Sorry for the late response y'all, had to do rush out a couple things for work. I'll get to my post soon, but if anyone wants to talk more about relationships/impressions just drop me a line. [quote=@Prisk]DANTE—[@Laertes] I'm thinking that Dante would've received the full premium package of snarky-ass remarks and mean comments from Natalie's buddies. I'd say that Nat herself would've been either indifferent about it or given Dante a 'pass' every now and then. I have a question, though: how well known would that transition have been at Ritman, if at all? I think Natalie would lean more towards not doing anything against Dante if she knew about it.[/quote] I kinda figured that Dante would've only started really moving towards his gender affirmation stuff after graduating from Ritman, but anyone who knew him in middle school and earlier would probably have noticed a change with how he presented himself. So I’d imagine that because of that there would've been rumours flying around either way about his sexuality and gender. I do think they'd have an interesting dynamic though if Nat's buddies did do all that to him. Like Dante would probably still have some sort of lingering resentment towards her, even if she was always the least actively malicious out of her group. [quote=@Gisk][@Laertes] Dante: Is there any chance he was in Billy's high school band?[/quote] Fun. I'm all for that. What genre was Billy's high school band? Dante's thing was more old-school punk - Dead Kennedys, Fugazi, etc., but I feel like for this anything goes since it was more something he did for fun. And they can be smoking buddies too. Dante's a techbro though so he vapes instead :^)