Bram, Tobias, Luci & Quinn. Still residing in Redfield. Lyanna is 60, born 142 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d7ed7261-e419-4dd2-92bc-4ac489c9410f.jpg][s]Bram Carmyne[/s][/url]: [sub]First son dead 5 years now. Deceased at the age of 35, born 162 AC died 197 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2a48cbde-1cc3-4f21-85f6-4679afa3996d.jpg][s]Mina [s]Lefford[/s] Carmyne[/s][/url]: [sub]Wife of Bram died in childbirth, dead 10 years now. Deceased at the age of 20, born 172 died 192.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8cb9461a-fc10-4a20-b248-18818a5ebb67.jpg]Gwendolyn “Gwennie/Gwen” Carmyne[/url]: [sub]First born of Bram and Mina 18 years of age born 184 AC and Ward of Brandon Stark.(See below)[/sub] [*][s]Jonathen Carmyne[/s]: [sub]Second born child of Bram and Mina. Died at birth with mother 192 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a18899cd-ec46-431e-8c95-3d7a8cd89259.jpg]Tobias Carmyne[/url]: [sub]Second born to Lyanna and Quincy who married before inheriting after his older brother’s death. Tobias is currently 37, born 165 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8fa5e810-cfc2-4652-8e04-61b4432a9528.jpg]Mya [s]Rivers[/s] Carmyne[/url]: [sub]First born of Melissa Blackwood and Aegon IV. Mya is married to Tobias Carmyne and is very much her mother’s daughter. She is 30, born 172 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3d252127-4259-4bc8-b5c3-9021c5aa2542.jpg]Jarren Carmyne[/url]: [sub]First born son of and Twin to Janyce. Jarren is 10 born 192 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e6a249fd-0157-464a-8f22-50d7e48f1fb5.jpg]Janyce Carmyne[/url]: [sub]First born daughter to Mya and Tobias and born minutes after her brother Jarren. Janyce is 10, born 192 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5b616a20-4124-454e-a094-726041e3901e.jpg]Draykon Carmyne[/url]: [sub]Third born, second son of Mya and Tobias. He is 8, born 194 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/22ee4a5c-70d2-4eac-8bd5-71433db9d43a.jpg]Rheygan Carmyne[/url]: [sub]First born second set of twins and second daughter to Mya and Tobias. Rheygan is 5, born 197 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/986e81ee-faef-4be2-9c42-d4182bda290b.jpg]Rhynar Carmyne[/url]: [sub]Second born in a second set of twins, third son of Mya and Tobias. Rhynar is 5, born 197 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/54535bf7-ffee-452b-bc9d-de32d754b9a4.jpg]Luci Carmyne[/url]: [sub] Third born, first born daughter to Lyanna and Quincy. Luci is 22, born 180 AC.[/sub] [*][url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/310acf87-4ddc-47eb-8600-11e9ddbfac5b.jpg]Quinn Carmyne[/url]: [sub]Fourth born, second born daughter to Lyanna and Quincy. Quinn is currently 20, born 182 AC.[/sub][/list] [color=DC143C]Household Members:[/color] [list] [*][url=https://imagebox.cz.osobnosti.cz/foto/walter-sparrow/walter-sparrow.jpg]Maester Golbin[/url]: [sub]A Maester from the Citadel that has been with the House for 25 years.[/sub] [*][url=https://www.notrecinema.com/images/usercontent/kpitalrisk/images/stars/15000/vign/v_1099.jpg]Renault Ford[/url]: [sub]Bowmaster and Game Keeper that has been with the house for 3 years.[/sub] [*][url=https://images.thestar.com/ZWZk5XDGyYjGAXaXd7GMSzQ4yaU=/767x508/smart/http://media.zuza.com/2/b/2b62b00c-f53a-46aa-bbca-8d51a77a324c/ENT_Oct_17_Goad_Gallery.jpg]Felix Yew[/url]: [sub]Man at Arms that has been with the house for 13 years.[/sub] [*][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/reighnthehumanwars/images/a/ab/Sister_Delphine.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20150429033627]Margret Yew[/url]: [sub]Cook who has been with the house for 15 years, married to Felix Yew.[/sub][/list] [/hider] [color=DC143C]Character Sheets:[/color] [hider=Gwendolyn Carmyne] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/8cb9461a-fc10-4a20-b248-18818a5ebb67.jpg[/img][/center] Name: [color=DCD0FF]Lady Gwendolyn Carmyne “Gwen” or “Gwennie”[/color] Age: [color=DCD0FF]18 born 184 AC[/color] House/Affiliation: [color=DCD0FF]House Carmyne of Redfield & House Stark[/color] Description & Biography: [color=DCD0FF]Gwendolyn is tall. She stands as tall as a man on average; an inch or two shy of six feet. Though she is uncommonly tall for a woman she is hourglass shaped. Due to her penchant for archery and swordplay, which her relations have not discouraged, Gwendolyn is muscular in a lean feminine way without detracting from her curves. Her complexion is pale as the snow that falls in the North with none of the freckles that normally cover a redhead. Her eyes are a lavender gray color and her lashes a deep coal black. Her eyes are quite striking and a blend of two of the houses in her lineage. Her hair is waist length, wavy, thick and a coppery red gold. Normally she pulls it into a braid but when she has to dress up she likes to leave it down. Gwendolyn is the first born to Mina and Bram Carmyne. Mina being a Lefford came from the Westerlands and Bram from both the Riverlands and North has given Gwendolyn an interesting heritage. Unfortunately she was not as experienced with her mother's family due to Mina's death early in her childhood. Her father was a loving man and it broke his heart when her mother and brother died. He was distant in the last years and unfortunately passed. Her grandmother Lyanna had always been her rock and when her father passed Lyanna suggested that Gwendolyn be warded to House Stark. Tobias agreed and at the age of eight Gwendolyn was sent Northward to Winterfell. Learning quickly that she had different freedoms and restrictions here Gwendolyn quickly picked up on the lay of the land. In the ten years she has been at Winterfell she has trained and learned along side her Stark cousins Ashe, Griffith and little Beylee. She dances quite splendidly and her singing voice is quite good, however she refuses to sing in public. Too many ribbings from her cousins about tripping over words. To be fair they were teasing and she was young and they meant no harm. Her needle point needs work, she spends her time working on her knife work and archery. Gwendolyn is a charming flirt and knows how to use it to her advantage. She and Beylee have an on again off again war that at one point nearly came to blows because Gwendolyn irritated Beylee about something inconsequential just to see if she could. Brandon stepped in and that was the end of that. They love each other but rub each other the wrong way at times. If there was an example of hero worship it would be Gwendolyn's relationship with Ashe and Griffith, who comes in a very close second. She arrived at Winterfell a cousin but she is more of a little sister who wants to copy an older brother. While she can handle a sword she prefers knives. She has practiced flirting with her cousins friends finding it hysterical whenever Ashe and Griffith would get protective of her. The boys friends soon wised up and Gwendolyn has become dangerously bored… until they were told that they would be traveling to a tournament. [/color] [/hider]